本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/1/26 04:43 編輯
萧美琴(英语:Bi-khim Louise Hsiao[1][注 2],1971年8月7日—),台湾政治人物,民主进步党籍,候任中华民国副总统,曾任中华民国驻美代表、国家安全委员会咨询委员,以及四届立法委员[3],也是民主进步党的民选公职人员中在花莲县唯一拿下过半得票者。曾任国际自由联盟副主席、亚洲自由民主联盟秘书长、民主进步党国际事务部主任。2008年起担任2049计划研究所顾问;2020年派任驻美代表。[4] 寄生虫,扮魏征,假设1个可能。。。。。。可能是-
【像萧那样-特务头子,美国派来的 “““钦差\黨委书记\殖民地总督”””】
美国派来之《美国人》特工最精锐部队,代表美国,直接统治 中国台湾省,永……
&每年拿走 中国台湾省xxxx个亿
:跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/1/26 04:37 編輯
美国,刻意委派1个\一些 “““台毒&藏毒””” 之至极端主义恐怖分子【美国基督教徒】来统治…… 可见将来。。。。。。国中毕业后,她随家庭移居美国,但在师长的鼓励下仍参加升学考试,并录取台湾省立台南女子高级中学[11]。
萧美琴赴美后就读新泽西州蒙特克莱尔高中(英语:Montclair High School (New Jersey)),毕业后她入读欧柏林学院,获得东亚研究学士(1993年)。萧美琴在校时是个十足的左派,最有兴趣的议题是性别、种族、阶级、社会正义等,参加了国际研究社、女性主义社等社团,大学毕业论文写的是《女性与台湾民族主义》。 1991年读大三期间,萧美琴主动写信给吕秀莲,之后休学一学期赴台成为吕的助理,同时也到民进党中央党部当义工。
大学毕业后,她进入哥伦比亚大学攻读政治学硕士,于1995年毕业[12]。升学期间认识了正在纽约社会学院读书的陈文茜。 1995年3月,萧毕业后第一份工作就是民进党驻美代表处的活动首席执行官。萧被陈文茜推荐担任民进党国际事务部副主任,1997年正式担任主任,是民进党最年轻的党务一级主管。 2000年陈水扁获胜,萧美琴作为有功之臣于5月进入总统府,担任总统府顾问、总统英文秘书及随身翻译,后来又任行政院陆委会咨询委员。
2001年,萧美琴当选侨选立委,随后于2002年放弃美国籍[1],并申请中华民国身份证取得台湾户籍[13]。 :跪拜: |
2001年,萧美琴当选侨选立委,随后于2002年放弃美国籍[1],并申请中华民国身份证取得台湾户籍[13]。 可能是 奉命如此来渗透 中国台湾省【萧若要拿回美国籍 ……一定没问题】 |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/1/26 04:44 編輯
敌伪政权 ... 美国派来之《美国人》特工最精锐部队,代表美国,直接统治 中国台湾省,千秋万岁
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/1/26 03:38 美国之阴谋,可能是-
更加加强台湾省作为 “““中国关岛”””【美军基地满满之岛】之地位,控制 全。。。。。。
:跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/1/26 05:21 編輯
观乎美国多年来对 中国台湾省之種種重重重重重重重视程度,可能可证之▼寄生虫,扮魏征,假设1个可能。。。。。。可能是-
【像萧那样-特务头子,美国派来的 “““钦差\黨委书记\殖民地总督”””】 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/1/26 03:38 >>>殖民地总督”
美国可能已将 中国台湾省 …… 当做-
。‘第51个笨州’:跪拜:《美国第52个笨州▶中国外蒙古省▶君临全中国》。。。。。。东西南北夹攻{围堵xx政策} |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/1/26 04:49 編輯
更加加强台湾省作为 “““中国关岛”””【美军基地满满之岛】之地位,直接控制 全... 上流寄生族 發表於 2024/1/26 04:10 。。。。。。皇后大道東(蔣志光/ 羅大佑)-歌詞KKBOX
https://www.kkbox.com › 蔣志光 › 蔣志光與他的朋友
... 要鬥快過終點若做大國公民只須身有錢 知己一聲拜拜遠去這都市要靠 偉大同志 搞搞新意思冷暖氣候同樣影響這都市但是換季可能靠特異人士 空即是色色即是空空即是色即是 ...
