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你讲耿你地自己【基督教】? | |||||
賣弄口舌可以俾返少少智慧,潑婦罵街容乜易。 | |||||
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果然呀,果然翁添呀。 | |||||
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回覆 上流寄生族回覆 上流寄生族本人並不攻擊任何離教者,因為離教者自有其離教的經歷及理由,惟對自以為是恬不知恥有認知障礙的藍屍死癈老並不抱任何惻隱或憐憫,並因其支持殘暴政權的智障行為搞至香港滿城腥風血對其表示憤恨及怨毒,並表明不共戴天,其智障之處不勞本人操心指正。並且,爛屍本身腦殘,本身不可理喻,與其討論乃浪費時間,只在本人暇有癮時才會極力嘲諷並大肆攻擊。 你,真可理喻??? 那,请你快快快理喻“天主”基督此吩咐……&,快d躝尸杀自!!!屎窟窿系! | |||||
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https://www.google.com/search?q=%E6%9E%9C%E7%84%B6%E7%BF%81 | |||||
本人並不攻擊任何離教者,因為離教者自有其離教的經歷及理由,惟對自以為是恬不知恥有認知障礙的藍屍死癈老並不抱任何惻隱或憐憫,並因其支持殘暴政權的智障行為搞至香港滿城腥風血對其表示憤恨及怨毒,並表明不共戴天,其智障之處不勞本人操心指正。並且,爛屍本身腦殘,本身不可理喻,與其討論乃浪費時間,只在本人暇有癮時才會極力嘲諷並大肆攻擊。 殘暴政權?呢啲? 以下那一個是你呀? | |||||
本人並不攻擊任何離教者,因為離教者自有其離教的經歷及理由,惟對自以為是恬不知恥有認知障礙的藍屍死癈老並不抱任何惻隱或憐憫,並因其支持殘暴政權的智障行為搞至香港滿城腥風血對其表示憤恨及怨毒,並表明不共戴天,其智障之處不勞本人操心指正。並且,爛屍本身腦殘,本身不可理喻,與其討論乃浪費時間,只在本人暇有癮時才會極力嘲諷並大肆攻擊。 究竟是誰智障搞至香港滿城腥風血雨? | |||||
回覆 431# leefeng the responsibility to bring peace and stability to a place, lies with the governing body. With the local majority angrily demanding reasonable resolutions, a.k.a the 5 demands. Its the government responbility to give in to the demands, thats the only way to control it. The anger is induced by government action, it is absurd and irresponsibile [also hypocritical] to ask the population to control it. Were you in Hong Kong? Were you able to have first hand news? No you weren't. But I was. Told you you were not able to answer any rebuttal I have raised to your clips, if you would have read, and attempted to answer, you wouldn't appear so seven and ignorant. You piece of trash of trash, can't even answer trash, how trashy of you, it really shows how your quoted youtube clips are simply trash and by extention probably most of your mumble jumble about Christianity. | |||||
4 years of history have proved, up until now, not a single police had been charged [despite obvious cases of police brutality and torturing], numerous protestors had been charged Thanks, you proved my point. Told you you were not able to answer any rebuttal I have raised to your clips, if you would have read, and attempted to answer, you wouldn't appear so seven and ignorant. You piece of trash of trash, can't even answer trash, how trashy of you, it really shows how your quoted youtube clips are simply trash and by extention probably most of your mumble jumble about Christianity. | |||||
回覆 leefeng BBC News? | |||||
回覆 leefeng Who is the garbage of the garbage, Let readers rate it, Whoever answers the mob's stupid questions is a fool! | |||||
狐狸尾巴自己露出來了! . | |||||
既然有暴徒認為香港暴亂唔關基督教事,又何須次次都此地無銀三百兩呢? 其實咁 連登討論區那邊 發覺那邊係 好多無神論者 + 好多反基 + 好多黃絲 + 好多大學生 + 好多成績好 | |||||
其實咁 按連登討論區 LIHKG 所見 應該真係黃絲和基督徒無關 因為LIHKG討論區 基本係 黃絲係主流 好多人撐暴 同時反基無神論也係全流 那邊有個神秘台 基督徒,佛教徒,道教,NEW AGE,中國傳統信仰,無宗教但信神,無宗教但信來世靈魂,超自然力量,一律係神秘台討論 但連登學術台成日都會批判神秘台,批判基督教,當然也會批判NEW AGE和一眾信有超自然的人 而學術台那批人都係好黃,黃到一個點 | |||||
按連登討論區 LIHKG 所見 至於點解大家會覺得黃絲同基督徒有關 因為基督教最高調撐黃 仲有2019年6月用Sing Hallelujah 做主題曲搞抗爭 但有指係黃絲人用宗教做擋箭牌 因為香港有條例保障宗教自由 按香港公安條例,宗教集會唔會當作集會、遊行管轄嘅一部份,所以爲示威畀咗額外嘅法律保護 | |||||
至於點解大家會覺得黃絲同基督徒有關 說得有理, 黃絲騎劫了教會 |
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