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難得b 叔叔佢再渡風塵 師父你就屈就一次當幫佢洗塵啦~ | |||||
我地細路仔講野,你d大人咪插嘴啦。 | |||||
我都係怕沙君子佢教壞d 細路jey | |||||
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbine 現在沒了騎兵, 此種武器已跟機動部隊用的火力較小而輕巧的sub-machine gun混合 [ 本帖最後由 沙文 於 2007-3-21 04:52 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 沙文 於 2007-3-21 20:50 發表 老大你又錯啦 我只係話騎兵用唔到ak47同埋m249 冇話騎兵用唔到槍wor~~~ 槍騎兵係日本係戰國時代已經有 ... 古代歐洲亦有類似兵器種 http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AA%91%E5%85%B5&variant=zh-hk#.E6.97.A5.E6.9C.AC 不過唔係ak47 同埋m249播... [ 本帖最後由 Step.King 於 2007-3-21 21:47 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 Step.King 於 2007-3-21 05:01 發表 The thunder of a thousand-horse charge by a cavalry wielding AK-47's still seems more real to Elias Waya, a rebel commander, than the prospect of peace in Sudan. .The battle took place in July last year. "We saw the Arab horsemen just before the dust and noise came," said Waya, acting commander of Sudan People's Liberation Army troops in Rumbek, the rebels' de facto capital. http://www.iht.com/articles/2003/12/08/sudan_ed3_.php 再話俾全球軍事博物館聽, 您話AK-47根本無生產過供騎兵用的摺槍托型號, 您地錯哂, 只有我令狐史京啱!!! AK-47 Models for paratroopers, cavalry, and mechanized troops have folding stocks. Most fold sideways, but a few fold downward and forward over the pistol grip like the folding stock on the old German MP40 submachinegun. http://open-encyclopedia.com/AKM [ 本帖最後由 沙文 於 2007-3-21 06:33 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 沙文 於 2007-3-21 22:05 發表 死好命 咁都比你搵到... | |||||
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老大 你"又"唔記得login 啦~~~ 我解釋比你聽啦 師父~~~又 | |||||
原帖由 Step.King 於 2007-3-21 07:02 發表 現在,請進一步闡釋「重複或反覆」,舉例說明之 | |||||
人地個網入面米有埋例句同埋解釋law 乜老大你咁懶ga~ | |||||
[ 本帖最後由 沙文 於 2007-3-21 07:36 編輯 ] | |||||
咁呢個就要考老大你IQ同智慧啦~ | |||||
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徒兒不敢 ~ 徒兒知錯了 ~~ 嗚嗚 是徒兒中史讀得不精 誤會師父你錯 你貴為君子劍 又那有錯之理 別罰我單獨上思過涯面璧阿 ~ (有師妹同去則當別論 |
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