离教者之家 »
教离【未完,抱歉,没空】:跪拜:所差之6.51%【其实,不多】 …… ▶可能 是 基督徒 & 亲友,...故,
【太复杂】:::上流寄生族 發表於 2024/1/16 01:28
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/5 02:27 編輯
更加加强台湾省作为 “““中国关岛”””【美军基地满满之岛】之地位,控制 全。。。。。。
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/1/26 04:10 金门、马祖\等等,对美国来说,可能是 ‘鸡肋’,
。1. 摊薄我军于 中国台湾省等等的兵力
。2. 可能会煽动\怂恿它们的爪牙《中国越南省、菲律宾》或干干脆脆自己乘机吞并 海南省。。。。。。
“““不妨多几个 ‘中国关岛’ ”””
(美国思维,可能是如此):跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/5 03:05 編輯
观乎美国多年来对 中国台湾省之種種重重重重重重重视程度,可能可证之▼>>>殖民地总督”
美国可能已将 中国台湾省 …… 当做-
。属地。【例- 关岛】...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/1/26 04:19 中国台湾省,在美国深心内之真正身份\地位,1早,可能已等同-美国的 波多黎各 波多黎各自由邦(英语:The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico;西班牙语:Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico)是美国在加勒比海地区的一个自治邦, 不是证据的证据-
…… 波多黎各 【.PR】
…… 中国台湾省【.TW】,
…… 不是国家,
…… 却 :::根据美国的不是官方机构的官方机构ICANN,居然有专属自己之《country国 code码 top顶 - level级 domain域,:ccTLD》 ◀ 此等事,最绝对非同凡响,因-——-在美国它们之眼内,一定是要该地有真真正正之x立地位【根据它们】才能享受
…… 即使,“毒”如 Scotland苏格兰都是不可以
…… 故,寄生虫武断出 中国台湾省在美国之真正身份\地位。。。。。。可能更加高高在上过美国的各大笨州\或\关岛互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers),简称ICANN,是位于美国加利福尼亚的非营利社团,主要由互联网协会的成员组成,创建于1998年9月18日,目的是接管包括管理域名和IP地址的分配等与互联网相关的任务,这些任务曾由其它组织(特别是IANA)代表 美国政府来执行,但ICANN仍受美国政府及法律管理。ICANN同时也负责L.root-servers.net这组根域名服务器的运作。 :跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/5 03:13 編輯
中国台湾省,在美国深心内之真正身份\地位,1早,可能已等同-美国的 波多黎各 不是证据的 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 02:56 即-
美国可能永不放弃 中国台湾省:跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/5 03:52 編輯
民眾黨柯文哲、吳欣盈拿369萬466票 (得票率26.46%)第三 所差之6.51%【其实,不多】 -
……来而不往非礼也{礼记·曲礼},故,寄生虫建议抢民进黨的票 , 尤其 —— (被基督教摆布之)游离票
……美军兵法,称此等等为 “all全 domain方位” ,例All-Domain Operations in a Combined Environment
Joint Air Power Competence Centre
https://www.japcc.org › flyers › all-do...
Introduction Joint All Domain Operations (JADO) is an evolution of the concept of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO). JADO incorporates the massive potential of ...
:跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/7 02:09 編輯
寄生虫子焉,野人曝献,毛遂意见 ... 寄生虫,已为此等事《分英【例-北爱尔兰,蘇格蘭】,裂美{例-新墨西哥、德州}》,设计了一整套 系统《包括 —— 即使失败【一定】,尚可弄来几味撚手小菜鸟 “美国料理”》 |
| | 上流寄生族 發表於 2024/1/5 14:38 >>> 寄生虫,已为此等事《分英【例-北爱尔兰,蘇格蘭】,裂美{例-新墨西哥、德州}》,设计了一整套 系统
-德州,可致全美国大分x为:::‘红美国\蓝美国’,甚至 —— 再来内战
-美国共和党参议员Marjorie Taylor Greene又再煽裂,冰山一角,背后可能一定有大大大大靠山,可能是共和党放出来之 “““鸡\代理商\传声筒\气球”””,试试反应之激烈度°
-trump,故意大大大大大力支持德州的既得利益,远胜 Biden,故,可能又再赢了不少选票&重做美国总统
-trump,它名落孙山后煽动内乱,可能,代表了新一代共和党【基督教【夺权 教】狂热分子:::例:::pompeo】,输打赢要,死不服输,若再输,就可能真真正正分x美国▼《颜色字》POLITICS
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for 'national divorce离婚' between red红 and blue蓝 states州 amid Texas-border standoff over migration
Alia Shoaib Jan 28, 2024, 1:07 AM GMT+8
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Anna Moneymaker via Getty Images
Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a "national divorce" between Democratic and Republican states.
