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Of the 4,392 priests who were accused, police were contacted regarding 1,021 individuals and of these, 384 were charged resulting in 252 convictions and 100 prison sentences; 3,300 were not investigated because the allegations were made after the accused priest had died. 被指控的4392個神職人員中, 有 252個給定罪, 即 6%. 你跟本不懂看英文! ========== 哈哈!4,392個神職人員中, 有 252個給定罪, 有100個入獄,另3300個被告早已死了,這叫看不懂英文? 我是在講『被指控的4392個神職人員中, 有 252個給定罪, 即 6%.』嗎? 還真好笑哩! ================= http://www.bishop-accountability.org/AtAGlance/data.htm The U.S. bishops have reported receiving allegations of abuse by 5,948 priests in 1950-2010, or 5.4% of the 109,694 U.S. priests active since 1950. See our table showing the sources for the 5,948 total. Other percentages After the March 2009 release of audit documents by the NH AG, the names of 74 accused Manchester priests are known, or over 8.9% of the 831 diocesan priests, which extrapolates to 9,768 nationally Covington diocese states that 9.6% of its priests have been accused, which extrapolates to 10,531 nationally Over 10% of Providence RI priests have been accused, which extrapolates to over 10,969 nationally Richard Sipe estimates that 9% of U.S. priests have offended, which extrapolates to 9,872 priests nationally | |||||
據統計美國的性侵犯罪率排名第一的是教師有6%排第二的就是基督教教牧了5% 你不是在講全美國, 在講咸水角耶? ----------- 我講的是全國沒錯呀,難道你眼花了? >>哈....又是不用審, 一看便知是流料的....唉! 600萬! ----------- 是喔/CIA中情局也算流料?? | |||||
Over 10% of Providence RI priests have been accused, which extrapolates to over 10,969 nationally 你不止唔懂英文, 也附送腦栓塞! 美國人口 312920892. 666一家4口, 有一人信佛, 25%....which then extrapolates to 78230223 nationally!...勁囉. 咁美國就有近八千萬佛徒哩. 又話學佛是高智慧的? 不見得囉. | |||||
CIA 的資料不是流料. 是看 CIA 資料的一個傻頭不懂看, 出流料唶. 美國有600萬佛徒?!! | |||||
「大部份主教和神父均為淫亂分子,其淫行污穢的驚人程度,簡直叫人難以致(置)信。」《祈理魁神父傳・譯者序》 吳主光 譯 妖酋的禽獸行為,姦淫婦女﹑修女的不講,這裏略舉一些最令人齒冷的︰ 和姊妹亂倫的︰約翰十二世﹑保羅三世。 雞姦、獸姦的︰本篤九世。 姦淫妯娌的︰卜尼法斯九世。 和女兒亂倫的︰亞力山大六世。 「最少有五十個教皇犯了最敗壞、最公開的淫行,甚至亂倫、謀殺等極可怕的罪行。」《祈理魁神父傳・簡介》 | |||||
這樣也叫舉例? 我也舉得易如反掌哩...... 看: 與女施主行淫: 乳雲大師 雞姦一同安居比丘: 聖鹽和尚 迷姦參拜女信眾: 沙文法師 強姦人妻: 色加大師 令人齒冷 《話知里神父傳・簡介》 | |||||
>>>你不止唔懂英文, 也附送腦栓塞! 美國人口 312920892. 666一家4口, 有一人信佛, 25%....which then extrapolates to 78230223 nationally!...勁囉. 咁美國就有近八千萬佛徒哩. 又話學佛是高智慧的? 不見得囉. ========== 好笑極了,CIA那來25%?? 2%600 萬人何時變成25%?? 我看你老花眼了, 送你這支以免被人笑死 | |||||
對呀, 三千萬的 2% 是600萬. 可是, 你台灣的互聯網是受政府控制, 你看的 CIA factbook 不是常人看到的資料架? 我個 CIA factbook 寫得好清楚美國有多少人信佛教 你需要的不是一副好眼鏡, 是這個: | |||||
