長途巴士-斬首案-疑兇 .... 脫刑責
http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/090306/3/b0oq.html 加國長余巴士斬首案疑兇脫刑責 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/090306/3/b0xx.html 加斬頭吃人肉華漢判入精神病院 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/090306/4/b0w6.html 加拿大斬首疑犯獲免刑責 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/090305/8/b0o8.html 加國華人巴士上殺人斷頭 因精神病獲判無罪 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | |||||
這件事誰也不想發生的... 只能說受害人受了無妄之災了 不過讓他成功脫身的不是法庭 正確來說應該是法律吧? 斯柯菲爾德指李偉光犯案時,並不知道自己的行為在道德上是錯誤的,他認為 他是在執行上帝的意旨,進行自衛。 証明這次上帝的旨意是不合道德的 又或是精神病人才會聽到上帝旨意 | |||||
有沒有興趣將這新聞forward到這裏﹕http://newsofreligion.blogspot.com/ | |||||
http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/Articl ... 0304?hub=TopStories The trial wrapped up Wednesday after a psychiatrist took the stand and testified for the defence, saying Li, 40, heard the voice of God telling him to kill McLean or risk being killed himself. Dr. Jonathan Rootenberg said Li was psychotic and was in no state to tell the difference between right and wrong. "The attack was sudden and came as Li caught a glimpse of the sunlight and heard God's voice telling him that McLean was a threat," Rootenberg testified. "The voice said, `Do it now ... If you don't, he's going to kill you." ("擊殺來得很突然。李看到一瞥陽光,聽到上帝的聲音說 McLean 是一個威脅。那聲音說:立刻動手 ... 否則他便會把你殺掉。") Rootenberg said Li was psychotic and unable to know that killing, beheading and dismembering McLean was wrong. "It wasn't his hands doing that," he said. "It was God's hands and God doing that through him." ("並不是他的手去殺人的。是上帝的手,上帝通過他而做的。") One day earlier, a psychiatrist who testified on behalf of the Crown said essentially the same thing. "Both said Li is schizophrenic, he was suffering from auditory hallucinations at the time of the murder, and he is mentally ill and needs to be treated and should not be sent to prison," Macyshon told CTV Newsnet. | |||||
心理學專家的證供。 first ThANKs for your prompt response 请问, 你的 [[反对////反抗]]-基教-蚕食-进['3_白]-的-组织,接不接受 捐 $ ?? ?? ThANKs again postscript :: :: should it not convene thee to expose it , then , please pm me , | |||||
1# prussianz ````````` 李偉光於2001年由中國移民到加拿大,他在中國內陸讀過大學,但到達加拿大後只可以派報紙及在快餐店工作。他在2004年開始出現異常, 經常 向 妻子 哭訴 見到上帝, 並 且 感覺到有人與他說話。 他於去年7月一輛灰狗巴士上,用刀刺死鄰座乘客麥克萊恩, 又將死者的頭割下, 並且 吞食死者的肉及內臟""""""""" ^ ^ | | 不 怪 得 这个基督徒 会 吞食死者的肉及內臟 了 , 原来 , 他 只不过是 做足 ``圣'' 经 的 好教导 , 原来 , 他 是 真正的 基督徒 , | | | v v ````````` (民数记Numbers 14:9) 但你們不可背叛耶和華,也不要怕那地的居民; 因為 ________________________他們是我們的食物________________________, 並且蔭庇他們的已經離開他們。有耶和華與我們同在,不要怕他們! """"""""" | |||||
不是食物吧 冏 而且那是以色列那段時期 只有那時候而已 不同於李的行為 兩件事無關 | |||||
真係係時候要好好了解一下精神分裂者(基督徒)喇, 哈哈~~~~~~~~ | |||||
不反抗的沒事, 這樣反抗的呢?? | |||||
耶教聖餐都話食移鼠嘅身體,飲佢嘅血,以此方法紀念佢。呢位仁兄跟到足食飽先去坐監,出於愛主也! | |||||
遊客 140.130.208.x, 好高興又見到老哥/姊! 和合本 Num 14:9 但你們不可背叛耶和華、也不要怕那地的居民、因為他們是我們的食物、並且蔭庇他們的已經離開他們、有耶和華與我們同在、不要怕他們。 KJV Num:14:9: Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not. NASB Num:14:9: Only do not rebel against the LORD; and do not fear the people of the land, for they will be our prey. Their protection has been removed from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them. 1. 啱啱先知道老哥/姊鍾意自已譯耶經,並識得淡化其meaning。 2. 段經文係話摩西向以色列人講出耶神嘅心意,即係話耶神係要佢哋咁做。咩以前先係咁?你個永恆不變嘅耶神 authorize 架大佬! | |||||
原来 :: 你 都系 ``圣"" 经 超级高手,失敬,失敬,以后多多合作 ThANKs | |||||
好高興又見到老哥/姊! ````````` 2. 段 經文係話摩西向以色列人講出耶神嘅心意, 即 係 話 耶神係要佢哋咁做。咩以前先係咁?你個 永恆不變 嘅 耶神 authorize 架大佬! """"""""" 好!!! 好有用!!! 好 用得着!!! 多d来呢一度指教后学, | |||||
prussianz 兄本人的耶經知識呃下人還可以,當我係專家第一個笑死自已先。 另外勿用後學後輩等名詞,彼此學吓嘢啫,唔好嚇親小弟以後唔敢上嚟! | |||||
鼠肉腥臭,吃了作嘔。 |