估下邊個國家衰成咁, 竟然支持基督教傳播
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資料不確。 當時鴉片喺英國係合法商品, BB仔止咳水都含有鴉片成分 Opium was legal in Britain in the early 1800s, with British people consuming between 10 and 20 tonnes of the stuff every year. Powdered opium was dissolved in alcohol as a tincture called laudanum, which was freely available as a painkiller and even present in cough medicine for babies. Many late-18th and 19th-century literary figures were influenced by opium, including Lord Byron, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, John Keats and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Thomas De Quincey found fame with his autobiographical Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. Drinking opium in this way produced mild narcotic effects but was also habit-forming – society at this time was therefore pervaded by high-functioning opium addicts, including many among the lower classes who were looking to numb the tedium of working and living in an industrialised urban world. But while laudanum helped inspire a few poets and fuelled bouts of aristocratic debauchery, drinking it delivered a relatively slow release of opiates into the bloodstream. https://www.theguardian.com/soci ... -wars-china-britain | |||||
"唐朝時,罌粟經由大食進貢而傳入中國[6],四川在唐朝已經種植罌粟,叫做阿芙蓉;佛教僧人義淨(635-713)亦從印度將鴉片傳入中國,當時稱為「藥煙」。宋代士大夫用鴉片煎茶是時尚,蘇東坡詩云:「道人勸飲雞蘇水,童子能煎鶯粟湯……」,「鶯粟」即罌粟。" https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%B8%A6%E7%89%87
同埋以上提及的”大食”都有份, “大食”即係阿拉伯, 近來貴特區仲提倡的士佬學阿拉伯文招呼大食佬
可見貴國對於食唔食鴉片, 其實唔係好介意 |
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