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http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=3h9clz9kB7s 何小姐俾班耶膠激到喊!!! | |||||
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Me too! | |||||
20# NACA Well, one thing, regretfully, that you must consider when thinking about "what these people are thinking", is that the ethical question may or may not be the least amongst their concern, as "a whole" (or as the church administration), but they are rather concerned about whether what they propose as a "moral definition of law" and that alone constitutes the law. If you look at all the major legal issues about religion around the world - gay marriage, evolution and high school, "moral" censorship ... it's all the same - the church demands power - what they really demand is their speech and their speech alone must have a levitated privilege (which is why the case for "intelligence design" in United Stated was essentially deemed by the federal court as outright dishonesty.) So yea, it's not really about ethical consistency but about the political power of the church, it's really about, and only about, getting people into line which pathetically is the very same concept of "good" as in "non-naughtiness" of most parents in Hong Kong. (In fact, with my own experience in the church for some 15 years, and in the same time my experience as a student of philosophy in college, the utter realization is the fact that there is no such thing as "Christian ethics" that is logically and ethically defined, as the only prominent ethical theory of the church is the Divine Command Theory, which is, by definition, a political system) | |||||
的方法? 您的位置:香港法律資訊門戶網 Hong Kong LAWS SITE >> 資訊 >> 法律常識 >> 查看資訊 字體: 小 中 大 | 推薦給好友 上一篇 | 下一篇 刑事和民事的分別 發佈: 2007-12-23 18:30 | 作者: webmaster | 來源: 本站原創 | 查看: 495次 刑事訴訟與民事訴訟的主要分別,在於前者是以香港特區的名義向任何被指控犯罪的人士提出 (即無論受害人是誰,均以香港特區之名義提出檢控),藉以遏止罪案和懲治罪犯;而後者則用以保護產權、追收財產及強制履行訴訟各方之義務 (一般由受損失之一方提出指控或索償)。 | |||||
「拿走人應有的法律權利,無論出發點有多好,也不過是高貴地使用暴力!」 直是可以用作一月份金句!!!! | |||||
please , 何秀蘭 小姐 , any Christian ?? ThANK ye | |||||
我想講,大家其實知唔知家庭暴力條例本身係一條民事法?而其他在居所內非親密關係者,如同住一板間房者被騷擾,大可以用用刑事法告佢,如傷人那些,但用民事法喎,如果係板間房,咁限制佢出入是否一個可行的 then , y////why not hkgovernment make 家庭暴力條例 as a 刑事法 instead ?? any conspiracy ?? ThANKs | |||||
何秀蘭並無宗教信仰。 | |||||
因為在家庭中很多時受害人本身都是在物質或精神上對加害者有所依賴,在此代表香港政府發出的刑事檢控則一般會造成「加害者是被收監了,不過受害者都好不到哪裡去」的雙輸結果。 將家暴條例造成民事法,本身就是為了方便受害人提出控訴的同時,減低對於加害者的絕對刑罰。 |
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