攻殼機動隊ghost in the shell 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6fg4GVqpAk Waltz With Bashir 黎巴嫩長槍黨屠殺巴勒斯坦人 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMiPm0tpv2Q&NR=1 | |||||
今次竟然由巴特擔大旗做主角。缺了跟草薙少校這條感情條,今集不會太 dry 嗎? | |||||
巴特大人在危激之中對少校實在太煽情了,畢竟少校是無所不知精神體呀。。。。。。。 有人類能把的到她嗎?見鬼了。。。。。。 | |||||
Waltz with Bashir, 1st Animated Documentary will be a shoe in for an Oscar Nod. - Trailer in iHD™ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLkwfsFzrJw&feature=fvw Walt with Bashir - Best Moments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjsSJcf32p4&feature=related | |||||
可惜啊~攻殼車沒了~難過 話說,他的op做的很棒唷~我朋友有收他的動漫全部,等等再跟他借來複習一次 ~溫故知新啊 1# dior13dior13 | |||||
Ghost In The Shell 2 - Innocence / The Parade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fytKkd_4LBw Ghost in the Shell Music Scenes (Hong Kong & Festival) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVfAus3OEww&feature=related | |||||
【攻殼機動隊】【傀儡謠】陽炎は黃泉に待たむと [中文字幕] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmgYy9SLaV4&feature=related Ghost in the Shell 2 - FOLLOW ME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZQZQz63DHk |