The Georgia representative was responding to the standoff over migration at the Texas border.
The dispute between Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas and the federal government has been intensifying.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a "national divorce" between red and blue states amid the escalating standoff over migration at the Texas border.
The Georgia congressman responded to a post on X listing Democratic-leaning states that have sided with the federal government in the dispute with Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas.
"When I said we need a National Divorce this is exactly what I'm talking about and a serious example as to why," Greene wrote.
Greene's national-divorce idea is not new — she has often suggested splitting up the United States along political lines— but it is divisive. It has drawn criticism even from fellow Republicans.
The dispute between Abbott and the federal government has been intensifying after the Lone Star State's governor said he would continue to install razor wire at the border to deter migrants from entering from Mexico.
The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of the federal government this week, saying the US Border Patrol could remove wire put up by the Texas National Guard, but this has not deterred Abbott from ordering them to defend it.
Twenty-five Republican governors released a joint statement in support of Abbott on Thursday, praising him for "stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country."
Donald Trump is stoking concerns in his White House run【trump 乘机 煽风点火 渔人得利】
Immigrant families cross into the United States from Mexico
Immigrant families crossing into El Paso, Texas, from Mexico to seek asylum in May last year. John Moore/Getty Images
The escalating tensions highlight how deeply divisive the issue of migration continues to be between Democrats and Republicans.
The Texas National Guard is technically part of the US military, which ultimately reports to the president, but they take orders from the state governors except in exceptional circumstances.
The current standoff has sparked fears among right-wing circles that President Joe Biden could try to federalize the National Guard, and the troops could be forced to choose between loyalty to the state and their country.
The Washington Post reported that the dispute had inflamed loose talk of civil内【美国】 war战 and resistance from conservative media and politicians.
Former President Donald Trump has made stoking concerns over immigration a central plank of his 2024 White House run.
This week, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California slammed the "pathetically weak" Republicans after GOP lawmakers buckled to pressure from Trump not to pass a bipartisan border deal.
Greene is one of Trump's most fervent cheerleaders in Congress《绿小姐是trump之最狂热支持者》.
Read next :跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/5 05:57 編輯
美国 …… 分x……内战
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 04:40 最新新闻
Top Putin ally 【Dmitry Medvedev俄罗斯前总统\现总理,也同意寄生虫】says a 'destructive civil confrontation' could happen in the US over Texas border standoff:跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/7 01:56 編輯
【a虫蛀-共和党】Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for 'national divorce离婚' between red红 and blue蓝 states州 amid Texas-border standoff over migration
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 04:40 另1新闻-But let’s not lose sight of the larger context: GOP leaders have rewarded Greene【Marjorie Taylor Greene绿小姐】 with, among other things, a slot on the House Homeland Security Committee【美國眾議院國土安全委員會】. Are Republicans prepared to defend a member of the House Homeland Security Committee openly endorsing the dissolution of the United States? 即-可能是-
美国共和党,派人长驻美國眾議院國土安全委員會,来了然于胸美国国防之种种虚虚实实,以之将来分开&于战场兵戎相见时就是可以一击中的:跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/5 06:05 編輯
美国共和党议员Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for 'national divorce离婚' between red红 and blue蓝 states州 amid Texas-border standoff over migration
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 04:40 另1新闻-Indeed, that’s ultimately what matters most in response to so many of the controversies Greene creates. Her extremism is routine to the point that’s become background noise. Basic American patriotism generally prevents elected officials from endorsing the dissolution of the United States【美国传统是绝对不许公职人士提倡分x美国。。。。。。但,现,大模尸样】, but we’ve reached the point in our collective history at which members of Congress can publish such messages — which would’ve sparked a genuine scandal up until fairly recently — and much of the political world shrugs, seeing it as somehow routine. 故,寄生虫有理由怀疑:::绿小姐,可能是共和党【为了如果又再输掉美国总统大选而要分x美国来来来尊享至高无上之特权】1早布下之棋子、等等:跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/5 06:14 編輯
>>> 寄生虫,已为此等事《分英【例-北爱尔兰,蘇格蘭】,裂美{例-新墨西哥、德州}》,设计了一整套 系统
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 04:40 寄生虫,在10年前,已为此等事,设计了一整套类似 hey.com 之电子邮件系统【等等】来免费供人任用:跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/5 06:54 編輯
-德州,可致全美国大分x为:::‘红美国\蓝美国’,甚至 —— 再来内战
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 04:40 故,寄生虫 建议:::以创新科技,在美国成立 “““加速器”””,送美国1程
一切使费,可以考虑由香港特区之科技园\或\数码港之基金【各有 x00个亿$$$$$$】来支持这些创新科技
他们亦好应该确确实实实实在在【¥\$】支持 国家解放台湾省之伟业 …… 科技園CEO三財年累計加薪逾10% 公司百億元放定存AM730 https://www.am730.com.hk › 本地 › 科技園ceo三財...
