2016/10/21 04:09 
本帖最後由 leefeng 於 2016/10/21 04:10 編輯

教堂敲鐘, 都係一分鐘既事



個幾粒鐘都 ...
所以, 不是音有多大,

猶如麻甩佬亞沙feng話:大陸大媽條底褲, 又腥又臭
beebeechan 發表於 2016/10/20 19:43

2016/10/21 06:51 
猶如麻甩佬亞沙feng話:大陸大媽條底褲, 又腥又臭

beebeechan 發表於 2016/10/20 19:43

教堂鐘声有如大陸大媽條底褲, 又腥又臭!
2016/11/3 16:21 

杀人后自称基督徒上诉 多伦多华裔男逃过遣返
2016/11/3 23:46 
2016/11/15 14:04 
[2016-11-14 10:36]

據加通社報道,多倫多著名牧師Rev. Brent Hawkes被指曾在上世紀七十年代在新斯科舍家中和一名少年發生性行為。今天,一名男子在這起案件的審訊上出庭作證。
這名男子說,他在上世紀七十年代時認識這名牧師,當時他是一名學生,這名牧師是the Annapolis Valley的一名中學籃球教練。
Hawkes對因該起指控受到的非禮(indecent assault)和嚴重猥褻(gross indecency)指控不認罪。
新斯科舍公共監控服務機構(Public Prosecution Service)說,被指受害者當時為15或16歲。
Hawkes是一名很有影響力的同性戀權益人士,他曾于2011年主持過前新民主黨黨魁林森(Jack Layton)的國葬。
2016/12/1 22:35 

變態神父逼小童「互吃香腸」 讓成人圍觀
據《美聯社》報導,其中一名受害男學生的母親指控,這兩名分別為55歲神父柯巴喬(Horacio Corbacho)和82歲神父可拉迪(Nicolas Corradi),在當地一所聽障學校內,對多名10~12歲的兒童性猥褻,並逼迫這些孩子們互相口交,她的兒子就是受害者之一,被逼著去「吃香腸」。案情也指出,這些孩子被帶到一個名為「上帝的小屋」裡面,神父們就開始對孩子們猥褻,甚至讓其他神父與職員旁觀。

http://m.appledaily.com.tw/realt ... ew/20161201/1001916
2016/12/1 23:14 

(梵蒂岡電台訊)阿根廷天主教會將於9月10日至11日舉行年度“富幫窮”募捐活動。今年的募捐活動以“多一些慈悲,少一點排斥”為口號,募集所得將用於救助該國最貧困地區的人民。教宗方濟各8月13日致函阿根廷主教團扶貧委員會主任烏瑪瓦卡教區主教佩德羅·奧爾梅多(Pedro Olmedo),親切問候活動主辦方和參與者,鼓勵他們傾聽窮人的痛苦呼聲。

2016/12/1 23:42 
Argentina: 2 Priests Arrested for Allegedly Abusing Children
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Two Roman Catholic priests have been arrested on suspicion of sexually and physically abusing at least eight children at a school for youths with hearing disabilities, Argentine authorities say.

The priests are Nicolas Corradi, 82, and Horacio Corbacho, 55. Three other men who worked at the school in northeastern Argentina were also arrested this week. The suspects have not yet commented publicly about the allegations.

The government of Mendoza province has suspended classes at the Antonio Provolo Institute, the school for children with hearing impairment. It has also banned faculty and staff from having any contact with students.

The Mendoza archbishop's office expressed solidarity with the victims and said it is cooperating with authorities.

The abuse allegations surfaced after a complaint by provincial lawmaker Daniela Garcia, who spoke to a witness through an interpreter.

"It was the first way so that other witnesses and victims could then come forward and denounce what was happening," Garcia said Wednesday.

Authorities are taking testimony from students as well as parents who suspect their children were subjected by the accused to oral sex, fondling and sexual intercourse over the past decade, Fabricio Sidoti, the investigating prosecutor told local radio.
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/ ... e-arrests.html?_r=0
2016/12/2 09:18 
Victim advocates: Pope told of priest arrested in Argentina

By Luis Andres Henao and Nicole Winfield | AP December 1 at 5:25 PM
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Advocates for clerical sex abuse victims expressed outrage Thursday that a priest accused of sexually abusing deaf children in Italy wasn’t sanctioned by the Vatican and allegedly went on to abuse children in Pope Francis’ native Argentina.

