原帖由 dye 於 2008-5-17 14:05 發表
因為現代中華人民共和國也是一個品牌。長江三峽大水壩一旦出了這麼大的醜聞,人民對政府的信心怎不大幅下滑?官員們到時還不是吃不完的兜著走 ...
有人說 : :::::::::: 出動全國g力,
直至 現在 為止,只出動了1xx,xxx 人 ,
即使 全部出動 全國 軍隊 幾百萬 人,我仍覺得 有不夠
為什麼 直 [至刀] 現在 還不 出動 全國 軍隊 幾百萬 人 o尼 ??!!!!
北川緊急決堤警告撤離人員 (明報) 05月 17日 星期六 07:55PM
四川 北川縣下午近3時發出決堤報告,所有救援人員及民眾需要撤離,數以千計的人湧往山上離開。
從北川縣城到北川中學約有2公里路程,但由於都是上山的山路,盡管民眾都在跑步撤離,但撤離速度並不快。雖然民眾撤離時都非常緊張,但秩序並不紊亂。一些解放軍 和消防官兵用擔架抬著一些傷員和老人,隊形依然比較整齊。
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[[[[[ ThANKs to My Fair Lady 秀雲 ]]]]
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-5-17 21:06 編輯 ] |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-5-17 14:05 發表
因為現代中華人民共和國也是一個品牌。長江三峽大水壩一旦出了這麼大的醜聞,人民對政府的信心怎不大幅下滑?官員們到時還不是吃不完的兜著走 ...
溫州巴士被撞後爆炸14死 (明報) 05月 17日 星期六 06:30PM
[[[[[[[[[ update : ::::: 16人 死 ]]]]]]]]] |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-5-17 14:05 發表
因為現代中華人民共和國也是一個品牌。長江三峽大水壩一旦出了這麼大的醜聞,人民對政府的信心怎不大幅下滑?官員們到時還不是吃不完的兜著走 ...
[[[[[[[[[ ThANKs to reminders of My Fair Lady 秀雲 ]]]]]]]]]
----- Weitergeleitete Mail [[[[[=german=Forwarded_Mail]]]] ----
Von[[[[[=german=From]]]]: "editors@probeinternational.org"
Gesendet[[[[[=german=Sent]]]]: Sonntag, den 18. Mai 2008, 03:09:47 Uhr
Betreff[[[[[=german=subject]]]]: Three Gorges Probe - Earthquake Update
Probe International
1. China earthquakes. More peril: Dam and reservoir collapse (ChinaStakes 17/05/08)
2. China sends experts to assess reservoir damage in quake-hit Sichuan (Xinhua 16/05/08)
1. China earthquakes. More peril: Dam and reservoir collapse (ChinaStakes 17/05/08)
The 7.8 earthquake that shook Sichuan Province in the afternoon of May 12, killing an estimated 50,000, is posing a continuing threat as the untold damage to hydropower stations and reservoir dams upstream on the Min River (the Minjiang) becomes apparent. The Minjiang is a tributary of the Yangtze River.
“We’re ready to go to the earthquake affected areas. The Ministry of Water may summon us at any time,” Li Lei, professor at the Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, said to a China Business News reporter.
The National Development and Reform Commission has revealed the destruction caused to water facilities by the earthquake. By 5pm, May 13, safety problems had been discovered at 391 reservoirs, including two big ones, 28 medium ones and 361 small ones, in Sichuan and other four provinces.
The quake and its aftershocks were strong enough to cause damage to the foundation and body of the dams and reduce their bearing capacity. “Judging from the number of the dams destroyed, the damage is very serious,” said Professor Li Lei.
Sichuan has about 7,000 dams in its system, 70% of which were built in 1950s or 1960s, which now needs to be consolidated.
The 340 km upstream of the Minjiang rises in northwest Sichuan Province and flows down to Dujiangyan, a city close to the epicenter. The river runs between mountains along the transitional area between the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin.
Han Zhengjiang, Vice-Director of the Chongqing Water Bureau, said at the press briefing yesterday that as of 9am, May 13, 19 reservoirs and 125 cisterns were in danger.
The Ministry of Water quickly established an earthquake headquarters and has sent workgroups and experts directly to the affected areas. A Sichuan Water Conservancy Station issued an urgent alert on the security of water conservancy projects on May 13 after the earthquake.