2022年9月23日 — 但細看之下,科技園公司所謂「善用」港府100億元撥款,其財務報表中卻見「原到期日超過三個月之銀行存款」高達102億元,意味著佔公司96%、逾百億元的流動 ...而翻查科技園公司向立法會提交的年報所顯示,截至2021年3月底止的三個財年,黃克強【a虫蛀-科技园CEO等等】的薪酬分別約
故,寄生虫 建议:::以创新科技,在美国成立 “““加速器”””,送美国1程
《离教者之家在台湾省的 ... 数码港
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 06:30 数码港 …… 除了培育出那个曾反动之d-100。。。。。。寄生虫真是不知数码港还出了什么知名公司 |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/7 01:50 編輯
故,寄生虫 建议:::以创新科技,在美国成立“““加速【美国分裂】器”””,送美国1程
《离教者之家在台湾省的 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 06:30 最新新闻-
-加州分裂分子 "Yes California" 亦来凑热闹【biden,倒行逆施,焫著\\\\\\焫着\\\\\\焫㷫德州】,
-nh,new Hampshire之共和党,亦颇想 “离婚”,▶美国宪法容许
-这些不同州的分裂分子,都 暗示 —— 若不许和平分手,就内战▼《颜色字》California Secession Movement Wants National Divorce to Avoid 'Civil War'Published Feb 05, 2024 at 5:00 AM EST
What To Know About Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'National Divorce' Proposal
By Rachel Dobkin
Weekend Reporter
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The leader of a California secession movement known as "Yes California" told Newsweek in an exclusive interview on Saturday that a national divorce is needed to avoid another "civil war."
As politics have become increasingly polarizing in recent years, there have been growing calls from residents in coastal-like states such as California, Texas, and New Hampshire to secede from the rest of the United States.
"Yes California" is currently campaigning on a ballot measure called CalExit 3.1, which would break California into two and establish a country separate from the U.S. in the San Francisco Bay area and along the central California coast. The independent land would be called Pacifica. So far, 92,000 people have signed up to join the campaign through the movement's website. However, it's unclear how many of these people are California residents.
The movement was founded in 2015 by conservative activist Louis Marinelli, who is the current president of the movement, and Marcus Ruiz Evans, who was a conservative talk radio host at the time. Evans left the movement in 2021.
"So right now we're more working on the concept of national divorce as an alternative to potential civil violence and civil war in the country," Marinelli told Newsweek via telephone on Saturday. "Our belief is that there's a lot of growing political violence and political problems in the country that may lead to fighting in the streets, civil war too, some people are calling for. We are trying to propose the idea of potentially doing a national divorce of some sort...to avoid that type of situation."
However, the legality of secession movements has been questioned. According to the Supreme Court 1869 case Texas v. White, individual states can't unilaterally decide to leave the union. On Sunday, 2024 GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley weighed in on calls for Texas to secede, telling CNN's Dana Bash that "the Constitution doesn't allow for that."
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Newsweek reached out to California Governor Gavin Newsom via online form for comment.