Argentine police arrested the priest, 82-year old Nicola Corradi, this week. Corradi, priest Horacio Corbacho, 55, and three other men are accused of abusing at least eight children at a school for youths with hearing disabilities in northwestern Mendoza province.

BishopAccountability.org, an online resource about clerical abuse, reported that Italian survivor groups told the Vatican in 2008 and 2014 about Corradi and others accused of molesting children at a school for the deaf in Verona.

“Words fail. It is appalling and heartbreaking that Corradi was not stopped by Pope Francis or by other Church authorities. Corradi’s presence at the school in Mendoza was no secret,” said Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of BishopAccountability.

“Thanks to the Church’s inaction, Corradi appears to have been able to replicate exactly the grotesque situation he enjoyed in Verona - a ring of child molesters in charge of utterly defenseless children who could neither hear nor speak. If the allegations are true, the Pope must accept responsibility for the unimaginable suffering of these new victims.”

The government of Mendoza province temporarily suspended classes at Antonio Provolo Institute, the school for children with hearing impairment. It also banned faculty and staff from having any contact with students.

The abuse allegations surfaced after a complaint by provincial lawmaker Daniela Garcia, who spoke to a witness through an interpreter.

Authorities are taking testimony from students as well as parents who suspect their children were subjected by the accused to oral sex, fondling and sexual intercourse over the past decade, said Fabricio Sidoti, the investigating prosecutor.

The Mendoza archbishop’s office has expressed solidarity with the victims and said it is cooperating with authorities.

Carlos Lombardi, an attorney who specializes in canon law, has blamed church officials in Mendoza province.

Lombardi, who also advises a group of survivors of clerical sex abuse, told local TV this week that he suspects Mendoza Archbishop Carlos Maria Franzini and his predecessor, Jose Maria Arancibia, knew that Corradi had been accused of sexually abusing children in Italy. He also argued they must have been aware of the abuse that Corradi is accused of committing in Argentina.


Associated Press writer Luis Andres Henao reported this story in Buenos Aires and AP writer Nicole Winfield reported from Rome. AP writer Almudena Calatrava in Buenos Aires contributed to this report.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/w ... _term=.7ec847933e7e
2016/12/2 12:34 

来源:华人头条编译2016-05-26 02:50
华人头条 阿根廷5月25日讯(编译/Nieve)阿根廷慈善天主教会组织Cáritas的负责人奥拉西奥·克里斯蒂亚尼(Horacio Cristiani)近日表示,由于需求日渐增多,他们新增加了25个救助餐厅来帮助那些有需要的低收入贫困人口。十天前,阿根廷本地媒体《号角报》还曾报道过一些社区的救助餐厅没有给贫困人口供应食物。

Cristiani强调:“在三个星期前一次会议中,我们对教区的新增了25个救助食堂情况做出了一个小调查,调查结果显示,贫困人口中成年人对餐厅的需求量较大,而保健卫生中心也是同样的情况。不仅是食品和卫生,贫困人口所有一切生活物资都有很大的需求。这一年来,情况一直在恶化,我们组织也一直追求着提供不同的任务和服务, 但最近显然贫困人口的需求增加了,我们应该采取一些措施。”

在接受La Red电台采访时,Cristiani表示最近他们经常接到越来越多的紧急求助,一般都是他们组织为贫困人口建立的餐厅,休息厅和早餐厅发来的,因为最近贫困人口的需求越来越多,已经成为了一个不可阻挡的趋势。“

2016/12/2 19:02 
Another former altar boy files sex abuse suit against a Guam priest

HAGATNA, Guam — Another former altar boy and Boy Scout has alleged he was sexually abused from 1969 to 1973 by former island priest Louis Brouillard.