我想你下面的陰毛也沒幾百萬根吧,下次張口就最好查下,不然自已無知變成陰毛怪物又能怪誰呢 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_in_the_United_States Studies have indicated a Buddhist population in the United States of between 2 and 10 million.[26] In the 1990s, Robert A. F. Thurman estimated there were 5 to 6 million Buddhists in America. In a 2007 Pew Research Center survey, at 0.7% Buddhism was the fourth largest religion in the US after Christianity (78.4%), no religion (10.3%) and Judaism (1.7%).[27] CIA.已是2007 年的舊貨了 ==================== http://www.thedhamma.com/buddhists_in_the_world.htm As far back as 1995 a study showed that 1.6% of the U.S. is Buddhist. Only a few years later the number of Buddhist centers doubled, which suggests that the actual percent of Americans who are Buddhist is from 2% to 4%. See: R. Baumann, Univ. of Hannover Professor C. Prebish, Ph.D. has stated that 2% of the U.S. population is Buddhist | |||||
Studies have indicated a Buddhist population in the United States of between 2 and 10 million.[26] In the 1990s, Robert A. F. Thurman estimated there were 5 to 6 million Buddhists in America. 不是嘛!!! 2007年的會比1990的是「舊貨」? | |||||
不知是誰人說過: 喔/CIA中情局也算流料?? 怎麼現在不CIA了? | |||||
拿個私人民調公司,做個1000人抽查,得個0.7%就當真也未免太沒大腦了 又哥倫比亞Robert A. F. Thurman 教授可不是1990 年代發言的。 =========== 另 http://www.thedhamma.com/buddhists_in_the_world.htm As far back as 1995 a study showed that 1.6% of the U.S. is Buddhist. Only a few years later the number of Buddhist centers doubled, which suggests that the actual percent of Americans who are Buddhist is from 2% to 4%. See: R. Baumann, Univ. of Hannover Professor C. Prebish, Ph.D. has stated that 2% of the U.S. population is Buddhist | |||||
又一次給你弄到我笑到噴飯 https://www.cia.gov/library/publ ... ctbook/geos/us.html | |||||
>>>哈..... 美國信佛教的人少過我下邊的毛. 你這樣比, 佛教嬴梗哩. ============== >>>弄到我笑到噴飯 ================= 是我要噴飯吧,蠢到此世間少見 下次先數自已有幾根毛再來講吧! cia的問題是有一網他的資料是寫2% ,我是沒入cia 網看,但他應有自已的理由埴2% | |||||
> 没辦法,遇上一個知識貧民,認命哩 | |||||
彌勒菩薩下生時,龍華法會你不用去了,無得救! | |||||
>>>>又一次給你弄到我笑到噴飯 https://www.cia.gov/library/publ ... ctbook/geos/us.html =================== 看來你真可憐不知這中情局資料抄自這專門搞基督教民調的公司pew的抽測 http://religions.pewforum.org/pd ... study-chapter-1.pdf 自已看看吧,不用功只會在這成傻蛋 | |||||
>>>連找資料的能力你都無,怎要求你有能力去分柝哩。 彌勒菩薩下生時,龍華法會你不用去了,無得救! 没辦法,遇上一個知識貧民,認命哩 對呀, 三千萬的 2% 是600萬. ========================= 其實也不想笑你,你的英文與數學這麼差~~~ 你有查資料過嗎?還是你有陰毛幾百萬?不知誰才是知識貧民呢? | |||||
是啊... 是否我改口說: 我下邊有八萬四千條毛, 每條長一由甸....便是大智慧了? | |||||
https://www.cia.gov/library/publ ... ctbook/geos/us.html 不知是誰首先用 CIA 來高抬資料的可信性, 現在又要千方百計來貶低 CIA 資料來源的可靠性呢? 不知是誰人說過: |
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