An American flag flies with the California State flag on October 24, 2022, in Sausalito, California. The leader of a California secession movement known as "Yes California" told Newsweek in an exclusive interview that a... More
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, has used the term "national divorce" on several occasions. She called to "separate by red states and blue states" in a post on X, formerly Twitter, in February 2023. At the time, she also went on Fox News to suggest that a national divorce is needed to avoid a civil war.
"The last thing that I ever want to see in America is a civil war," the congresswoman told host Sean Hannity. "No one wants that...but it's going that direction and we have to do something about it."
More recently, Greene wrote in an X post from last December, "Soon national divorce may be our only option."
Marinelli said that "Yes California" doesn't support a national divorce between red and blue states, but "potentially there's ways to draw the lines at other places."
He explained that "just by dividing the country by red and blue states, you don't alleviate the problem of the division between the red and blue" in any given state.
According to Marinelli, "Yes California" is also keeping its eye on other secession movements in New Hampshire and Texas.
Two pieces of legislation relating to New Hampshire's efforts to secede from the U.S. have been introduced in the state House: CACR 20 and House Bill 1130.
CACR is a constitutional宪法 amendment that states that if the national debt, which is currently over $34 trillion, reaches $40 trillion, New Hampshire will declare independence.
House Bill 1130 would create a commission to study the economic, legal, and sociological factors of the state "exerting its sovereign rights."
Meanwhile, calls for Texas to secede from the U.S. have grown as the state's governor, Greg Abbott, fights with the Biden administration over the surge in illegal migrant crossings at the southern border.
Texas independence group issues new legal warning to GOP
Republicans want New Hampshire to leave United States
Texas secession could cost the state billions in transportation funding
Not the Time for National Divorce
While Marinelli voiced support for states like New Hampshire and Texas wanting to secede from the U.S., he warned that now might not be the ideal time.
"We support the effort of self-determination in general. So, if a state in the United States wants to pursue its right to self-determination and have a vote on independence that's going to be fair and free and conform to international norms with respect to independence referendum...we would support that," Marinelli said.
However, he added, "Maybe right now, is not the best time for us to be hashing out this domestic problem and divorcing the country. When we should be mounting on a united front to face the global problems that we currently face."
While Marinelli continues to push for a national divorce in California, he said, "One of the things that kind of held us up from putting things on the 2024 ballot, is the situation going on with Ukraine and the growing global turmoil around the world."
It has been nearly two years since Russia first launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, conflict has grown in the Middle East after Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, launched a surprise attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. Israel subsequently launched its heaviest-ever airstrikes on Gaza in response.
"Because of what's happening around the world and the possibility that the United States can be drawn into war, we think it would be counterproductive to Western civilization and the cause of democracy if we were also fighting within our own country," Marinelli said.
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本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/7 02:06 編輯
最新新闻--加州分裂分子 "Yes California" 亦来凑热闹【biden,倒行逆施,焫著\\\\\\焫着 ...-nh,new Hampshire之共和党,亦颇想 “离婚”,▶美国宪法容许
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/6 02:38 "Yes California",共和党 也【too】▼Meet the founders of California's separatist movement
East Bay Times
https://www.eastbaytimes.com › calexit...·翻譯這個網頁
2016年11月26日 — Louis Marinelli and Marcus Evans were both registered Republicans two years ago when they formed what is now known as Yes California, ...[/quote]背景资料-[quote]【a虫蛀-共和党】Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for 'national divorce离婚' between red红 and blue蓝 states州 amid Texas-border standoff over migration
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 04:40 :跪拜: |
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/2/7 02:33 編輯
寄生虫,見微知著>>> 寄生虫,已为此等事《分英【例-北爱尔兰,蘇格蘭】,裂美{例-新墨西哥、德州}》,设计了一整套 ...-美国共和黨参议员Marjorie Taylor Greene又再煽裂,冰山一角,背后可能一定有大大大大靠山,可能是共和党放出来之 “““鸡\代理商\传声筒\气球”””,试试反应之激烈度°
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/2/5 04:40 >>>共和黨参议员Marjorie Taylor Greene …… 鸡
共和黨,擺她出來,就是要被 ‘插’,……尤其是要-
看看【它们准备要 “““做世界”””的】TEXAS得州之反对声,
若不,那魔{共和党}它们就{可能}可以于失意时 …… 例-竞选总统\州长时屡战屡败 …… 安心上路搅 “离婚” 等等:跪拜: |