The accuser said the priest was never formally disciplined by the Archdiocese of Agana or the Catholic Church, even decades after the priest told Bishop Apollinaris Baumgartner and other clergy on Guam. Baumgartner was bishop of Guam from 1945 to 1970. Brouillard was ordained a priest on Guam in 1948 and was here until 1981.

Norman J.D. Aguon, now 56, said he was between the ages of 13 and 17 when Brouillard repeatedly sexually molested and abused him.Aguon is now a resident of Milwaukie, Oregon. He lived in Malojloj during his childhood years, and served as an altar boy at the San Isidro Catholic Church in the village. Brouillard was a priest at the church and also a scoutmaster for the Guam chapter of the Boy Scouts of America.Attorney David Lujan filed the complaint on behalf of Aguon Wednesday afternoon, bringing to 11 the number of lawsuits filed so far against Guam Catholic priests and the Archdiocese of Agana. Lujan said on Thursday there will be more lawsuits filed.

The lawsuits are possible after Gov. Eddie Calvo signed a law on Sept. 23, lifting the civil statute of limitations for those accused of abusing children, as well as the institutions that supported them.

Brouillard, now 95 and living in Minnesota, has admitted to sexually abusing at least 20 minors on Guam.

The latest complaint says Brouillard would walk around naked during meetings with altar boys at the Carmelite Monastery Convent in Malojloj. It alleges that while watching movies at the convent, Brouillard squeezed next to Aguon, and started to molest and masturbate him. The complaint says Brouillard did the same with other altar boys in Aguon’s presence.

“This happened on numerous occasions,” the complaint states.

Over a four-year period, the complaint says, Brouillard sought and obtained the permission of Aguon’s parents for him to spend the night at the convent, where Brouillard sexually molested and abused him.

The complaint states Brouillard would take about a dozen boys, including Aguon, to go hiking, camping and swimming as part of Boy Scout activities. Brouillard routinely insisted Aguon and the others swim naked and, during these activities, Brouillard sexually molested and abused Aguon, the complaint says.

“Despite the prolonged and egregious sexual abuse, spanning a period of several decades, neither the Agana Archdiocese nor the Roman Catholic Church ever formally disciplined Brouillard and in fact have paid and continued to pay up through present time, sums of money to Brouillard on a regular basis, ostensibly under the guise of a retirement stipend,” the complaint states.

The complaint demands a jury trial and seeks an unspecified amount of damages for child sexual abuse, negligence, negligent supervision, negligent hiring and retention, and breach of fiduciary duty/confidential relationship.

The Archdiocese of Agana has offered prayers to all victims of clergy sexual abuse.

http://www.usatoday.com/story/ne ... oday-newstopstories
2016/12/2 19:05 
Disgraced Ottawa priest accused of sexually assaulting yet another minor
A retired Ottawa priest, who has admitted he suffered from a powerful attraction to adolescents as a young cleric, appeared in court Friday on historical sexual assault charges.

Rev. Barry McGrory, 82, faces two counts of gross indecency and two counts of indecent assault in connection with offences alleged to have occurred in the late 1960s. The charges are based on the Criminal Code as it existed at that time.

McGrory, who now lives in Toronto, was released on a $10,000 bond and ordered not to communicate with the victim, or take work that would put him in a position of trust with anyone under the age of 16.

His case was remanded to December.

Outside court, McGrory, dressed in a blue blazer and grey pants, refused to tell reporters how he intended to plead in the case, saying: “It’s none of your business.”Ottawa police said Friday investigators are concerned there could be more potential victims out there.

The man newly alleging he was victimized by McGrory was 15 years old at the time of the alleged crimes. He lodged a complaint with Ottawa police in September — three months after the Citizen revealed the story of McGrory’s disturbing sexual misdeeds while pastor of the Holy Cross Parish in the 1970s and 80s.

Special report: Priest admits to sexual abuse for first time in Citizen interview

The new charges against McGrory stem from incidents alleged to have happened before the four sex-abuse cases described by this newspaper.

Colleen Passard, who was a young teen when she was manipulated and abused by McGrory in the mid-70s, said Friday the historic nature of the charges suggest that church officials might have prevented “lifelong trauma” had they only acted in his case.