With its plentiful rivers, Sichuan (which in Mandarin means “four rivers") has a slew of hydropower stations. The drainage basins of the Jinsha, Yalong and Dadu Rivers are all important hydropower bases. At the end of 2007, the capacity of Sichuan hydropower stations amounted to 18.8 million kw, about 62% of Sichuan total electricity production capacity, and 13% of China’s hydropower capacity. In 2007 hydropower stations generated about 63% of Sichuan’s total generated power, a highest such percentage in China.
On May 13, several dams holding reservoirs upstream of Wenchuan were in extreme danger, and the dam in front of the Tulong Reservoir on the Minjiang[[[[[岷江]]]] could have collapsed at any time. Had this happened, several hydropower stations downstream would have been in peril.
That danger has been relieved by reducing the reservoir’s water level. Other reservoir dams have also been affected by the earthquakes, but due to low water levels, they are now relatively safe.
“We’re very concerned about reservoirs, especially the big ones,” said Hu Xianming, an expert on earthquake and reservoir.
A survivor in Wenchuan[[[[[汶川]]]] said, “During the earthquake, I saw the Zipingpu[[[[[紫坪鋪]]]] Reservoir[[水庫]] water level leap, and village [[[[[sssssss]]]] in the mountains disappeared in the debris flow in a second. It was terrible.”
A Ministry of Water spokesman said the earthquake cracked the fish-gate of the hydro project in Dujianyan[[[[[都江堰]]]], and a backup generator room had collapsed, but this did not affect the safe operation of the project.
The Ministry of Water has made plans to ensure the safety of the Zipingpu Dam, Dujiangyan City, and the Chengdu Plain. “We have gotten though the drainage channel of the Zipingpu Reservoir to reduce the water level. Now the water is draining at 700 cubic meters a second.
The Minjiang water system is rich in power resources. There are 396 hydropower stations in this area, with the total installed capacity of 112×105 kW, and the annual power generation of 46.89×109 kWh.
There several fault zones in the Aba area. These fault zones affect the geological development and crustal stability of the area.
Chai Hejun, a researcher in Chongqing Transportation Research and Design Institute has investigated the Minjiang upstream many times. He says special attention must be paid to the situation of upstream waters
“The earthquake created blockages that will form many new lakes and streams. When water accumulates these may collapse and greatly threaten downstream people and hydro projects,” said Chai Hejun.
Chinastakes.com is the first online English publication dedicated to reviewing China's finance/economy/business.
2. China sends experts to assess reservoir damage in quake-hit Sichuan (Xinhua 16/05/08)
BEIJING -- China's Ministry of Water Resources on Friday dispatched nine emergency repair teams to Sichuan to assess the conditions of reservoirs after Monday's massive earthquake.
The teams, with more than 100 experts, would be sent to six hard-hit regions, including Mianyang[[[[[岷江]]]], Deyang[[[[[德陽]]]] and Aba[[[[[阿壩]]]], to check the situation of dikes, reservoirs and hydropower plants.
They would assess the damage and draw up plans to prevent secondary disasters or evacuations, if necessary, the ministry said.
The ministry had set up a command center for disaster rescue and relief operations and sent 71 water resource experts to seven quake-stricken provincial regions amid concerns that the weakened dams might collapse.
Minister Chen Lei warned Thursday that Sichuan, where the epicenter is located, has a large number of reservoirs, many of which have sustained significant but still unknown damage.
According to the ministry, the Zipingpu dam, near the quake epicenter in Wenchuan County, is structurally stable and safe despite some minor damages.
Other key water projects in Sichuan, including the more than 2,000-year-old Dujiangyan[[都江堰]] irrigation system, the south-to-north water diversion project and the Three Gorges Dam are all reported safe.
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[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-5-18 12:53 編輯 ] |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-5-17 14:05 發表
因為現代中華人民共和國也是一個品牌。長江三峽大水壩一旦出了這麼大的醜聞,人民對政府的信心怎不大幅下滑?官員們到時還不是吃不完的兜著走 ...
