神父在小學辦告解儀式 投影片竟錯放裸男照
2012年04月05日01:01(appledaily) 北愛爾蘭神父麥克維(Martin McVeigh)日前在一間小學使用USB隨身碟播放幻燈片,主持告解儀式時,螢幕竟然播出了16張男人裸照,結果全場譁然。 上周一(26日)參加告解儀式的有小學生和家長,螢幕播出裸照後,他慌忙地要拔掉隨身碟,滿臉尷尬,之後更一言不發,全身顫抖衝出房間,20分鐘後才回來,繼續主持告解,還不忘叮嚀學生記得要奉獻教會。 麥克維神父錯播裸男照片,現在除了自己得要向神告解外,還得向警方和天主教會解釋,但他堅稱不知USB隨身碟內有存放男人裸照。 | |||||
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睇裸照鹹相, 又點會滿足於細畫面? 梗係有咁大放到咁大過種. 所以.....應當是16幅, 幅幅高清, 以扯旗山為題材. | |||||
quote:“有一點不明白的是,16張男人裸照是如何展示出來的?” powerpoint 放出嚟时D教友以为神父逐一介绍紧12门徒。。。 | |||||
Priest’s PC Autoplays Gay Porn Slideshow to Congregation Father Martin McVeigh was giving a talk to 26 parents and one 8-year-old kid when computer disaster struck. He connected his USB drive into a PC to start his Powerpoint presentation and, instead of the word of God, a hardcore gay porn slideshow started—thanks to Windows' autoplay. Some parents—who were there to hear McVeigh talk about First Communion—were angry. Others were in shock. Just like McVeigh. He was so embarrassed that, according to witnesses, unplugged the USB drive and walked out of the room without uttering a single word. Later he declared to the press:
Well, Father, I think there's little space for innuendo after showing gay porn in church. McVeigh, however, claims there is an explanation for all this. The Archdiocese of Armagh, where the parish belongs, called the police and gave them the USB stick for inspection. The police told them there was no crime in gay porn and the drive didn't contain any pedophilia. It was just normal gay porn. Full size According to The Ulster Herald, "an emergency meeting was held in the parish last night." You know, because gay priests are such a rare event that emergency meetings need to be held with the utmost urgency, so everyone can slam someone who mistakenly made his sexual preferences public. Embarrassment is not enough! To the fire with him. Father McVeigh. Source: BBC [Ulster Herald via Irish Central, Joe.ie] How to avoid these embarrassing situationsThis is a good reminder for anyone who has porn in their computers or USB drives and is giving presentations: people, turn off the autoplay feature in your Windows computer. Just go to your Start button, click on Control Panel, click on Hardware and Sound, and then click on AutoPlay. There you will be able to turn it on or off for each media type. Full size You should do the same with the address autocomplete feature in your browser—which will populate your address bar with your latest YouPorn antics if you forgot to use anonymous browsing. Since you you are it, turn off the most visited sites front page in your web browser too. The locations of these preferences will change depending on your preferred browser, but they should be easy to find. And never, ever leave your screensaver pointed to a folder which may contain porn, as the screensaver may fire up during your presentation. One last thing: if you have OS X Lion, remember its new application document handling: when you open an app, OS X will automatically open whatever documents were opened the last time it was running. Like a reader pointed out, this may lead to some embarrassing situations. Always close any potentially embarrassing documents before closing the app itself. Image by Somosnobles/Creative Commons | |||||
Bingo 啦!其实神父可以番出嚟向教友道歉,话之前之USB系“阿抽”教友帮他准备的,转頭再帮“阿抽”做告诫咯!叫教友帮“阿抽”代祷。。。阿门! | |||||
無錯!最好既方法就係屈個人幫佢食死貓! | |||||
不過會否小朋友反而沒有太特別的感覺?! 電視或報章雜誌上的裸男裸女可是更多呢~ | |||||
不是吧?你家在何處?電視尺度竟是如此寬鬆的麼? 互聯網才真是有很多才對。 |