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可以加價, 賺多少少 | ||||||
- Christianity 無串錯 - OK刪as - 唔分himself herself, 費事要佢填多項性別 Thank you for your contribution. | ||||||
咁係個字距弄得唔好哩 Christianit y | ||||||
離教係大勢所趨! 其實在2009已經開始咗,所以從BB鼠的全球基督教徒33億跌到沙井蛙的2.4億! 十萬人下載「取消洗禮」證書 (4月1日消息)時代論壇 / 2009年4月1日 洗禮?吹番亁咪得囉! Atheist Debaptism Ceremony . | ||||||
以下是視頻的部份留言,如果有人認為信耶稣係時尚(外國人都信啵)? 不好意思,看看外國人抛棄的垃圾【耶稣教】,不要再拾来當寶了! Having a degree in Theology is like having a degree in Pokemon. Sorry folks. Sometimes no matter how much you brainwash and indoctrinate your children from the moment they pop out of Mama, they develop a brain and can toss away the fairy tales and nonsense that their parents shove down their throat. I'm living proof. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? -- Epicurus, philosopher (c. 341-270 BCE) the first fifteen mins of this proves that religious people will turn on their own children because the bible dictates what to think. atheists are free thinkers and we dont need a bible to tell us right from wrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjEY-6Ti5I4 . | ||||||
嘩,原来上網一找,外國已經大把外國人離基督教?! https://mnatheists.org/news-and-media/news/9-newsletter/469-the-first-minnesota-atheists-debaptism-event | ||||||
抱歉,兄。【尤其】中国香港人追学的,就是深英文 | ||||||
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CNN: Atheists: Inside the World of Non-Believers 问 - 如果上帝愿阻邪恶,但没能? 答 - 那他非万能。 问 - 如果他是可以,只是不愿? 答 - 那他很恶毒。 问 - 如果他既有能又愿 ? 答 - 那么,请问▶为什邪恶仍常生? 问 - 如果他既不能也不愿? 答 - 那么,请问▶为什称他为上帝? - 哲学家伊壁鸠鲁(约公元前341-270年) https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BC%8A%E5%A3%81%E9%B8%A0%E9%B2%81 伊比鳩魯(Ἐπίκουρος//////Epíkouros////// Epicurus,前341年-前270年)古希臘哲學家、伊比鳩魯學派的創始人。伊比鳩魯成功地發展了阿瑞斯提普斯(Aristippus)的享樂主義,並將之與德謨克利特的原子論結合起來。他的學說的主要宗旨就是要達到不受干擾的寧靜狀態。
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no, too colloquial. you don't want that in an official certificate. you can use "state" or declare, they are both commonly seen in formal English. | ||||||
https://www.cnn.com/2015/04/02/l ... religion/index.html | ||||||
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有精神病果個係我?你又知道我既難處?我患病13年了~~~我而家係求麵包,因為我肚餓,我唔係求神令我發達喎!你搞清楚。神比其他食物我都話,但而家係無比到!! 谢谢沙文 沙老大 谢谢刹华兄 | ||||||
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