又未必喎 無佢都有第二個人代表美國姐 美國的游泳人才還多呢
報導話佢可以不換氣用蛙式游五十米 不可思議 |
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-8-17 19:51 發表
又未必喎 無佢都有第二個人代表美國姐 美國的游泳人才還多呢
報導話佢可以不換氣用蛙式游五十米 不可思議
如果能達到他的速度,不換氣也無所謂的。 |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-8-17 21:51 發表
就算加埋起跳 小弟不換氣亦只能游25米
又似有道理 但諗深一層 不換氣又如何夠力量 去做出這樣快的速度 依然覺得不可思義 |
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-8-17 19:51 發表
又未必喎 無佢都有第二個人代表美國姐 美國的游泳人才還多呢
經查看後,好像都沒有和菲比斯一起包辦金、銀牌的泳手,因此當缺了菲比斯之後,第二個代表也拿不到金牌哩。 |
我一向以為只有女人才会剃格勒底毛,估不到現今男人都要買Ladies' shaver.
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-8-15 00:25 發表
Sorry ! They are not praising China. They are mocking and trashing China. Not only CNN but all the US media has been trashing our country and our people for weeks. How can you make such a heartbreaking mistake in translation ? |
佢地向來都係咁咖啦,甘心被鬼佬揾咗笨但仲要誓死擁護洋人的一套。 |
原帖由 红孩儿 於 2008-8-19 10:12 發表
Sorry ! They are not praising China. They are mocking and trashing China. Not only CNN but all the US media has been trashing our country and our people for weeks. How can you make such a hear ...
別焦急~幽默一番而已,整個花蕠圖集的風格都是如此。 |
就是啦! 为国家添乱还说自己幽默 ! |
原帖由 红孩儿 於 2008-8-19 17:41 發表
就是啦! 为国家添乱还说自己幽默 !
右下角寫明:React: Does it matter? 嘛,我就覺得 it doesn't matter 了,更何況CNN的出色報導,中國人理應早就習慣啦。
Joker: Why So Serious? |
Current regulations
Currently, as per the 1997 regulation, gymnasts must be at least 16 years of age, or turning 16 within the calendar year, to compete in senior-level events. For the current Olympic cycle, in order to compete in the 2008 Olympics, a gymnast must have a birth date before January 1, 1993. There is no maximum age restriction, and some gymnasts compete well into their 20s. The oldest female gymnast currently competing in senior international events is Germany's Oksana Chusovitina[10], who was born in 1975, and was 33 years, 1 month old at the 2008 Summer Olympics. She was 17 years, 1 month old at her first Olympics, the 1992 Summer Olympics.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_controversies_in_gymnastics |
原帖由 红孩儿 於 2008-8-19 10:12 發表
Sorry ! They are not praising China. They are mocking and trashing China. Not only CNN but all the US media has been trashing our country and our people for weeks. How can you make such a hear ...
How can you make such a heartbreaking mistake in translation ?
hi long time n'o c ,
i miss thee much ,
how can you make such a heartbreaking mistake in driving me nutsch////nuts ??
Thank you.
所以嘛,CNN是褒還是貶,還是看倌如何演譯吧。 |