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http://volleyball.biji.co/index.php?q=news&act=info&id=284 | |||||
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究竟現實世界係咪咁嘅呢? | |||||
但係這些國家又多有童星拍戲。咁童星拍戲唔算童工咩?點解又得呢? | |||||
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623問題您有冇頭緒呢? | |||||
應該可以合埋,但可能會彈開少許: Eyes naturally remain partially open after death due to muscle relaxation. https://mashable.com/2015/02/25/eyes-closed-after-death/ | |||||
作為蛙島國居民,我有責任同你講聲既: https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/ ... rch/employyoung.htm | |||||
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開始有講: Surviving relatives and attending staff may associate closed eyes at death with peacefulness and restfulness, and opened eyes with discomfort or even fear. The practice of forcing eyelids closed immediately after death, sometimes using coins to lock the eyelids closed until rigor mortis intervenes, has been common in many cultures. 可能夾硬用銀仔令對眼合埋,即係就算用手掃合,都有可能彈返開啦。 至於有幾多百分比係掃合完彈開既,相信無乜研究人員可以做到呢個實驗,咁樣玩/測試死者對眼,尐家屬都幾反感。 | |||||
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon%27s_obol#Coins_on_the_eyes? 原來, 希腊佬同中國人一樣都有掟口錢 "obol is an allusive term for the coin placed in or on the mouth[1] of a dead person before burial. " https://kknews.cc/culture/xzlv8ko.html 相距咁遠兩個古文明居然咁啱有相同風俗, 您話其效用唔係堅嘅都幾难 | |||||
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某實在技術上係咪一定要咁呢? 人類代母收費始終較高昂,搵其他動物做,就平好多。有冇研究過可行性? | |||||
搵個盤種就得勒 | |||||
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雀仔早就有雀巢鳩佔:https://kknews.cc/nature/lr2b5xz.html | |||||
您以為次次入錯窿, 錯得多都会生到仔? | |||||
鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 鵲巢鳩佔 | |||||
殖入另一個女人子宮做代母, 懷胎十月, 生出嚟交俾領養的女人..... 咁邊個先係老母? | |||||
你……▶老母 |
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