教徒活動預告:Noah Win
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日 期:10月31日(星期五) 時 間:晚上7時至9時30分 起步地點:旺角行人專用區 巡遊路線:旺角 → 尖沙咀 節目內容:挪亞方舟歌舞表演、得意動物化妝及200人大巡遊 服 飾:穿著白色衣服、佩戴方舟動物面具(由影音使團派發)及創意美感的裝扮 http://www.media.org.hk/main/asp/corporate_web_20081023.asp | |||||||
但大洪水滅世不比Halloween可怕?? | |||||||
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一般無宗教成份的民眾娛樂嘉年華節日<<<<人們只是在這天大玩變裝。關宗教鬼事。 halloween是外國小孩子很開心的一天呢~~可以名正言順地向大人們拿糖果,又可以大玩特玩。 我建議對影音使團進行一次主動的輿論攻勢。影音使團已經完全越界,已經到了不可以容忍的地步。再容忍的話連自己家裡搞派對也要被人罵。 [ 本帖最後由 HTBROKE1 於 2008-10-25 10:19 編輯 ] | |||||||
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一D裝飾會唔會搞到兒童喊呀....... 「看到商場的佈置是即時受驚,有很多不良的感受,覺得與死亡很近。而當大眾經常接觸到死亡意識,就像青蛙於溫水中的現象一樣,令人不自覺步向死亡,為城市帶來咒詛。近期,人生熱線接收自殺求助數字就有上升現象」 既然嚇到你- - 又如何美化..... 每個人都係步向死亡架啦- - | |||||||
原帖由 HTBROKE1 於 2008-10-25 10:18 發表 再容忍的話連自己家裡搞派對也要被人罵 already 連 家裡搞派對也要被人罵 + always 連 家裡搞派對也要被人罵 | |||||||
原帖由 HTBROKE1 於 2008-10-25 10:18 發表 我建議對影音使團進行一次主動的輿論攻勢 suggestion ?? THANKs !!! | |||||||
原帖由 kkkk_kkkk 於 2008-10-25 11:05 發表 看到商場的佈置是即時受驚 o yes , very really , 看到商場的佈置是即時受驚 看到商場的佈置 , 基教 是即時受驚 因為, 基教 會 被阻著 [ _干 ] 擴建 發大達 .,;==^) [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-10-26 00:17 編輯 ] | |||||||
首先把這新聞po到鄰論壇,也就是高登論壇~~ 他們一定很有興趣~之後的事.... | |||||||
's that hkgolden.com ?? ThANKs | |||||||
sorry , i have just tried to join hkgolden again , but , flopped again , | | v v http://www.hkgolden.com/members/join_message.asp Email ID is invalid. We accept valid ISP email for registration only. If you think your email_id should be accepted, you can send your request to webmaster@hkgolden.com. so , please post it for us thither////there-to/////高登論壇 ThANK ye by the way , ......... | |||||||
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原帖由 HTBROKE1 於 2008-10-25 10:18 發表 done ThANKs !!! http://forum5.hkgolden.com/view.aspx?message=1424245 | |||||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-10-24 23:12 發表 today , this moment , http://www.msn.com/ ````````` A-list Searches Europe's last witch AnnaGöldi was executed 200 years ago for bewitching her boss's daughter.But she's haunted Switzerland's conscience ever since. Was this Swissmiss really a she-devil? """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" | | v v http://find.msn.com/search.aspx?q=Anna+Goldi&c=1028+Anna+Goldi&form=MSNIIT ````````` Anna Göldi: Swiss miss or she-devil?Not guilty. Swiss lawmakers recently exonerated Anna Göldi-- Europe's purported "last witch" -- more than 225 years after she was executed for allegedly causing the daughter of her employer, JakobTschodi, to spit needles and convulse. The real story: Göldi and Tschodi -- a married politician -- were having an affair that Göldi threatened to make public. Tschodi, fearing the disclosure, had her investigated for witchcraft. After enduring repeated torture bylocal authorities, she confessed to witchcraft and was beheaded. When Göldi met her end in 1782, witch-hunting -- a practice that took thousands of women's lives between the 15th and 17th centuries -- had become rare in Europe.
