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女人指成個民族, 咁同呢句文法又唔岩啵: 「我要把仇恨放在你和女人,你的後裔和她的後裔之間,她的後裔要踏碎你的頭顱,你要傷害他的腳跟。」 係用單數「他」,, 唔係「佢地」「他們」 | |||||
「我要把仇恨放在你和女人,你的後裔和她的後裔之間,她的後裔要踏碎你的頭顱,你要傷害他的腳跟。」 一按, 二按..三按 B 又按 打蛇隨棍上, 蛇有蛇路。 耶穌在經上只有兩次稱呼瑪利亞:「女人..」 第一次在加納婚宴...也是耶穌第一次行神蹟, 開始傳道。 另一次是在十字架上叫若望照顧母親, ,對女人說: 這是你的兒子(若望)... 也是耶穌結束任務的時候。 在開始, 結束時...都特別拿出「女人」這稱號叫瑪利亞。 好明, 就係表露身份:我正是經上說「那女人」的後裔。。能戰勝蛇(魔鬼)嗰個。是天主許諾的。 | |||||
成個民族整體pronoun 係singlar nubmber. 即如company 嘅pronoun 用it, that | |||||
「她的後裔要踏碎你的頭顱」....咁咪要成個以色列民族一齊踩? | |||||
God, in His infinite power, created multitudes of angels, an impressive, incalculable number. One day during an exorcism Father Candido Amantini — a Passionist priest and my great teacher — asked a demon: “How many are you?” The demon responded: “We are so many that if we were visible we would obscure the sun.” The demon on that occasion gave information that we have no reason to disbelieve because it is confirmed in the Bible. https://catholicexchange.com/fac ... fr-gabriele-amorth/ | |||||
“We are so many that if we were visible we would obscure the sun.” The demon on that occasion gave information that we have no reason to disbelieve because it is confirmed in the Bible. 小妖精細魔鬼多到可以「obscure the sun」都無有怕, 因為牠們都會被打到扑落地 默示錄12:7 彌額爾和他的天使一同與那龍交戰,那龍也和牠的使者一起應戰, 但牠們敵不住,在天上遂再也沒有牠們的地方了 一樣是「no reason to disbelieve because it is confirmed in the Bible.」 | |||||
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創世紀每一日創造後, 天主都說:天主看了認為好 第6日後: 天主看了他造的一切,認為樣樣都很好。 雖然後來俾撒殫搞亂檔, 天主會還原一切.....所以是大團圓結局,有情人終成眷屬,好人最終有好報,破碎的家庭最終仍能湊合在一起,一家團團圓圓的, 齊齊嚟唱: 齊歡唱喇 | |||||
唔知點解我從來未睇過有人將 Oedipus Rex 改成大團圓收場嘅呢? | |||||
編導話事嘛 救贖計劃, 係天主編導。 | |||||
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你細個時既亞嫲, 日本仔, 共產黨打國民黨, 經歷, 見過唔少悲劇...所以「大團圓」在當時社會會好賣得。等人唔好成日都咁灰。 | |||||
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天主係睇見人慘, 特登編個大團圓。 你就係到改編。 | |||||
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慘得過人又鍾意, 好賣座喎 | |||||
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