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194# 抽刀斷水 離教者之家罕有地刪除一個貼子,而這貼子卻是成千貼子中最具體點名列出邪教名單的(何以不刪除耶穌統治世界之類貼子呢),這種機率十分微少,所以令人覺得有蹊蹺。 既然没人被收買充當邪教的馬前「鬼卒」,咱們會為離教者仍有一片思想獲得解放的淨土而歡欣,也為離教者之家能捍衛香港的言論自由而鼓掌! | |||||||||||||||
Ich habe kein ID ins 龙行天下. Und Sie? | |||||||||||||||
旁觀者 兄 吾以為事件應暫告一段落, 此因余爾二人皆非離家者之家版主, 吾等根本不知有否內情,定係真有邪教徒入侵delete, 再講落去只令大家不快...反而應該學下如何backup珍貴資料!(詳見下文) 吾只能講:- 水能載舟,亦能覆舟, 現講一下吾之往事來作比喻:- (本來不想舊事重題,但亦因離教者之家 » 基督宗教 » 香港邪教(基督教)之事, 有gay民在 點解某君之 香港邪教(基督教) 帖冇咗? ... 2 上提及一些舊事,本人亦要作適度之回應) 當年某gay网被一個基督gay民版主(內鬼)搞到一塌糊塗, 該moderator1 delete帖及delete网友帳號, 並訛稱係該gay网老細做,更發PM通知网友另起爐灶, 搞到該gay网70~80%會員轉往新的邪教gay网(呃錢邪教七記)... 在緊急之中該网外藉老闆向我求援, 本人義務擔任版主並擔起使命叫gay民會員回巢,事件平靜咗幾年, 其間原來該邪教七記暗中有關連之另一個邪教播音平台搵我開咪, 目的除了想我為其籌款,並想入侵本人組織以達瓦解, 結果事後在該gay网內本人無辜被誅連,更有變態之SM版主為爭地盆加入搞事, 而該gay网竟然不想拿屎上身而保持緘點又如何?(註:該外藉老細已退出) 但肯定可以講,吾之告辭離去,卻絕對冇拉大隊離開, 同時在離去前為該gay网大搞歌舞昇平,寫詩作對聯大氣搞氣氛, 之後余就突然失蹤,然而有良心之网民係心中有數的, 該gay网現又再步入爛攤狀態...你估我會否為其再度出山平亂呢?! >>水能載舟,亦能覆舟 -- 此乃任何版主(包括本人)都要清楚也! 194# 抽刀斷水 歡迎轉貼兼backup並盡錄在以下營辦商互不相干之6個网站內... (記住: 當然要寫埋轉貼自 離教者之家
或開新帖在此兩成人同志站內 (請按主題分類)
以及大陸网站 ◇科學與宗教 版面 若果你的帖突然被基督天主東正回邪教徒或內鬼入侵而突然冇咗, 就可以從上述网站BACKUP返來,方便抽水哥回復原帖. 我就唔信當信無所不能之垃圾邪和華之內鬼有本事可以同時地去齊各不相干之网站去DELETE嘢! | |||||||||||||||
gerade////genau gleich :: prussianz .,;==^) exActly same :: prussianz mfG | |||||||||||||||
「既然没人被收買充當邪教的馬前「鬼卒」,咱們會為離教者仍有一片思想獲得解放的淨土而歡欣,也為離教者之家能捍衛香港的言論自由而鼓掌!」 磅!磅!磅!磅! 這不是掌聲,是愛爾蘭的槍聲,北愛又有人要舉十字架遊街了。 | |||||||||||||||
中華基督教救助協會 | |||||||||||||||
"無知的是閣下. 本人很希望看看"神"是甚個模樣" you are so stupid. Not all the existing things are able to be seen!!... Have you seen antimatter?!... Have you seen gamma rays?!... shut up and learn more... I say that not because of protecting any religious, just because you are so stupid... haha... | |||||||||||||||
愚蠢的是閣下, 閣下能證明"神"的存在嗎?除非閣下是李偉光弟兄. | |||||||||||||||
"閣下能證明"神"的存在嗎?" - This is another stupid question... Just go back to school... study more, learn more... think something deeper ... and ask something smarter... don't be a loser in this world... poor poor... haha | |||||||||||||||
209# jojojokwok 「愚蠢的是閣下, haha... why i need to prove to you 神"的存在?!... As I mentioned I am not saying this because of religious. Just because u r stupid.. haha... 」 你以為自己是誰? 因為宗教而不回答。唔唔,那就是「你沒有辦法客觀上證明到你那神的存在」。 我不會笑你的。反正沒有邏輯就是基督教的特點,閣下繼續自爽吧。(笑 「"閣下能證明"神"的存在嗎?" - This is another stupid question... Just go back to school... study more, learn more... think something deeper ... and ask something smarter... don't be a loser in this world... poor poor... haha」 那你要由幼稚園開始重新讀過了。 這句英文有個很低能的語法錯誤。你的英文老師淚流滿面。 don't be a loser in this world嘛,跟你自己說吧。 | |||||||||||||||
"這句英文有個很低能的語法錯誤" ... I think you have math problem too... The above is more than one sentence... BTW, from my 幼稚園 to my PHD... I still haven't got chance to see any 英文老師 cry for me ... Your 英文老師 always 淚流滿面 for you?!... Tell me what your feeling is... haha... May be I don't mind to give u a hug... Oh... besides, 低能英文 is for you... otherwise, I am afraid you don't understand what the meaning of the english ... | |||||||||||||||
