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sorry , i'm too foolish + silly , can not understand , can u explain it a little bit ?? ThANKs | |||||
Rod of Asclepius - 一條蛇,無翼,代表醫療(見世衛) | |||||
原帖由 河馬先生 於 2008-10-21 07:00 發表 o k , first ThANKs , i love it very fairly fairy .... but , couldest////could thou////u teach me y////why 兩條蛇 代表 盜賊,賭徒 ?? y////why 一條蛇 代表 醫療 ?? ThANKs | |||||
原帖由 河馬先生 於 2008-10-21 07:00 發表 by the way , 蛇 , not a bad boy for ever ?? ThANKs again |
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