Belfast天主教神父泰德(Ted O'Shaughnessy)表示:他也投佛教一票,他雖崇愛天主教,
穆斯林的神職人員塔爾阿斌·魏塞德(Tal Wassad)說:「雖然我是虔誠的穆斯林,但看到很多
另猶太教拉比羅賓·山謬·華聖斯坦(Rabbi Shmuel Wasserstein)說:「我愛猶太教,這是世界上
緬甸翰達比丘(Bhante Ghurata Hanta)表示:「我們感謝佛教被肯定,但此獎是屬於全人類,
直到找到一個佛教團體願意接受它。當找到時,一定會告訴大家。 |
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/5/8 06:18 編輯
互聯網是很好的工具. 也可以是很垃圾的工具.
今日的人兄人姐再不會查核網上獲得的資訊是否屬實便左轉貼, 右轉貼
文中的 ICARUS 是甚麼組織?
咁國際性的組織呀, 但怎會連一個官方網站都無的?
我耳揹, 我未聽過有這個宗教組織.
天主教, 基督教(各教會分派), 回教各派別, 佛宗各派別的代表是誰?)
評選只有結果, 而無評選方法和標準公佈的......是甚麼的選舉?
文中的緬甸翰達比丘(Bhante Ghurata Hanta)
跟本無此人, 姓名也不是地道的緬甸人姓氐.
點解咁大件事, 各地報章都無導過先?
Belfast天主教神父泰德(Ted O'Shaughnessy)表示:他也投佛教一票
一個地區的神父, 何德何能可以代表梵帝崗, 代表全球11億天主教徒投下這代表全球天主教徒的一票!??
一個比發現方舟遺址更(禮, 義, 廉..)的謬論.
不過....最慘, 可悲的還是一批不問就信, 還幫手左推右轉載, 轉貼, 代貼的盲從!
(這篇文給人復製到通網都有了! 用來反基)
我係基基, 不過你唔好以為我就係反智, 唔好以為好易就呃到我!
見閣下這馬虎, 不求實的態度
你在其它帖講既野, 仲有幾多成是可信的?? |
Buddhism Wins Best Religion in the World Award
Wednesday July 15, 2009 Linda Moulin |15.07.2009 | 16:55 Tribune de Geneve In advance of their annual Leading Figureaward to a religious figure who has done the most to advance the cause of humanism and peace, the Geneva-based International Coalition for the Advancement of Religious and Spirituality (ICARUS) has chosen to bestow aspecial award this year on the Buddhist Community. “We typically prefer an under-the-radar approach for the organization, as we try to embody the spirit of modesty found in the greatest traditions,” said ICARUS director Hans Groehlichen in a phone conference Monday. “But with organized religion increasingly used as a tool to separate and inflame rather than bring together, we felt we had to take the unusual stepof creating a “Best Religion in the World” award and making a bit of a stir, toinspire other religious leaders to see what is possible when you practice compassion. “Groehlichen said the award was voted on by an international round table of more than 200 religious leaders from every part of the spiritual spectrum.
”It was interesting to note that once we supplied the criteria, many religious leaders voted for Buddhism rather than their own religion,” said Groehlichen.”Buddhists actually make up atiny minority of our membership, so it was fascinating but quite exciting that they won.” Criteria included factors such as promotingpersonal and community peace, increasing compassion and a sense of connection,and encouraging preservation of the natural environment. Groehlichen continued“The biggest factor for us is that ICARUS was founded by spiritual and religious people to bring the concepts of non-violence to prominence insociety.
One of the key questions in ourvoting process was which religion actually practices non-violence.”When presenting the information to the voting members, ICARUS researched each of the 38 religions on the ballot extensively, offering background, philosophy, andthe religions role in government and warfare. Jonna Hult, Director of Research for ICARUS said “It wasn’t a surprise to me that Buddhism won Best Religion in the World, because we could find literally not one single instance of a war fought in thename of Buddhism, in contrast to every other religion that seems to keep a gunin the closet just in case God makes a mistake.
We were hard pressed to even find a Buddhist that had ever been in anarmy. These people practice what they preach to an extent we simply could notdocument with any other spiritual tradition.”At least one Catholic priest spokeout on behalf of Buddhism.
Father Ted O’Shaughnessy said from Belfast, “As much as I love the Catholic Church, it hasalways bothered me to no end that we preach love in our scripture yet then claim to know God’s will when it comes to killing other humans. For that reason, I did have to cast my vote for the Buddhists.” And Muslim Cleric Tal Bin Wassad agreed from Pakistanvia his translator. “While I am a devout Muslim, I can see how much anger and bloodshed is channeled into religious expression rather than dealt with on apersonal level. The Buddhists have that figured out.” Bin Wassad, the ICARUS voting member for Pakistan’s Muslim community continued, “In fact, some of my best friends are Buddhist.” And Rabbi Shmuel Wasserstein said from Jerusalem, “Of course, Ilove Judaism, and I think it’s the greatest religion in the world. But to behonest, I’ve been practicing Vipassana meditation every day before minyan(daily Jewish prayer) since 1993.