“As I’ve said all along, the Catholic diocese has been aware since (McGrory) was a seminarian that he had psycho-sexual issues,” she said. “If they had acted it the first place, it would have saved so much pain and suffering.”

Passard said she was relieved that McGrory will finally have to face a judge. None of the allegations McGrory was charged with Friday has been proven in court.

In the late 1960s, McGrory was working at the Major Seminary of Ottawa and at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish on Alta Vista Drive.

In 1974, he was named pastor of the Holy Cross Parish, where he became a high-profile peace and social justice activist. He remained at the church until 1986.

Earlier this year, he admitted in an interview that he was then a sex addict and abused three young parishioners at the Holy Cross. He said then-archbishop Joseph-Aurèle Plourde knew he had sexual problems but did not send him for treatment despite his pleas.

McGrory was moved out of town, appointed president of an organization that aided remote Catholic missions in Canada.

Four years later, in 1991, McGrory was charged with sexually assaulting a 17-year-old indigenous boy. He was convicted of that crime and handed a suspended sentence and three years’ probation.

The Archdiocese of Ottawa subsequently settled out of court with two of McGrory’s victims at Holy Cross. One of them was paid $300,000 in one of the largest clergy sex-abuse settlements negotiated by the diocese. Another Ottawa victim is now suing for $1.5 million.

McGrory previously told the Citizen that, as a young priest, he suffered from a sexual disorder from which he has since been cured. “There was this terrible dark side that I had to confront — and I just didn’t handle it well,” he said at the time.

McGrory said he was healed of his sex addiction and his attraction to adolescents after “surrendering” himself to God following the humiliation of his 1991 arrest. In Toronto, he belongs to a group called Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, which employs a 12-step program similar to that pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. It has helped him, he said, remain celibate for more than two decades.

Other possible victims of the priest have already contacted police. In late July, four people wrote to Ottawa police Chief Charles Bordeleau through their lawyer, Rob Talach, alleging they had been victimized by McGrory. They all volunteered evidence against him.

“I can put an officer in contact with all four of these alleged victims, or alternatively, I can direct them to contact a specific assigned officer,” Talach wrote in the letter, obtained by the Citizen. “All we require is some guidance on how to get their evidence into the hands of police.”

However, for reasons that are not yet clear, neither Talach nor any of the four were contacted by investigators.

One of those people, an Ottawa woman who has asked to remain anonymous, said she has “waited a long time” to face McGrory in court. “I’m ready to go forward,” she said Friday.

The Archdiocese of Ottawa said in a news release it was “deeply saddened” by McGrory’s arrest and would co-operate fully with any ongoing investigation. A diocesan spokesman, Deacon Gilles Ouellette, noted that McGrory’s right to present himself as a Catholic priest was removed more than 20 years ago.

McGrory remains an official member of the priesthood, however, and has never been defrocked by the Vatican.

Ottawa born and raised, McGrory holds a PhD in theology from Thomas Aquinas University in Rome.

http://ottawacitizen.com/news/lo ... ical-sexual-assault
2016/12/2 19:12 
Rapist pastor jailed for life in clerics’ lesson
In a lesson to lecherous pastors, a Kikuyu court has given a life sentence to a pastor who lied that he would pray for a mentally ill girl but raped her five years ago.

Patrick Alikula also attempted to rape the mother.

Principal magistrate Daniel Musyoka on Wednesday added two 10-year jail terms for touching the 10-year-old girl’s private parts and attempting to rape her mother.

Musyoka said the sentences will run concurrently, serving as a lesson to any cleric who exploits or plans to exploit anyone, especially vulnerable people.

“It’s better he be a lesson to any other person who claims such acts cleanse or change people’s conditions,” Musyoka said.

The crime was committed in Gikuni village, Kabete, on August 8, 2011.

The court heard that the Kangemi-based Holy Canaan Church cleric told the mother he would make a sacrifice and pray for her daughter until she heals.