Search Results for Anna Goldi - Page 1 of 16900 results
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_G%C3%B6ldi ````````` Anna Göldi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Anna Göldi (also Anna Göldin, ca. 1740–1782) is known as the "last witch" in Switzerland. She was executed for murder in June 1782 in Glarus. A native of Sennwald,Anna Göldi arrived in Glarus in 1765. For seventeen years, she worked as a maid servant for Johann Jakob Tschudi, a physician. Tschudi reported her for having put needles in the bread and milk of one of hisdaughters, apparently through supernatural means. Göldi at first avoided arrest and the authorities of the Canton of Glarus advertised a reward for her capture in the Zürcher Zeitung on 9 February 1782. Göldi was arrested and under tortureadmitted to being in a pact with the Devil, [[[[[[[[[ 迫 打 成 供 ]]]]]]]]] which had appeared to her as a black dog. She withdrew her confession after the torture ended, [[[[[[[[[ 事 後 她 否 認 ]]]]]]]]] but was sentenced on June 18, 1782to execution by decapitation. [[[[[[[[[ 但 , 仍 被 斬首 ]]]]]]]]] The charges were officially of"poisoning" rather than withcraft, even though the law at the time did not impose the death penalty for non-lethal poisoning.[1] [[[[[[[[[ 即使 法律上 她 有權 無需 被判 死刑 ]]]]]]]]] During her trial, official allegations of witchcraft were avoided,and the court protocols were destroyed. The sentence does therefore not strictly qualify as that of a witch trial. Still, because of the apparent witchhunt that led to the sentence, the execution sparked outrage throughout Switzerland and the Holy Roman Empire. [edit] Exoneration On 20th September 2007, the Swiss parliament decided to acknowledge Anna Göldi's case as a miscarriage of justice. Fritz Schiesser, as representative for Glarus in the Swiss parliament, called for AnnaGöldi's exoneration which was granted on 28th August 2008 on the grounds that she had been subjected to an "illegal trial".[1] A museum is open in Glarus dedicated to her.[2] [edit] See also [edit] References
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_G%C3%B6ldi" Categories: Alleged witches | Executed Swiss women | [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""""""""""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""""""""""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" 基教,殘殺 女性 的 宗教 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch-hunt http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%8D%B5%E5%B7%AB """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""""""""""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""""""""""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch-hunt#Early_Modern_Europe ````````` Burning of three witches in Baden, Switzerland (1585), by Johann Jakob Wick. """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""""""""""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""""""""""""" """"""""" """"""""" """"""""" | | v v ````````` Image:Wickiana5.jpg From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Size of this preview: 636 × 600 pixels Full resolution (650 × 613 pixels, file size: 102 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-10-26 21:37 編輯 ] | |||||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-10-24 23:12 發表 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%8D%B5%E5%B7%AB ````````` 獵巫 维基百科,自由的百科全书 跳转到: 导航, 搜索 獵巫是原指搜補女巫或施行巫術的證據將被指控的人帶上宗教審判法庭。今日此類事件被視為一種道德恐慌。 昔日歐洲只有貴族和修士才有機會接受教育,因此這批女性知識分子在其他人的眼中是不可思議的,勢力龐大的基督霸權主義者更因為女巫不信奉基督而抹黑她們是撒但信徒。其實初時男巫和女巫被指控的人數一樣多,直到了1485年兩位德國修士著作的獵巫手冊《女巫之槌》(Malleus Maleficarum)面世後,令整個歐洲社會把獵巫的矛頭指向女性。 書中宣稱「巫術是來自肉體的色慾,這在女人身上是永難滿足的,魔鬼知道女人喜愛肉體樂趣,於是以性的愉悅誘使她們效忠」。所以在不少有關女巫指控的法庭文獻當中,都有跟魔鬼性交的罪名。被判死刑的女巫,財產會被沒收,令政界和司法界對獵巫運動更加積極。在迫害的巔峰期,很多不懂巫術的女人也遭人誣告罪成而被活活燒死。 獵巫在現代仍有發生多發於無知或未教育的人,與世隔離,過著傳統生活型態的人可能會指控某人為女巫。但今日此詞多用於搜索誤導或潛在的敵人(如色情業者、次文化族群),就如歷史上的獵巫一般以歇斯底里、成見和不公正對待被指控的人。 [编辑] 外部鏈結 来自“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%8D%B5%E5%B7%AB” 分类: 獵巫運動 """"""""" 基教常常自認 代表 公 [ 儀 - 人 ] o k , very really , `````代"""" : ::::: 是 春 代////袋 的 代////袋 , `````表"""" : ::::: 是 表面 的 表, ````` [ 儀 - 人 ] """" : ::::: 是 [ 儀 - 人 ] 莊 的 [ 儀 - 人 ], [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-10-26 17:28 編輯 ] | |||||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-10-24 23:12 發表 基教,有一個 大社團 : ::::: ````````` 正 [ 儀 - 人 ] 和 平 委 員 會 """"""""" 真是 一點兒 也 沒有 知醜 害羞 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-10-26 17:38 編輯 ] | |||||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-10-24 23:12 發表 http://find.msn.com/search.aspx?q=Anna+Goldi&c=1028+Anna+Goldi&form=MSNIIT ````````` Anna Göldi: Swiss miss or she-devil?Not guilty. Swiss lawmakers recently exonerated Anna Göldi-- """"""""" ^ ^ | | 她,可能非太美, 但 任何人,知到 自己 即將 被殺死,有 可能 要被 活活 燒死, [ /x ] 如何 能夠 變美 ?? | |||||||
又來把一個人人玩得高興的節日妖魔化 其實目的是想所有人都乖乖坐到教會裡面與他們一起發神經而已 | |||||||
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