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Jesus said: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." that means.....the sick should goto doctor | |||||
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if a little "not whisky" can fix the sick, why bother the doc?even Paul didn't share your idea. Going back to Paul's time, there were not much doctors that one can bother easily. So getting a little 'not whisky' is easy reach to make one less uncomfortable. | |||||
Deal! put it in today's words You have a little fever and cannot make an appointment with your family doctor, do take some Tylenol. That's what Paul means | |||||
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64034568 | |||||
唔需要屈, 只係講出你思考唔對既地方 just curious, how could they get drunk and very drunk so easily for such "low ABV"? 20 Noah, a tiller of the soil, was the first to plant the vine. 21 He drank some of the wine, and while he was drunk, he lay uncovered in his tent. 32 Come on, let us ply our father with wine and sleep with him. In this way we can preserve the race by our father.' 33 That night they made their father drunk, and the elder slept with her father though he was unaware of her coming to bed or of her leaving. 36 Abigail returned to Nabal. He was holding a feast, a princely feast, in his house; Nabal was in high spirits, and as he was very drunk she told him nothing at all till it was daylight. | |||||
So how low is this ABV: Isa10 for ten acres of vineyard will yield only one barrel, shit, too much liquor, I can't even drive after reading these Isa 29:9 Be stupefied and stunned, go blind, unseeing, drunk but not on wine, staggering but not through liquor. Num 6:3 he will abstain from wine and fermented liquor, he will not drink vinegar derived from one or the other, he will not drink grape-juice or eat grapes, be they fresh or dried. Deu 14:26 there you may spend the money on whatever you like, oxen, sheep, wine, fermented liquor, anything you please. There you must eat in the presence of Yahweh your God and rejoice, you and your household. | |||||
Do you still want to stand for your historical study "古代至耶穌年代的釀酒技術只生產低 ABV 既酒" Wow.....are you unable to distinguish wine and liquor? | |||||
just curious, how could they get drunk and very drunk so easily for such "low ABV"? Do the bible verse ever mention how much Noah drank? Beer is 5% alcohol. Last time I check, 4 glasses of beer turn you legally intoxicated | |||||
Do you still want to stand for your historical study "古代至耶穌年代的釀酒技術只生產低 ABV 既酒" Uncle 沙....watch movie should watch the whole film script. The whole passage should be like this: 我要使他變成荒地,不再修剪,不再耕鋤,荊棘和蒺藜將叢叢而生;並且我要命令雲彩不再在它上降下時雨。 7萬軍上主的葡萄園就是以色列家,而猶大人即是他鍾愛的幼苗。他原希望正義,看,竟是流血;他原希望公平,看,卻是冤聲! 8禍哉,你們這些使房屋毗連房屋,田地接連田地,而只讓你們自己單獨住在那地域內的人! 9萬軍的上主在我耳邊宣誓說:那許多房屋必將成為廢墟;巍峨華麗的,必無人居住; 10十畝葡萄園將只出一『巴特』酒,一『曷默爾』種子,只出一『厄法』榖。 「ten acres of vineyard will yield only one barrel」is a curse on Israelites by Isaiah if they don't repent. God will punish them with drought, wars, low harverst, turn their farms barren with thorns and weeds. This is not a verse describing the actual vine productivity in wine brewing. | |||||
If there were no liquor, god knows what liquor is. "Last time I check, 4 glasses of beer turn you legally intoxicated" Way to make me uncovered. l checked too, more than 1,000 times.I just passed out, could not get naked, and could not fuck like Lot. | |||||
Do the bible verse ever mention how much Noah drank? Low ABV can be up to 1.2%.https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/advice/how-to-reduce-your-drinking/low-alcohol-drinks#:~:text=Government%20guidance%20says%20low%20alcohol,be%20up%20to%201.2%25%20ABV. | |||||
May be I am. Do you know how many "liquor"s are there in the bible? Since you stated firmly "古代至耶穌年代的釀酒技術只生產低 ABV 既酒", I guess they are the same? Otherwise what makes you think they only brew low ABVs at that time? | |||||
May be I am. Consider the following chart of alcoholic content in drinks today: Modern wine has between 9-11% alcohol Brandy has 15-20 % alcohol Liquors usually have between 40-50 % alcohol Tfhe bottom is what used to be called “strong drink.” What we call strong drink did not exist in Bible times. The ancients knew nothing of distilled alcohol..Distillation was a medieval invention. No one made really strong drink before the 13th century. Comparing modern wines and modern practices to ancient wines and ancient practices is NOT comparing apples to apples. | |||||
I can find both wine and liquor, or strong drink in your bible, too many times. 9 'When you come to the Tent of Meeting, you and your sons with you, to avoid incurring death you may not drink wine or any other fermented liquor. This is a perpetual law for all your descendants. 26 there you may spend the money on whatever you like, oxen, sheep, wine, fermented liquor, anything you please. There you must eat in the presence of Yahweh your God and rejoice, you and your household. 6 On this mountain, for all peoples, Yahweh Sabaoth is preparing a banquet of rich food, a banquet of fine wines, of succulent food, of well-strained wines 4 Not for kings, O Lemuel, not for kings the drinking of wine, not for princes the love of liquor, 15 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord; he must drink no wine, no strong drink; even from his mother's womb he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, | |||||
I can find both wine and liquor, or strong drink in your bible, too many times. fermented grapes give ABV 4-5%. like i said in #2104 ancient Jews drank this fermented juice diluted, they called it wine. Strong drink means they drank undiluted. Drinking a lot of 4-5% alcoholic fluid would get one drunken. | |||||
30 After leaving Zoar Lot settled in the hill country with his two daughters, for he dared not stay at Zoar. He lived in a cave, he and his two daughters. What is the point to use "diluted 4-5% alcoholic fluid" on the wound? Luk10:34 He went up to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. He then lifted him onto his own mount and took him to an inn and looked after him. | |||||
How much " 4-5% alcoholic fluid" did Lot keep in the cave, after escaping from the city? what’s on your mind? you mean Lot and his daughters fled Sodom with barrels of 4-5% alcoholic fluid….this is absurd!? | |||||
.. You may be a good instructor under water, but not on land. Have you ever took any First Aid Training? Putting strong alcohol on wounds do more bad than good. |
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