The prosecution said the mother was sent to buy anointing oil, but as she ran to the shop, the accused raped the girl and waited naked for the mother to return. When she returned with the oil, he attempted to rape her.

The pastor then told the woman he had had sex with the daughter to cleanse her and had to have sex with her as well to seal the cleansing.

The double rape were supposed to help the girl heal mentally.

When the mother raised an alarm, he threatened her.

A mob arrested Alikula and threatened to set him ablaze before he was handed over to the police. The court rejected Alikula’s plea for mitigation, saying it took it five years to try him.

At one point he jumped bail and went into hiding in the Western region. Alikula pleaded that his church members were awaiting him and his wife and six children need him. But the court stood its ground.

The case is one of a number in which clerics have sexually exploited their trusting parishioners.

http://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2 ... ics-lesson_c1465872
2016/12/2 19:17 
Clergyman charged over child sex offences, NSW
A clergyman will appear in court today charged with allegedly sexually assaulting a child who was in his care at Bexley, NSW Police say.

Following extensive inquiries, investigators from the State Crime Command Child Abuse Squad arrested a 72-year-old man in Penshurst about 6.25pm yesterday, today.

Police will allege in court the Reverend sexually assaulted a male child aged between 8 and 12 years.

He was taken to St George Police Station where he was charged with aggravated indecent assault – under authority (x 3) and engaging in acts of child prostitution.

The man was refused bail to appear before Sutherland Local Court tomorrow.

Police encourage any person who has been a victim of any kind of sexual violence, no matter how long ago the incident occurred, to contact police.

Reports can be made at any police station.
http://www.miragenews.com/clergy ... d-sex-offences-nsw/
2016/12/5 05:45 
【大紀元2016年11月07日訊】(大紀元記者聞天墨爾本編譯報導)墨爾本一所天主教中學涉嫌通過虛假培訓項目從維州政府領取培訓津貼,涉案金額高達500萬澳元。該校目前正在接受維州註冊和學歷管理委員會(Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority,簡稱VRQA)的調查。據《時代報》報導,位於丹德農(Dandenong)的St John’s Regional College中學涉嫌提供虛假烹飪培訓,向從未接受培訓的學生頒發烹飪資格證書,從而領取政府津貼。許多被調查到的學生並不曾接受過烹飪培訓,一些學生是成年移民,他們已在海外學習過,只是希望在這裡快速獲得澳洲資格證書。

VRQA正在調查St John’s Regional College中學的烹飪培訓項目,該烹飪項目是該校註冊的培訓項目。維州天主教教育理事會(Catholic Education Commission of Victoria)和維州教育廳也在進行聯合調查。審計人員已獲得了該中學的檔案和備忘錄,試圖查清數百萬澳元的來龍去脈。


St John’s Regional College中學由當地牧師負責規範管理。當虛假培訓項目在9月份被曝光後,管理層解僱了前校長Andrew Walsh和財務經理Mark Siwek。


St John’s Regional College中學地處弱勢地區,近半數的學生沒有英語背景。從虛假培訓項目獲得的資金並沒有用於學生身上,並且資金去向不明。


聯邦政府My School網站顯示,St John’s Regional College中學的其它收入從2012年的64.2746萬澳元猛增到2013年590萬澳元。2014年,該校從其它渠道獲得了510萬澳元。

VRQA負責人Lynn Glover說,VRQA在接到投訴後才開始對St John’s Regional College中學進行調查,目前調查正在進行,不適合做任何評論。


維州教育廳一名發言人說,St John’s Regional College中學與維州政府簽署了合同,在2011年至2015年期間提供政府資助的培訓項目,但該校沒能獲得2016年之後的培訓合同。發言人沒有透露這所天主教中學到底獲得了多大金額的維州培訓保證金(Victorian Training Guarantee),以及有多少學生註冊了烹飪培訓項目,因為這涉及商業秘密。

