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就係奇在唔覺有。有咩理由自成立以來絕無一個icac職工貪污?一個都冇?係冇定係有您都唔知? 最方便謀殺嘅犯人就係負責調查謀殺案嘅探長嘛 | |||||
佢地有迫使顧客自己决定嘅技巧 点解古代嘅店小二有欐决定俾咩個客食, 現代嘅店小二就冇呢? | |||||
我想到有幾個可能性: 1. 真的一個都冇 2. 有但我地唔知 3. 係未貪想貪之前已有機制令其職位不保 4. 有貪之後就炒,之後再拉,咁就不再是廉記職員,不會影響一單都無的清譽 | |||||
可能古時店小二承受到客倌唔滿意轉身唔畀錢就走囉,畢竟當時開店在江湖,好多刀光劍影仇殺劫鏢都在食肆內進行既,而店小二通常都係受害者唔夠膽出聲。 | |||||
It is much easier to order this way. | |||||
好多人不知道,水份蒸發帶走的熱量是好多的,就算不是攝氏100度 boiling point 。。。 So people can catch cold after sweating and cool in a windy room! | |||||
Oh yes, I am not really a scientific guy but in my Dive mater lesson I was told water carries heat 25 times faster than air does. Reason is water has 1 of the highest heat capacities of all naturally occurring substances. it takes 3,200 times as much heat to raise a given volume of water specific temperature as it does to raise the same volume of air to the same temp. And that is why 24°C is warm and comfortable in air but you become chilly in water, air cannot carry your heat away as fast as the same temp water can. | |||||
在許冠傑的《梨渦淺笑》歌詞中,「怎得共渡藍橋」是甚麼意思? | |||||
回復 367# 沙文 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_capacity See the table, the difference is only about 4:1 I think it is something else on top of it. I need a bit of time to remember it. The lesson is taught in highschool science class at around grade 10-11ish. Found it: I think you mean thermal conductivity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_conductivity Water to air = 0.6:0.025 About 24 times. ----------- And Ms. Cat is perfectly correct scientically. It is taught in elementary school and also featured on TVB game show for elemetary school kids. | |||||
「藍橋」典出成語「尾生抱柱」。 《莊子·盜趾》:「尾生與女子期於梁下,女子不來,水至不去,抱樑柱而死。」 據《西安府志》,此橋位於陝西藍田縣的蘭峪水上,稱為「藍橋」。從此之後,人們把相愛的男女一方失約,而另一方殉情叫做「魂斷藍橋」。若改為共渡藍橋, 即係師妹終於得到我咁解 另外, 唐裴鉶小說《傳奇。裴航》:裴航為唐長慶間秀才,游鄂渚,夢得詩:“一飲瓊漿百感生,玄霜搗盡見雲英。藍橋便是神仙宮,何必崎嶇上玉清。“買舟還都。後路過藍橋驛,遇見一織麻老嫗,航渴甚求飲,嫗呼女子雲英捧一甌水漿飲之,甘如玉液。航見雲英姿容絕世,因謂欲娶此女,嫗告:“昨有神仙與藥一刀圭,須玉杵臼搗之。欲娶雲英,須以玉杵臼為聘,為搗藥百日乃可 ”後裴航終於找到月宮中玉兔用的玉杵臼,娶了雲英,夫妻雙雙入玉峰,成仙而去。 宋元話本《藍橋記》、元庚天錫《裴航遇雲英》雜劇、明龍膺《藍橋記》傳奇、楊之炯《藍橋玉杵記》傳奇均以此為題材。宋劉克莊《沁園春。林卿得女》詞:“藍橋路近,玉杵攜將。” 全部都係引申為情情塔塔咁解。 温馨提示:但千祈唔好一軛 | |||||
但我從未見過有人用飲筒飲啤酒? | |||||
要分析原因,我個人認為由於啤酒味苦,大量進飲可以利用啤酒本身的冷凍溫度對舌頭有少許麻醉,減少苦澀味道。 | |||||
飲香賓、紅白、Cognac又夠要細細啖啦, 点解您又唔用啜筒呢? | |||||
果D懶係要用鼻聞埋嘛,溝酒溝成long drinks就會用啜筒囉。 | |||||
聞完就插支啜筒入去唔得咩? | |||||
原來,據考古發現, 主前3000年啜筒原本係用來飲啤酒的! Our Sumerian Stone Age forbears would then take a straw or a ladle and imbibe. We know so, because the Sumerians left us with the oldest graphic depiction of beer drinking. It comes from a seal found at the Sumerian city of Ur and dates from around 3100 BC. It shows two gentlemen using straws to drink beer out of a common crock. The upper-class Sumerian straws used to be made of gold and lapis-lazuli. One such straw was found in the third millennium BC tomb of Pu-abi, a dignified lady of Ur. http://beeradvocate.com/articles/595 下次我再訪蛙島我們試下學上流原祖咁用啜筒啤啤 | |||||
我地演化到飲啤酒唔用啜管,梗有理由既。你用返啜筒,咪即係退化? | |||||
果時用蘆葦草的莖嘛 | |||||
又未必 由於人類社會在演化過程中曾受到基督教的污染, 故有很多事物可能被誤導 所以需要有時發思古之幽情,回顧檢視一下, 先賢可能比今人正確 | |||||
咁又係。希望今次是否應用啜管之事,沒有受基督教干預啦。 |
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