幽王二年西周三川皆震伯陽父曰周將亡矣 [[[[[[[[[ ThANKs to reminders of My Fair Lady 秀雲 ]]]]]]]]]
本文記述一項中國新聞動態。隨著事件發展,內容可能會快速更新。 地貌
[编辑] 水利工程
2008年5月16日四川岷江上游9座水壩,因大地震受到不同程度破壞,該區最大水庫-紫坪鋪水庫,已出現裂縫和局部沉陷,鄰近山區不斷下泄大量土石流,危及水庫安全。紫坪鋪水庫距都江堰9千米,距成都市60千米,庫容是台北翡翠水庫3倍。中國水利部昨天發表初步統計,大地震造成四川和重慶等地約391座水庫出現險情,其中,大型水庫2座,中型水庫28座,小型水庫321座。這300多座水庫中,有129座在重慶境內。至於是那兩座大型水庫因地震受到損壞,中共官方並未提及;從地震位置來看,其中一座應是紫坪鋪水庫。中國官方昨天一再強調,位於都江堰水利樞紐上游的紫坪鋪水庫,壩體結構安全。但根據當地媒體報道,地震已造成紫坪鋪水庫大壩壩體發生裂縫,局部沉陷,情況不樂觀。5月14日中午,一度傳出紫坪鋪水庫非常危險,中國水利部緊急啟動“保壩方案”,當地有關部門已調派兩千名官兵火速前往,打通水庫排洪通道,降低蓄水水位,確保都江堰安全,緩解水庫潰決的危險。紫坪鋪水庫附近山體滑坡相當嚴重,已出現大量土石流,這些土石流對紫坪鋪水庫也造成一定程度的破壞。兩千名在當地駐守的官兵,隨時監測和搶救險情。[155] [编辑]
many more 批評 @ there ,
but ,
afraid of ,,,,,,,,,公安機關將按法規給予治安處罰''''''''' 離教者之家 ,
so ,
visit yourselves
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-5-18 13:55 編輯 ] |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-5-17 14:05 發表
因為現代中華人民共和國也是一個品牌。長江三峽大水壩一旦出了這麼大的醜聞,人民對政府的信心怎不大幅下滑?官員們到時還不是吃不完的兜著走 ...
幽王二年西周三川皆震伯陽父曰周將亡矣 [[[[[[[[[ ThANKs to reminders of My Fair Lady 秀雲 ]]]]]]]]]
my own take : ::::::::::
不宜 @四川+附近 興建任何大壩或水庫,including 長江三峽大水壩
1.000////1.000 秋
10.000////10,000代 永生的風險,更 永生 過 神 .,;==^)
重慶,幾年前 , 還是,四川 一部份
人 可以 控制 一 [七刀] ,
總有 一 [金咼]
總有 大 [示咼]
跳轉到: 導航, 搜尋
地震名稱 年份 芮氏 震央
康定-瀘定大地震 1786年6月1日 7.8 康定縣、瀘定縣
(瀘定) 1786年6月10日 7.0 甘孜藏族自治州瀘定縣
1816年爐霍大地震 1816年 7.5 甘孜藏族自治州爐霍縣
西昌大地震 1850年 7.5 涼山彝族自治州西昌市
茂縣大地震 1933年 7.5 茂縣疊溪鎮
馬邊地震 1935年 6.0 樂山市馬邊彝族自治縣
康定折多塘大地震 1955年 7.5 康定縣折多塘
會理地震 1955年 6.75 會理縣魚鮓鄉
1973年爐霍大地震 1973年 7.6 甘孜藏族自治州爐霍縣
康定-九龍地震 1975年 6.2 康定縣、九龍縣
松潘-平武大地震 1976年 7.2 松潘縣、平武縣
鹽源-寧蒗地震 1976年 6.7 四川鹽源縣、雲南麗江市寧蒗彝族自治縣
道孚地震 1981年 6.9 道孚縣麻孜鄉溝普村
甘孜地震 1982年 6.0 甘孜縣扎科鄉
巴塘地震 1989年 6.7 巴塘縣小壩沖村
雅江地震 2001年 6.0 雅江縣
汶川大地震 2008年 7.8 汶川縣
[編輯] 延伸閱讀
* 《四川地震資料匯編》
[編輯] 外部鏈結
* 中國的特大地震
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-5-18 14:10 編輯 ] |
全能既神比4川一個考驗 |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-5-17 14:05 發表
因為現代中華人民共和國也是一個品牌。長江三峽大水壩一旦出了這麼大的醜聞,人民對政府的信心怎不大幅下滑?官員們到時還不是吃不完的兜著走 ...