2016/12/11 07:40 
在美殺人服刑 牧師返台再遭訴
https://tw.mobi.yahoo.com/news/% ... 8%B4-122513308.html
2016/12/11 15:50 
【大紀元2016年02月25日訊】台灣多位企業CEO(執行長)和紐西蘭、澳洲2國駐臺代表,2月25日晚間參與基督教救世軍舉辦的「一夜街友」活動,在飯店會議室中打地鋪、裹睡袋,呼籲各界關注臺灣街友的處境。臺灣諾華藥廠總經理艾思同(Mike Exton)表示,他希望明年不是在大飯店模擬,而是真正在戶外環境餐風露宿,他一定會繼續參加。
「CEO一夜街友活動」 藉此讓企業、機構和受幫助者互相連結


基督教救世軍臺灣區總指揮、上校葛若珍(Jennifer Groves)表示,活動的目的是「透過自身的不舒適,喚起社會關注,希望街友能得到更舒適的環境。」

澳洲辦事處代表雷家琪(Catherine Raper)表示,她首次參與這樣的活動,動機是最近在臺南市歷經幾10年來最寒冷的1天,看到街友睡在火車站附近隧道內,幾名志工送上睡袋給街友,被志工善舉感動,想略盡棉薄之力,讓大家正視街友情形。

紐西蘭商工辦事處代表范希蕾(Sialei Van Toor)也說,希望透過「一夜街友」活動,讓更多人關注遊民議題。她幽默地說,原以為場地會更差,但今天看了覺得「還不錯(not bad)」,唯一擔心的是晚上有人打呼。她也向主辦單位道歉,因為脖子有舊傷,所以帶了自己的枕頭。


2016/12/11 23:20 
Catholic Church defrocks priest over inappropriate sexual relationship, apologises to Jennifer Herrick
The Catholic Church has defrocked a priest for having a "long-term inappropriate sexual relationship" with a woman, in what is believed to be an Australian first.

Key points:

Catholic Church makes public apology to Jennifer Herrick over "inappropriate sexual relationship" with priest
Ms Herrick waged seven-year battle against church over "toxic" relationship
Father Thomas Knowles defrocked, church to pay confidential settlement
The church has also publicly apologised to the female parishioner involved, Jennifer Herrick.

The apology is the culmination of a seven-year legal battle Ms Herrick has waged against the church over the "toxic" relationship she had with Father Thomas Knowles.

On Friday, her civil damages claim against the church will be formally settled in the NSW Supreme Court and Ms Herrick hopes her victory will inspire other women who have been exploited by priests to come forward.

Ms Herrick was a shy, 19-year-old with hip dysplasia, which caused her to walk with an abnormal gait, when she first met Father Knowles.

He cultivated a close relationship with her at the church, Our Lady of Dolours, in Chatswood, in what her psychologists would later describe as "grooming".

When she was 22, Father Knowles instigated a sexual relationship with her.

Ms Herrick says Father Knowles repeatedly exploited her vulnerability as a disabled and sexually naive parishioner over a 14-year period.

Do you know more about this story? Email investigations@abc.net.au
She says the sex was hurried and humiliating, often in public places or in his car.

"I wouldn't want it to be interpreted in the sense of two people of equal standing in a mature heterosexual relationship, because that's not what it was," Ms Herrick told the ABC.

"I don't believe for a minute that the hierarchy of religious orders or the diocese had any grasp of what abuse of positional power really does to parishioners."
Court case unnecessarily drawn out

Ms Herrick remained silent until 2011, when she complained to the Blessed Sacrament Fathers Order. She was then referred to the Church's internal "Towards Healing" program.

"I'm not sure what it was towards but it wasn't healing and I'm certainly not alone in that experience," Ms Herrick said.

"And it was due to the failure of that process that I ended up going to the civil courts which is not something I wanted to do or did lightly but the Towards Healing process is very much on church terms. It's not an independent process and whilst I was treated with respect, I wasn't treated with empathy or understanding."

Father Knowles was initially stood down, but was then reinstated. Ms Herrick says the court process was unnecessarily drawn out.

"Their conduct has been to delay, procrastinate, make things as difficult as possible. In the end, they asked to mediate but I found the process was an endless round of delays."

On Friday, her case will finally come to an end, with the church agreeing to pay her a confidential settlement. Part of the agreement involved a public apology to Ms Herrick, which was made on Sunday during a church service in Victoria.

