神父狎童遭索償 教區捲入明年審
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香港天主教會要學習承認錯誤,及直接賠償給我! 亞廉 | |||||
你們的捐款就這樣被陳日君及香港天主教會騙去了! 亞廉上 | |||||
The ex-child who was sexually abused by Lau Ka Yee. Thanks for your concern and please be very careful with religion. | |||||
我翻查了有關新聞報導,知道警方因你的精神分裂而不受理你的報案。 假如真的因為這樣而導致真相被湮沒,那實在太不公平了。 希望你盡早回復正常心智,才能與惡勢力周旋到底。 | |||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-12-24 14:33 發表 was 'the diagnosis issued by a Catholic or Christian doctor ?? was 'the diagnosis issued by a Catholic or Christian doctor who hide her/his religious identity ?? if .... true , then .... 亞廉 may not be ......... 亞廉您好 , i suggest u .... .1. to go to see a psychologiccal practionner who is not Catholic or Christian or at least religion-neutral and then .2. to let us or the public to know 'the diagnosis report cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |||||
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原帖由 Guest from 202.40.137.x 於 2007-12-24 13:58 發表 I TRUST U | |||||
可嘗試與我聯絡:phaedom@yahoo.com.hk 我是臨床心理學家,亦是一名佛教徒。在澳洲工作時曾輔導被天主教修士性侵犯受害人,但因我現於政府機構工作,不能「兼職」私下進行輔導,故只能透過email談話及提供轉介資料,謝謝! 」 希望能幫到亞廉,如有任何進展,有空請告訴我。 | |||||
phaedom@yahoo.com.hk >> 但因我現於政府機構工作, >> 不能「兼職」私下進行輔導, >> 故只能透過email談話及提供轉介資料 me seems , this 臨床心理學家 seems to be afraid o'[of] potential `````follow-up"""" cheers ThANKye pendragon | |||||
Kwai-Chung-Hospital [[[[[[[[[ speciallised only for psychologiccal issue ]]]]]]]]] as example here 1 of my closest relatives , mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm o k , my wife , lived there over 3 years , me seems , Kwai-Chung-Hospital , seems to be -p-o-s-s-i-b-l-y- dictated by Protestants + Catholics , at least , there'r just only billboard for Protestants , there'r just only billboard for Catholics , my-wife's chief consultant is a Christian , she , in a consultation with my wife , expressivly expressively , asked//orderred my wife : ::::: ````````` not to believe in buddhism again !! """"""""" [[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course ]]]]]]]]] my wife shut up , and , there-after , did not discuss any religious matters any more with her friends there | |||||
事實上,這確是令人擔心的現象。 | |||||
http://buddhistcompassion.org/126coverstory.htm but , sorry , i'm not acquainted w/ 曾繁光 in any way , vice versa , thence , i dont have any contact's information of 曾繁光 sorry ThANKye , 2w | |||||
2. It would be worrying that Christianity is dominating 醫療界及社福界 (and education also) since people would be forced to believe in Christianity by benefits. However, if there is no Christianity, there would be so few welfare provided to poor people. In this sense, Christianity could act as a powerful party to reallocate income to the poor. | |||||
2. 也不一定,單單以醫療界為例,東華三院、仁濟等,都是沒有宗教背景、但又十分成功的醫療機構。 社福界及教育界也是以基督教的名義,實際在財力上都是由政府而出的。 | |||||
i'd like2 suggest u to ask 溫暖人間 info@buddhistcompassion.org whether they could refer u to see 曾繁光 i cant guarantee any response from 溫暖人間 , as u know , it involves 'the Christian religious issues , thence , there'r just too few people who have the guts to dare to challenge the Christiannity , expecially in hk , cheers ThANKye , 2w | |||||
may b unlikely to tread into 'the `````dirty"""" water any ``unfavourite" actions from 溫暖人間 e.t.c. , would b suspected as ````````` the-buddhists-using-other-people-as-``tools"-to-take-on-our-religion-indirectly """""""" just only my own subjective + incorrect + humble guestimate , cheers ThANKye , 2w [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-29 05:37 編輯 ] | |||||
a lot of people in the Church are using the name of Christ and God to hurt people! Many people believe in Christ & God, but not the Church! I believe in Buddhism & 道教. best wishes I am Ah lim | |||||
Help! please! I am Ah lim | |||||
The Roman Catholic Church of Hong Kong or The Christians? I am Ah Lim | |||||
上次那個「有品」網友,您有沒有聯絡他呢?我希望您首先能調理好自己,因為在思絮混亂的期間,相當於暴露了自己的一切給對方,對方就更容易傷害您。 認同您的說法,不要再想有神與無神的問題了,這對於您的情況真是無關重要。 衷心希望您能戰勝對手,討回公道! 抽刀斷水 謹上 P.S. 誰人付款打官司已不是問題,最終羊毛都是出自羊身上的。羊者,教徒也。 |
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