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點解這些月份的名字,常常成為一些女孩子的英文名? 點解唔係男仔名?點解唔係其他月份? | |||||
有人叫March, January, August, September 都有 http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/September January Notes: This is the name of the month, used as a given name. The month name refers to the Roman god Janus, god of doorways, beginnings and endings; January is the 'door' to the year, its beginning and marks the end of the old year. The actual meaning of the god's | |||||
少D見咁囉。 | |||||
I also remember one of my classmate called March. | |||||
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http://www.mybabyname.com/names/July | |||||
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很簡單 因為七月七日七姐誕, 係女人節慶 故七月就讓俾女人用 | |||||
咁1456月呢又? | |||||
1月並無特別節日導致禮讓故為unisex 4月愚人節, 由於教徒多女人故其名為女士專用 5月名來自希臘女神Maia 6月係羅馬女神Juno | |||||
4月1日愚人節 ,係因為以前法國4月1日是新年 ,後來改制 ,好多人不慣 ,年輕人玩斑老野 ,故有了愚人節 | |||||
對了 ,你老婆不會是6月新娘吧 | |||||
唔會 佢業已係舊娘矣 | |||||
回復 393# 沙文 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUzNDA3MDYw.html 請由6分40幾秒開始看起了 業已舊娘 ,都重係徐娘半老的 ,重有前途 | |||||
但係, 上面就冇話可以捐個腦俾人. 點解呢?點解唔可以捐腦呢?唔通病人唔須要我個腦咩?世上腦子有毛病之人甚多嘛 假如阿陳有腦癌, 而我不幸撞車身亡, 但個頭冇事, 咁, 我捐個腦俾佢, 就咩問題都解决哂啦 | |||||
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我慷慨捐全身器官出來幫助人都唔計較, 冇理由有小小著數都要俾您gut嘛 | |||||
如果你既身軀被其他人的腦移殖,咁又如何? | |||||
個腦係咪基督徒嘅先? wait a minute, 基督徒好似冇顧啵? | |||||
如果基督徒無腦,又點會有離教者的出現呢? |
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