2024/10/15 04:01 
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/10/16 03:02 編輯
甚至它们自己人《美国人》都是{怀疑trump等等可能会买票以操作美国的[s ...
。1. *.com/2024/09/22/how-to-steal-an-election-electoral-college-edition/
。2. *.com/2024/09/23/the-electoral-college-the-path-forward-for-america/
It’s all about the Electoral选举人 College卖票集团.

In American history, four presidents — ALL Republicans — have lost the popular vote and won the White House through the Electoral College.
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/9/24 05:55





。1。频频密密有 ‘被刺’ 之阴谋

。2。1早揽实义窿(elon musk)此等大富豪

。3。若再败,就做。。。。。。`虬髯客` _ 自立为王,复活 Confederate<美南联邦> >>>>>> 分裂美国

2024/10/15 04:17 

“閪臭”【越来越不受欢迎 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/10/15 04:01

“Make America great again” 之
在它们心里/围内,可能其实是Confederate States of America:跪拜:
2024/10/15 04:26 
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/10/16 03:07 編輯

“閪臭”【越来越不 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/10/15 04:01
>>>>>>。3。若再败,就做。。。。。。`虬髯客` _ 自立为王,复活 Confederate<美南联邦> >>>>>> 分裂美国
2024/10/15 21:42 
回覆 378# 上流寄生族

2024/10/16 02:58 
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/10/16 03:10 編輯
回覆  上流寄生族

有勞舉出一次選舉人票推翻总统大选的例子,謝謝,功德無量。 ...
jimmychauck 發表於 2024/10/15 21:42
ad《公元》2000,小怖殊【bush】vs gore

ad《公元》2016 trump侵普 vs Hillary Clinton
2024/10/16 03:07 
It’s all about the Electoral选举人 College卖票集团.

In American history, four presidents — ALL Republicans — have lost the popular vote and won the White House through the Electoral College.
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/9/24 05:55 [/quote]>>> , four presidents — ALL Republicans —
查过,更正,应该是5个【皆      美国共和黨人】

2024/10/16 03:15 
回覆  上流寄生族

有勞舉出一次選舉人票推翻总统大选的例子,謝謝,功德無量。 ...
jimmychauck 發表於 2024/10/15 21:42
2024/10/16 03:30 
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/10/16 03:45 編輯
>>>>>>。3。若再败,就做。。。。。。`虬髯客` _ 自立为王,复活 Confederate<美南联邦分裂美国
“Make America great again” 之
在它们心里/围内,可能其实是Confederate States of America

上流寄生族 發表於 2024/10/15 04:17

它们之名字 “Republican”,意思可能就是要成另一个】Republic共和
“圣经”煽动      分裂:例:但以理《Daniel》2:44和合本(上帝版)

当诸王在位的时候,天上的上帝【a虫蛀 - 基督教会,代理      此“““““““““扯线公仔””””””””另立一个永不败坏的度,这国度必不归给其他百姓,却要打碎灭绝所有的国度,存立到永远。
巴比倫名字是伯提沙撒,聖經中說是猶大國的希伯來人。前607年被新巴比倫王國所擄,並在巴比倫宮廷接受教育。 舊約聖經但以理書中,他與另外三個希伯來年青人被選中服侍巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒二世,在巴比倫國中任職。因為解釋尼布甲尼撒二世不能理解的夢,在巴比倫受王重用。  
2024/10/16 04:20 
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/10/16 04:24 編輯
故,,trump等等,可能因此产之声,例...Column: Donald Trump seems to think he’s losing. Would the Republican共和 Party survive可以继续生存 his defeat?
By Jonah Goldberg
Oct. 8, 2024 3:30 AM PT上流寄生族 發表於 2024/10/13 22:04
以下之文,可能暗示2重点 -

(a虫添加剂 -  故,更加必须自立为王 & 自己主宰一切

trump常常长长久久强强强调之 “““election选举 fraud舞弊”””,可能真有其事,就是 - 投标选票,价高者得

Donald Trump seems to think he’s losing. Would the Republican Party survive his defeat? |


Columnist Jonah Goldberg analyses a scenario that is getting a lot of attention lately.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally on Thursday, Oct. 3, at Saginaw Valley State University in University Center, Michigan. [ KATY KILDEE | The Detroit News ]

Published Oct. 9

If Donald Trump loses the election, to hear him and his campaign tell it, the fate of the Republican Party should be the least of our concerns: His defeat would spell the end of the nation itself and all that we hold dear.

Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg [ Provided ]
But let’s assume that Trump and company are exaggerating and that the country continues to exist. What would the GOP look like after he loses — again?

This scenario seems to be getting a lot of attention lately, perhaps because Trump himself has been emphasizing that if he loses — again — it will be because of fraud — again. Such rhetoric does not exude confidence in his prospects.

