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From interview conducted by news agency, there are Jews that really wish to establish the "Greater Israel state" (With ALL Palestine) These are people that live near the border of the current Israel. The 'Settler'. At the same time, there are fellow in Tel Aviv that feel perfectly fine living togather with Arab. ----------------- It is the same everywhere in the world. The scholar that writes a book tends to be the 'sane' people. But most people are not scholar (including me), nor write a book. Look at a liberal Christian and a Fundie, there is a real difference. [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-4-15 11:30 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 09:44 發表 Let's face it, the Jews don't deserve punishment for spreading a fairy tale about them killing impossible number of people (I mean, come on, 100,000 people in Palastine for hunting enjoyment? That's higher than most of the freaking Greek city states ADDED UP in that time period! It's at best a nomadic raid on the local small villages that bearly has a wall.) | |||||
原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 11:27 發表 I'd say proportion of that is significantly lower among Jews, which is mainly due to their readiness to have their kids well educated in math and science. You'll be suprised how Chinese and Caucasians are so readily influenced by simple persuation techniques of any preacher and starts to hate the scientific community to their guts - leave alone letting their kids to be educated accordingly. | |||||
原帖由 龍井樹 於 2008-4-15 09:57 發表 NOPE. Jewish people won't really need their own state and they don't really have the numbers to sustain one. I mean, sorry, but that's pretty much like any "minorities" in China and any European countries. In fact, they lives must have been better in Massachusetts where the liberals will die to protect their rights than in Isreal where every neighbouring people will die to kill them. If the Europeans truly want to atone their crime against Jews, they should have burned all their anti-Jewish Catholicism and Protestantism (ironically the later gets a better share) down to ground, and prosecute the surviving priests for faning their thousand year onslaught of halocaust. And NO, that the Jewish people is a race is a mostly a myth. Jewish and Hebrew people had been and still are marrying people across the globe and mixes blood. In fact, Hilter (that's one of the very few reasons why they still survived today admist utter hatred) And dye's turn. 原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 10:31 發表 a) China in fact considered giving them a piece of their land. Well, if we had, it would have been a disaster because of the later cultural revolution that screws up effectively everything in the vincinity of Chinese soil. If Cultural Revolution did not happened, though, that would have given us a hell of a political capitol. b) remember, Alaska, is NOT, I repeat, is NOT, on the Bible Belt. Only that it will be very bad for the Jews to settle there (trade opportunity is slim). c) Jews did travelled to Isreal from US! d) The million dollar question is how many of them really cared as long as the land is safe and favorable for development. And now thanks to the US and European fundie rulers in cold war, we'll never know. 原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 10:31 發表 If you were talking about "national security", "need a friend in middle east" ... NO. Things like Treaty of Tripoli have gave the US a MUCH FRIENDIER middle east than Isreal. But if you were talking about selling the cold war by selling fundamentalism to the public which in turn requires selling anti-Islamic hate, then yes. 原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 10:31 發表 Considering how Bush goes up to stage TWICE by brainless evangelicals singing around bible belt, I've serious doubt about the average intelligence of a citizen of United States. By the way, I came here only because some less than 30% non-fundies were on the other hand, utterly smart. And is there a price for the conscience of the church? As long as their power is not disrupted, the answer is YES, and in terms of honesty they have shown and still showing a history of the lack of principles. | |||||
>Problem c) How do they import the Jews procecuted across the globe to that particular state? A lot of them is in Europe, and Russia. Do they cross the ocean to Hawaii? Or cross the artic to Alaska? Or someone get a transport carrier and bring everyone to Carolina? Remember, US virtually never prosecuted Jews (courtesy of the liberals and deists), that's why they numbered the most in America. | |||||
Isn't it bad karma to spread faulty information? (And eventually created Islam and Christianity?) ---------------- Yes they are more educated. But people who acquire critical thinking seems to be minority for most part of history. | |||||
I assume you mean they never get procecuted officially. | |||||
If we do give them a piece, nationalist will be burning Jewish goods everyday just like how they handle the Fishing Island. "b) remember, Alaska, is NOT, I repeat, is NOT, on the Bible Belt. Only that it will be very bad for the Jews to settle there (trade opportunity is slim)." Seriously, how many states in US is not populated by Christians of different shade? "c) Jews did travelled to Isreal from US!" Rich Jews. Not every Jews is rich enough for the ticket. Especially while they are being procecuted. Consider that they need to bring their belongings over the ocean, it is no easy task. | |||||
Total Jewish population in US (US alone): 5,300,000 to 6,155,000 Total Jewish Population in Isreal: 5,393,400 Does that comparision helps? | |||||
原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 14:32 發表 I mean, dude. It's called federal law. | |||||
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-4-15 06:19 發表 Highly recommend a book " The Battle for God -- A History of Fundamentalism", by Karen Armstrong This book provides a comprehensive background knowledge on theJudeo-Christian-Islam religions and historical events leading to theirfundamentalism. | |||||
What % of Israel is Jews? | |||||
原帖由 catya 於 2008-4-17 08:34 發表 ThANKs to My Fair Lady Catya ,;--^), i will////WILL check it out right away any way i have always been looking for such a book , any more please dont hesitate to let me know , ThANKs again , cheers , pendragon 敬上 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-17 16:53 編輯 ] |
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