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看完她的報導,我深信基督教是令人有精神病的根源。而且那個信仰窮人沒有資格信,我唔全職家庭主婦那段日子,教會都沒有找我了。 當我富有的一天,我會回國內的鄉郊辦學,都唔會將錢比教會,將錢用在傳導人「租昂貴豪宅」的奢侈事方面。 回來香港已兩年多,看到不少教會騙財騙色的事例及教徒的虛偽行為,如果天堂只會容納這些信徒,那我寧願落地獄 被火燒了。 無悔離教的人上 | |||||||
原帖由 tka_lai 於 2008-12-12 10:16 發表 究竟基教與黑社會有什麼相似之處? | |||||||
原帖由 tka_lai 於 2008-12-12 10:16 發表 當我富有的一天 , 我會回國內的鄉郊辦學 ThANKs !!! 只要 有 這 心, 只要 這 好心,
感謝 感+謝 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-12-12 12:07 編輯 ] | |||||||
原帖由 tka_lai 於 2008-12-12 10:16 發表 教會,將錢用在傳導人「租昂貴豪宅」的奢侈事方面 [o下] !!!??? [o五o] 系 [o甘] 離 [言普] 馬 ??!!! [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-12-12 12:10 編輯 ] | |||||||
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那....基督教跟黑社會有什麼關係呢? | |||||||
proposal : : : : e.g. 黑社會 令到 你 實質 吸毒 上癮 基督教 令到 你 猶如 吸毒 上癮 e.t.c. [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-12-13 01:35 編輯 ] | |||||||
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e.g. : :::::: : : 黑社會 暗中 非法 活動 基督教 暗中 非法 傳教 , 至少在國內
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的確有此事。 | |||||||
forgive , forget forgive , forget forgive for get .,;==^) | |||||||
只是討論罷了。不明白就要問清楚..... | |||||||
原帖由 tka_lai 於 2008-12-12 10:16 發表 朱門酒肉臭, 基教,不是 常常 非常 大大 聲聲 開口埋口 都說 : : `````要救世界"""" maa ?? ?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Ethiopia Ethiopia is the second-oldest Christian state in the world, after Armenia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopia
Health ````````` ````````` ````````` ````````` ````````` ````````` ReligionMain article: Religion in Ethiopia
This leather painting depicts Ethiopian Orthodox priests playing sistra and a drum. Mosque in Harar A traditional Ethiopian depiction of Jesus and Mary. According to the most recent 1994 National Census, Christians makeup 61.6% of the country's population (51% Ethiopean Orthodox, 10.6%other denominations), Muslims 32.8%, and practitioners of traditionalfaiths 5.6%.[132] This agrees with the updated CIA World Factbook, Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in Ethiopia.[1]Orthodox Christianity has a long history in Ethiopia dating back to thefirst century, and a dominant presence in central and northernEthiopia. Both Orthodox & Protestant Christianity has largerepresentations in the South and Western Ethiopia. A small ancientgroup of Jews, the Beta Israel, live in northwestern Ethiopia, though most have emigrated to Israel in the last decades of the twentieth century as part of the rescue missions undertaken by the Israeli government, Operation Moses and Operation Solomon.[137] Some Israeli and Jewish scholars consider these Ethiopian Jews as a historical "Lost Tribe of Israel".Sometimes Christianity in Africa is thought of as a European importthat arrived with colonialism, but this is not the case with Ethiopia.The Kingdom of Aksum was one of the first nations to officially adopt Christianity, when St. Frumentius of Tyre, called Fremnatos or Abba Selama ("Father of Peace") in Ethiopia, converted King Ezana during the fourth century AD. Many believe that the Gospel had entered Ethiopia even earlier, with the royal official described as being baptised by Philip the Evangelist in chapter eight of the Acts of the Apostles. (Acts 8:26-39) Today, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, part of Oriental Orthodoxy, is by far the largest denomination, though a number of Protestant (Pentay) churches and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tehadeso Church have recently gained ground. Since the eighteenth century there has existed a relatively small (uniate) Ethiopian Catholic Church in full communion with Rome, with adherents making up less than 1% of the total population.[132] The name "Ethiopia" (Hebrew Kush) is mentioned in the Bible numerous times (thirty-seven [[[[[[[[[ 37 ]]]]]]]]] times in the King James version). Abyssinia is also mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith. While many Ethiopians claim that the Bible references of Kush apply to their own ancient civilization, pointing out that the Gihon river, a name for the Nile, is said to flow through the land, most non-Ethiopian scholars believe that the use of the term referred to the Kingdom of Kush in particular or Africa outside of Egypt in general. Some have argued[citation needed] that biblical Kush was a large part of land that included Northern Ethiopia, Eritrea and most of present day Sudan. The capital cities of biblical Kush were in Northern Sudan. ///////// [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-12-13 02:18 編輯 ] | |||||||
引用: sorry , i have forgotten to express my gratitude for youyr confirmation , sorry ThANK ye :跪拜::跪拜: | |||||||
教會信徒按所謂的聖經教導行事,罪過才能被基督寶血洗淨 ps:我不反對教導中符合良善的部分,不說謊、不偷盜等等 是只不喜歡教徒以真理自居自大排他的態度 非要把所有的好事都算到子虛烏有的上帝頭上 把所有的壞事都歸結爲人的自由意志 以此否定人性和良知 [ 本帖最後由 汤米 於 2008-12-14 17:59 編輯 ] | |||||||
原帖由 汤米 於 2008-12-14 17:56 發表 so do i////me , 我 也是 如此, .,;==^) | |||||||
原帖由 汤米 於 2008-12-14 17:56 發表 + 死了 至親的人 , 還要 感恩 http://amp.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=2907&page=1#pid35045 遺孀黯然:現在我好感恩 | |||||||
以上是台灣靈糧堂的網頁 網頁還有更多禱告言論 恐怕會讓部份非基督徒看了很無言 有部份言論恐怕都是用偏見去寫的?! 要不是東方非基督徒包容性比較大~否則這些言論恐怕會遭到部份人士的強力抗議的~但現實就沒什人抗議~因為很多人根本懶得理會~~~ 我就想問上帝 為何你的某些信徒 一直用偏見看待非基督徒ㄋ? 這是上帝講的"愛"嗎??? 某一些基督徒可能也沒資格用偏見亂羞辱其它宗教或非基督教信仰~ 因為眾多基督徒中有某一些教徒愛罵同性戀是撒旦誘惑~愛視搖滾樂重金屬為魔鬼~愛用偏見羞辱不同信仰~非常相信沒根據的上帝整天講神....有太多迷信了 道教一年只有一個月是鬼月~但基督教ㄋ?是不是天天都是鬼月?! [ 本帖最後由 xcv123121 於 2008-12-18 03:46 編輯 ] | |||||||
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