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往日种种从何谈。 敢问近来安可否? 未及开口影已淡。 她从日本培训回来了。。。。呵呵 | |||||
約個飯局吧。 | |||||
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酒入愁腸苦自嚐 誰重溫柔枉愁腸 桃花人面似舊時 隻言片語比秋涼 | |||||
prussian Dutch Uncle : ::::: improve your English competency AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE + AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !!! sorry | |||||
hereby , i stand thee-by very firmly , i do not suggest to make any appointment with her , it would not make sense it would just make u more dis-appoinment////disAppoinment/////disappoinment<<<<=====[[[[-correct-English-]]]]] sorry again 原帖由 Jom 於 2008-11-27 05:25 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=34555&ptid=2865] [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-11-27 10:39 編輯 ] | |||||
i suspect : : : : she might have looked down up-on////upOn/////upon u then////at-that-time | |||||
i suggest not to make any more date with her , i suggest to listen to the english-speaking tv or video 24x7 by this time sorry aNewer////anew [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-11-27 10:49 編輯 ] | |||||
first very ThANK-ye :跪拜::跪拜: sorry , u do not have any need to reply me , my comment , my so-called comment's nothing more than murmur | |||||
請 原諒 我 再 炒 冷飯, | |||||
月自清虛影自憐, 2重 押韻, pretty really pretty much as much a rare-ware as a diamond in a lion's lair .,;==^) 後學 讀得書 少, [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-12-3 00:32 編輯 ] | |||||
月自清虛影自憐, suggestion : ::::: : : in order to improve your pair-of-poems to b////be perfect , so , i suggest : : : : 圓月清虛影自憐, or 元月清虛影自憐, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ explanations : ::::: : : .1. 圓 or 元 , would serve as a kind o' adjective here , .2. 元 would b////be more abstract抽象 , thence being handsomely////handsomly able to serve all purpose , i.e. : : 百 [手答] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ````````` 引用: 月自清虛影自憐, 2重 押韻, pretty really pretty much as much a rare-ware as a diamond in a lion's lair .,;==^) 後學 讀得書 少, [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-12-3 00:32 編輯 ] ///////// _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by////van////von vonHohenStaufen .,;==^) | |||||
i suggest : : respond me non////not , should it convene thee////ye////you not so hot .,;==^) | |||||
原來鹿鳴兄弟也好此道,原詩甚好,看得我手癢起來,抄起棟筆,欲東施效顰;又見有朋友述及迷債,心有所感,此即喻時事,與鹿鳴兄弟對和一首,沿兄弟詩體,仄起平韻同。 《無題》 月出高樓鳥出頭 苔痕新綠桂花愁 冬風無力顧深院 子規有心待九秋 四句皆為不可能之景,又,末句九秋,語出白居易︰「弔影分為千里雁,辭根散作九秋蓬。」,作「深秋」解。當然,亦可作「九年」解,等九年,更大鑊。 閒來玩藝,貽笑大方了。 | |||||
《無題》 [圣力] !!! | |||||
原來鹿鳴兄弟也好此道,原詩甚好,看得我手癢起來,抄起棟筆,欲東施效顰;又見有朋友述及迷債,心有所感,此即喻時事,與鹿鳴兄弟對和一首,沿兄弟詩體,仄起平韻同。 月出高樓鳥出頭 sorry y////why each of ' the 四句 皆為 不可能之景 ?? ThANK ye | |||||
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多謝賜教!這實在只是我一時醉後的順手之作。 我比較喜歡 post#1 那首詩. |
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