Some observers seem to think the GOP might not survive a Trump defeat. Under the headline “Potential Trump loss threatens destruction of modern GOP,” Axios predicted that the party would be plagued by an “identity crisis,” a “brutal power struggle” and “years in the wilderness.” Why? Because “Never before has a party’s identity been so deeply entwined with the fate, fortunes and flaws of one man.”

Color me skeptical.

Oh, I agree with the power struggle part. But we’re already almost a full decade into the Republican identity crisis. And as for years in the wilderness … maybe.

But America’s major parties don’t tend to spend that much time in the wilderness because of the way our system works. If Kamala Harris turns out to be an unpopular president — which is hardly inconceivable given that she has been an unpopular vice president — voting her out would, almost by definition, mean voting a Republican in.

Moreover, the nature of Trump’s cult of personality could help the party move past Trumpism. There is very little to Trumpism, after all, beyond Trump himself.

It does seem likely that if Trump loses, he will claim that this election was rigged too. And many Republicans will undoubtedly feel the need to play along, which would be a shame for the country and, one hopes, their careers. But that could go on for only so long. Assuming Trump once again has no actual evidence of fraud and that the electorate has even less patience for a repeat of 2020, the association with a losing case and potential violence will lose its political appeal for most officeholders fairly quickly.

Once the smoke — figurative or literal — clears, elected Republicans could be expected to turn to opposing the new Harris administration. New presidents are at the center of the news cycle, and if we know one thing about Republicans today, it’s that they go where the cameras are. The imperative to check the Harris administration will also be the only excuse much of the Republican base will accept for abandoning Stop the Steal 2.0.

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Fox News would likewise turn its attention to the new administration in relatively short order, having been burned before for repeating bogus election fraud claims. The smaller Trump-friendly media outlets, meanwhile, would compete for the attention of the die-hards who won’t let the dream of a Trump restoration die. The constellation of MAGA monetizers would also compete for dwindling market share with each other and with Trump himself. I mean, he’s hawking watches and sneakers before the election, so he would only redouble his efforts to squeeze the last dollars out of his fans in the aftermath.

One analogue for this is the tea party movement. The groups that marched under that banner had no formal leadership or organization, so after Obama was reelected in 2012, they splintered into grifting factions. I’d expect the same to happen to MAGA world, leaving a host of demagogues to scrap over a shrinking supply of marks.

More consequential fights would ensue over the party’s candidates and positions. The pro-life movement wouldn’t just accept Trump’s recently adopted de facto pro-choice stance or back those who happily went along with it, starting with his running mate, JD Vance. Indeed, talk of Vance as the heir apparent would sound laughable to many after a loss, especially to the slew of GOP pols who would be eager to run on the promise of a fresh start. And Republicans can barely defend the substance of Trump’s trade policies now, so I doubt they would even try once he is out of the picture.

Which brings us back to Trumpism without Trump. With the exception of Vivek Ramaswamy — a MAGA grifter with no elected experience — the other candidates who sought the party’s nomination this year generally spoke the Reaganite language of the traditional GOP because that is where their instincts remain. There will be a battle for the future of the party, to be sure. But Trump’s departure from presidential politics would presage the end of the Republican identity crisis, not the beginning.

Jonah Goldberg is editor-in-chief of The Dispatch and the host of The Remnant podcast. His Twitter handle is @JonahDispatch.

©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
2024/10/16 05:38 
回覆 385# 上流寄生族


2024/10/18 04:07 
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/10/18 05:44 編輯
Benzinga -
Market 'Very Convinced' Of A Trump Win, Says Stanley Druckenmiller: Why Billionaire Investor Thinks Blue【a虫蛀:::,代表了美国民主黨。。。。。。紅色,代表了美国共和黨】 Sweep Is 'Highly Unlikely'

Vice President Kamala Harris is seen as more anti-business than her rival Trump by billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller.
当.10 小時前
今次美国总统大选,普选那部分,可能,就像2016那次那样,都是 - 女人赢【妇解当道】

2024/10/18 18:23 
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2024/10/18 18:24 編輯

2024整整齐齐整个美国总统大选,可能是 - 美國民主黨 &Hillary【Harris代表】等等 女人‘’公主复仇记‘’
今次美国总统大选,普选那部分,可能,就像2016那次那样,都是 - 女人赢【妇解当道】
: ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2024/10/18 04:07
美國民主黨,可能亦会赢之后的electoral选举人 college极端主义、唯利是图、甚至 === 不惜损人利己恐怖主义集团【操控】之

2016年 & 之前的美国总统大选选举人集团,美國民主黨屡战屡败于美國共和黨,,可能因不够美國共和黨那魔多多$$$$$$$,

