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原帖由 沙文 於 2008-4-16 23:14 發表 係咩? 老大你夠膽講一句, 你唔想小蘊做一個離教的反覆水性女子? | |||||
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以師父你咁犯賤既作風 離婚後抱著師母卿卿我我後, 又米一樣會掛住公主? ~ 所以你絕唔係想離婚, 而係想復國!, 復興齊國! | |||||
你知唔知民國初年有班飯鏟學人走去戒大煙...死咗幾件架... anyway,如果真係戒到既話分享吓,我由十幾年長萬到而家1mg都兩年幾,希望可以戒得甩又唔駛死啦... | |||||
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-4-23 04:08 發表 waa!! waal!! 早晨 Jom少, muck o甘 能夠 耐 無見 aa ? 你去 o左 邊 [言今心] 渡 aa ? [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-23 08:52 編輯 ] | |||||
(吸普通香煙過多的人多數都燒傷肺部,所以在運動能力上是會有阻礙的) | |||||
http://img1.mtime.com/bi/73/52789eac-f1c2-4cf4-a05a-d6c9a8ac893a.jpg | |||||
XYZ您又話什麼"支持宗教包容:持不同信仰及理念者,皆能以對等地位表達意見" | |||||
又不是不給機會你表達意見耶,地位也依然對等的噢。 | |||||
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你看多一點 菩提草兄~~~口琴王兄~~~秀雲小姐~~~龙兄~~~My Dear Sir Dye e.t.c. 寫的 佛學 'laa, 好 o野 來 gaa !! o甘, 你 [京尤] 好能夠 可以 無 o甘 辛苦 gaa laa ,;--^) 原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-4-24 12:09 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=18088&ptid=1771] [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-24 22:48 編輯 ] | |||||
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辛苦就咪搞咁多 啦。 反正人生苦短,生亦何歡;死亦何苦喎! 戒食一塊燒豬扒,條數都夠你食十年煙啦。 黎啦,乖啦,吸兩啖止下引先,吾鐘意咪整息佢囉。 | |||||
又擔心莊兄的那句:從前有個吸煙者戒煙,第二年,他死了。 | |||||
hast thou consulted thy family's-doctor ///// family-doctor .1. whether it b////be suitable 4////for thy body 2////to accept smoking-quitting ? .2. whether it b////be suitable 4////for thy body 2////to accept the abrupt smoking-quitting ? cheers ThANK ye , ps : :::::::::: sorry 'm serious here 原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-4-25 00:54 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=18149&ptid=1733] [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-25 05:06 編輯 ] | |||||
Sherman, keep trying, think of your children. He has already lost the option of not going to church, don't let him lose the option about second hand smoking. Besides, you must live longer than your wife in order to serve as a guide to little Sherman on Christianity. Would you trust your wife in providing balance information on Christianity? | |||||
你駛乜擔心, 我擔保幫老大佢教到小不信溝盡耶教妖女!!! 老大 你放心食 放心去啦! | |||||
原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-25 08:46 發表 first ThANKs >>>>>>>>> According to 菩提草兄, there is no point in teaching CPR. what's ,,,,,cpr'''' ? cheers ThANK ye | |||||
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPR 話時話, P仔你要唔要jer? |
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