210# HTBROKE1 不明白證據和証明之間關係 那談下去也就浪費時間 | |||||||||||||||
207# jojojokwok No, we cannot see antimatter but we know it exists because when we combine it with matter it releases energy, we cannot see air but when we light a match it burns. Not everything can be seen but believing it so easily without any evidence makes you exceptional, I mean exceptionally stupid. No, no one can prove god doesn't exist, and no one can prove god exists either. This debate has been going on for centuries and if you think you know better you better check your brain, if you still have one. | |||||||||||||||
Can you propose a way to show that god actually exist? Or therefore any application that requires the assumption of His existence? If for stupidity's sake? Well, unfortunately, deliberately seeing Gamma Ray is relatively easy, all you need is a bunch of Argon Gas and a high voltage electric supply - ionization spark will do the job. Anti-matter is a little bit harder, though not much, you need a gamma ray source with energy higher than 1.022MeV, a bubble chamber (which is really an oversized tank of liquid), and a huge magnetic field - the gamma ray will produce 2 particles with opposite orbital characteristics due to their opposite electrostatic charge, one of them shows a -ve charge which is a electron, the other one is the positron - the antiparticle (or "anti-matter) of electron, in fact, recombining them and produce photons (in form of 1.052MeV Gamma Ray) is an issue in nuclear reactors! Also, if you want people to stop questioning your religion, you might as well consider telling them to learn less, not more. And seriously, as a person studying in an English (note the Capital Letter) speaking country, your proficiency with English really makes me wonder how you could ever got into a PhD program to begin with. | |||||||||||||||
各位咪咁樣harsh 佢la....Forum 唔一定要捉grammar 捉到咁緊ar ma...不過咁, 佢講"gamma rays", "antimatter"是想話 "Not all the existing things are able to be seen", 但係又 "say that not because of protecting any religious", 咁即係話jojojo講的"existing things"一定唔關任何宗教事啦...咁即係jojojo講的"existing things"一定跟耶神無關啦. 大家可以放心啦.... | |||||||||||||||
反物質可以用科學方法檢測,「神」卻不可以。相反,若用基督教的方法,卻可以證明洋邪神並不存在。 莫用並幻想出來的東西去愚弄自己! | |||||||||||||||
207# jojojokwok 若用基督教的方法,卻可以證明洋邪神並不存在。 how ?? ThANKs | |||||||||||||||
weakest> 佢話人stupid 又冇points, 係抵X的。 Nomad> 想問問 nuclear reaction 怎樣產生反物質?俾如 U(235) + n ---> Xe(140) + Sr(94) + 2n, 係咪同 fission fragments(Xe, Sr) 嘅 radioactive decay 有關?早前你登過關於核廢料循環那個 link, 可不可以再登多次?本人有 physics 底,亦是一路以來的興趣。Thx。 | |||||||||||||||
不是,.而是,比方說你那個U235 Reaction,當中一部份釋文的能量會以光子表達,而高能量(>1.022MeV,這幾乎一定是gamma ray)的光子與水或者其他物質時有一定機率會發生pair production製造electron和positron. 我忘了我貼了哪裡的link 不過,你不如去下面網頁看看 | |||||||||||||||
愚蠢的是閣下, haha... why i need to prove to you 神"的存在?!... As I mentioned I am not saying this because of religious. Just because u r stupid.. haha... 又一個狂妄自大既雞篤桃, 亦再一次証明邪經教出黎既人既品質 回頭是岸呀 |
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