2007/12/23 07:56 


承認一項刑事損壞罪,裁判官強調「每個人都可以有自己的信仰」,並相信被告亦未能向僱主作出賠償,遂判以14 天短期監禁。

被告菲律賓 籍家庭傭工Cynthia Gumabay Allayban受聘於僱主陳小珠,控罪指出,她本月13日破壞僱主的財產,即共值6300元的觀音像和佛像。被告早前原被控合共兩項刑事損壞罪及刑事恐嚇罪,惟控方昨只檢控刑事損壞罪。


認刑毀罪 官斥不尊重他人信仰


評論: 觀世音菩薩的確是「非真神」, 因佛是無神論的.

觀世音菩薩是否迷信, 請看以下之Yahoo 知識



2007/12/23 14:56 
>>>> 辯方強調,
>>>> 被告事後已感到相當後悔。

really ??

when she did it, she didnt know she must b prosecuted ??

when she did it, she didnt know this must b sooner or later discoverred ??

後悔 ??
後悔 for that she not escape away from hk right after she have broken 'the guan-yin ??

every1 knows that ,
when u say u regretsful[後悔] b4 the sentencing ,
then u may get better treatment

note : :::::
i'm not2deny that she really regretting 4 what she's done ,
but ,
i must also point out that there's also possibilities that
she may b
100.000% regretsful[後悔]
100.000% by her mouth ,

note : :::::
i'm not against this My Fair Lady ,
indeep , i have the deepest respects 4 every lady ,
i'm just against only this kind o' unbehaved behaviours

sorry again 4 cant type in Chinese , shame on me , the dragon
2007/12/23 17:25 
2007/12/23 18:06 
Yes.  Another example of Christians' intolerance...
For "裁判官直言,不明白被告身為一個基督徒,為何會損害他人財物", i think the maid's reason is very obvious.

By the way, Why can't the judge require the maid to compensate for the money loss for the statues? The money compensation should at least include the 6xxx money value, and the extra cost of the "開光". Although her wage is not so high, but she DO HAVE WAGE. Why don't just require her to pay for the cost (both $$ and time cost to get the statues) by installment? By allowing her not to compensate, it does make a dangerous case by motivating more people to destroy others properties (by the law of demand, when the price of destroying is lower, there will be more cases of destroying other's properties). In addition, i feel pity for the host who have hired this maid since they have to bear the whole financial cost of this bad maid... . People should be careful when they hire maid...
2007/12/24 03:59 
>>>> 破壞僱主的財產,
>>>> 即共值6300元的觀音像和佛像。
any1 who want2throw away this kind of `````rubbish"""" ,
please call me right away ,
ye can private-message me via this very
`````allmighty-God's-damned""" forum

i'm so proud of myself to be 'the
`````garbage"""" house
in Christian eyes ,

cheers peace ThANKye , pendragon