So Iget it.” Groehlichen said that the plan was for theaward to Buddhism for “Best Religion in the World” to be given to leaders fromthe various lineages in the Buddhist community. However, there was one snag.“Basically we can’t find anyone to give it to,” said Groehlichen in a follow up call late Tuesday. “All the Buddhists we call keep saying they don’t want the award.” Groehlichen explained the strange behavior, saying “Basically they are all saying they are a philosophical tradition, not areligion. But that doesn’t change the fact that with this award we acknowledge their philosophy of personal responsibility and personal transformation to be the best in the world and the most important for the challenges facing every individual and all living beings in the coming centuries. “When asked why the Burmese Buddhist community refused the award, Buddhist monk Bhante Ghurata Hanta said from Burma, “We are grateful for the acknowledgement, but we give this award to all humanity, for Buddha nature lies within each of us.”
Groehlichen went onto say “We’re going to keep calling around until we find a Buddhist who will accept it. We’ll let you know when we do.” http://jonathanfoust.wordpress.com/2009/08/02/buddhism-wins-best-religion-in-the-world-award/
淚兒 發表於 2010/5/7 09:01
But why not 改為「最多教徒被雞姦獎」,再行投票呢?梵帝岡絕不會不接受獎項呀!這就更有意義啦! |
寶物當垃圾, 執到件垃圾當寶, 仲話四圍同人分享 |
我真係好唔明白, 點解有咁多人, 讀完耶經, 唔用腦思考過濾就照單全收其內容.
到理屈辭窮時, 反指對方"不合邏輯", 而忽略耶經本身其實就最無邏輯,
又笑人不問就信, 簡直係 [一百步笑五十步] ---程度甚於 [五十步笑一百步]! |
我以為你能就佛教被選為最好的宗教一文作點回應, 反駁添
(真失望) |
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/5/8 10:05 編輯
到理屈辭窮時, 反指對方"不合邏輯"
方方土 發表於 2010/5/8 09:47
我指出這篇文本就是一項哄騙, 無樣真
我係咁依都指出了七點不合理的地方, 好似.........
我實在不需要回你 |
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/5/8 10:18 編輯
BEEBEECHAN 1、3、7理論合理
BEEBEECHAN POST 4中突顯了一些宗教之小器,「互相投票」之說突顯故事的不合理
此外,佛教、道教和基督新教也不奉行天主教式的中央集權制,當初是如何找這些教的代表? |
回復 2# beebeechan
(1)International Coalition for the Advancement of Religious and Spirituality (ICARUS)的確是值得商榷的組織
(4)你反而攪錯了:緬甸翰達比丘(Bhante Ghurata Hanta)即是緬甸Bhante翰達比丘Ghurata Hanta ,不一定是緬甸人
(5)這是一則來自國外訊息,瑞士日內瓦當地報紙"Tribune de Geneve"2009年7月15日報導,佛教獲頒世界最佳宗教獎,原文似乎是用法文撰寫,但是英文版則廣為流傳。
(7)同意 |
回復 7# beebeechan
喂, 我無話你喎!
唔該你睇清楚, 我係問----"好唔明白, 點解有咁多人, 讀完耶經, 唔用腦思考過濾就照單全收其內容..."
你要對號入座, 自認理屈辭窮, 大家都幫不了你!
你話 "我實在不需要回你", 結果你又回了! |
回復 10# 方方土
上綱上線佢最叻 |
回復 11# 傲凌空
傲兄, 你好!
弟十分欣賞你的論據, 在此向你問好. |
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/5/8 10:37 編輯
(4)你反而攪錯了:緬甸翰達比丘(Bhante Ghurata Hanta)即是緬甸Bhante翰達比丘Ghurata Hanta ,不一定是緬甸人
傲凌空 發表於 2010/5/8 10:18
不是緬甸人, 卻是緬甸宗教的代表, 領袖, 去出席『國際』級的會議!
(如果緬甸有呢個人, 真係呼之欲出哩....是誰呀??)
你愈呦愈胡塗了 |
回復 12# 方方土
佢講得唔岩我會指出 |
本帖最後由 方方土 於 2010/5/8 10:51 編輯
回復 14# 傲凌空
傲兄, 可否解答小弟#5 的問題:-
"點解有咁多人, 讀完耶經, 唔用腦思考過濾就照單全收其內容?" |
"點解有 咁多人, 未讀過耶經, 就全部都否定其內容既?" |
回復 1# 淚兒
總覺得這篇有可能是語出Onion (木亥火暴) |
「點解有 咁多人, 未食完成舊屎,就全部都否定其內容既?」 |
所以無論你是撐耶還是反耶,也應該自己先看一遍聖經 |
有望樓主: 淚兒
一請 |