first first class classic classiccal apologisations , sorry
在下雖不才,但,對你 絕對 非 針對,
後學 深知 心知 眼見 禪師哥哥 絕對 是對,
只是眼見 ,國家多難後,後 [中中心] 無限,
一時感 觸 , 感時傷事,有骨在喉 , 不吐不快樂,
故 [八3],
借 題 發 [手軍] ,
如有任何冒犯,[xx句文]=[respect] 請 無量 原諒 ,
again the sorry , :跪拜:cheers ThANK ye 禪師哥哥 |
[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-5-19 18:21 編輯 ] |
1) 用不著(不是人多便好的)
2) 還有其他任務 (你以為地震是唯一令人死的方法?) |
原帖由 wkw 於 2008-5-18 19:10 發表
so Christiannity////Christianity !!!!
so ,
那 [京尤] 請 全能 o既[[[[[=的]]]] 神 考 1 考驗 你自己的家庭 baa
那 [京尤] 請 全能 o既[[[[[=的]]]] 神 考 1 考驗 你自己 baa
好 maa ??
不好 ??
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-5-17 10:59 發表
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=nnWat6grZ4Y |
我們要看生還者在百多個小時後被救出來的鼓舞,還是要看災區滿目瘡痍、死寂一片的更真實境況? |
http://www.rockstargames.com/vicecity/ |
。。这游戏大陆十分流行。。。 |
黃萬里畢生反對三峽工程 預言大壩終將被迫炸掉 http://history.163.com/06/0823/13/2P7D3P4600011246.html 核心提示:今年是黃萬里先生逝世5周年。出身名門,作為黃炎培之子的黃萬里,一生中的轉折點就是黃河三門峽工程上他的堅持己見。右派平反後,他曾六次上書國家領導人反對在長江三峽上建大壩。本文發表於2005年。
黃萬里:三峽工程"禍國殃民",永不可修 http://kyohane.bokee.com/3757506.html
[ 本帖最後由 秀雲 於 2008-5-23 09:32 編輯 ] |
>>>>>>>>> 黄万里先生逝世
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-5-22 22:16 發表
看著螢幕播放傷者從瓦礫中被救出的一刻,現場所有人和電視旁的觀眾莫不一起鼓舞著。只是,尚有很多很多具屍體被埋著,或者拖出來的時候已經失去生命,鏡頭大概會移到其他更有新聞價 ...
如果這地震只死了一個人的話,死者就會成為一星期的頭條。 |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-5-22 22:16 發表
记住! 做人不可以东逃西躲到明天! 积极面对,虽死犹荣 !
Stand Up China ! Face Your Adversities with the Power of Courage & Love !
The Final Words of Chen 陈坚临终前说的几句话
I might be the first man in the world to survive with 3 huge block of concretes falling on the back .....
I must insist to live on...I cannot let my kid coming to the world without a Dad ( his wife is pregnant)
In my life...I don't have any big life target...all I want is to spend the rest of my life with you ( his wife) in peace.....
Iam unlucky to be the victim of the earthquake but I am also a lucky manbecause I escaped from the palm of the Master of Death....
Many of them were not as lucky as I am..Three huge block of concretes fell on my back...and I wasn't able to move....
I have not eaten for three days three nights... I only survived with alittle sip of water...and that is...I believed that luck will comeagain as long as I wasn't going to die in this disaster.....
I don't want to abandon any member in my family....
Insist ! I must insist ! I must insist and be strong....for the sake of each person I deeply love...
I must insist and I must not disappoint any of my family and friends that I deeply love....
in order to repay them for the kindness and love they had given to me all my life....
I wish you will do the same...don't be frightened and collapsed in front of any difficulties ....
I don't want my kid to come to this world without knowing how his Dad looks like....
Since I have come back from the palm of the Master of Death... now...I have nothing to be fearful for...
though I don't know how long more I can live on....
Chen left this world after he left the world with his final words .....
被压在废墟下... Being stuck in rubble...
生还的希望逐渐消失.... and the hope for life was fading minute by minute....
男子受不了开始有自尽的想法.... The man couldn't take it any more and he wanted to kill himself by twisting his neck against the debris .....
但女子说: but the woman said.....
“ If Heaven wants to kill us...He would have killed us right away. But since we're still alive, we must be fated to live."
[ 本帖最後由 红孩儿 於 2008-6-11 11:13 編輯 ] |
陳堅這個報導,的確令人感到心酸。 |