"For them to publicly recognise the pain and suffering, which were the words that the provincial used in the apology, it helps me know that they are aware that it can affect someone who's over 18 and it will also hopefully encourage other women who've been similarly affected, who are over 18 to come forward and bring their stories forward and seek similar apologies from their respective diocese or orders in the church," she said.

Ms Herrick hopes her case will raise awareness of what she believes is the widespread exploitation of vulnerable women by priests.

"Hopefully this will be the beginning, just like what happened with child abuse, which has only really come to solid light in the last couple of decades," she said.
"I'm guessing that this will be the same, so when I'm nearing the end of my life, I might be able to look back and see that there's been a momentum of change and I can know that I was part of that instigation. But I think it's going to take a long time, I really do."
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016- ... elationship/8100782
2016/12/11 23:22 
Maine pastor in midst of divorce leaves rehab, kills daughter and self after spray-painting ‘vow breaker’ on estranged wife’s home

A former Air Force chaplain who had just completed 90 days in rehab left the center and immediately killed his adult daughter, scrawled messages against his estranged wife inside the family home and then turned his weapon on himself, police said.

Daniel Randall, 56, and Claire Randall, 27, were found dead inside the Hebron, Maine, house Thursday.

A neighbor checking up on the home assumed the blood on the porch was a leftover Halloween decoration — until he saw the words “vow breaker” spray-painted on the kitchen counter, the Press Herald reported.

“Anita, it’s all your fault,” was also painted on a wall, a reference to Randall’s wife, who had served him divorce papers earlier this week, police said.

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Claire Randall had recently moved from Rhode Island to stay with her step-mother and teenage brother, neither of whom was at home at the time of the shootings, police said.

Daniel Randall was found dead with his daughter Claire, 27, after an apparent murder suicide in Hebron, Maine. (VIA YOUTUBE)
Daniel Randall — who formerly worked as a chaplain in the Air Force and later as a minister at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island — completed a 90-day treatment program for alcohol abuse Thursday morning.

Police said the 56-year-old dad left the Liberty Bay Recovery Center around 10 a.m. and immediately bought a shotgun.

He then drove to the family’s home and broke in through the garage door. He shot his daughter to death in the bathroom around 2 p.m., police said.

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The pastor trashed the home with the menacing spray-paint messages before he shot and killed himself on the house’s porch.

Claire Randall had recently moved to Maine from Rhode Island to stay with her family. (GRETCHEN ERTL/AP)
Daniel Randall was ordained by the Yale University Divinity School and served as a pastor at a church in Saco, Maine, in 1993, according to online church biographies. He left that parish in 1994 after his first wife died after she slipped and fell during a family picnic. He moved to Arizona with his two daughters — Claire and Molly — where he met his second wife, Anita.

The newlyweds and the girls moved back to the East Coast, where Daniel Randall joined a new congregation in New Hampshire.

The couple had a son in 2001 and a year later, the pastor joined the Air Force reserves as a chaplain, the newspaper reported. Between 2009 and 2012, he worked as a pastor at Rhode Island’s Roger Williams University, and oversaw a congregation in the college town until 2015, when he resigned without explanation.
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ ... r-article-1.2905994
2016/12/11 23:24 
Two church pastors arrested for rape
Two church pastors have been arrested for rape – one in Cape Town and the other in Butterworth in the Eastern Cape, police said on Saturday.

A 32-year-old pastor was arrested in Cape Town for the alleged rape of a 16-year-old congregation member, Western Cape police spokesman Captain FC van Wyk said.

The victim was allegedly taken to the pastor’s residence “under the pretence of praying for her” on Wednesday morning.

“While instructing the victim to undress to apply oil to her body, the pastor [allegedly] pushed her unto his bed and raped her. The victim reported the matter to the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the suspect was arrested,” Van Wyk said.

The pastor is expected to appear in court soon.

In the second case, a 43-year-old Zion Christian Church (ZCC) pastor was arrested for rape on Friday afternoon, Eastern Cape SAPS spokesman Captain Jackson Manatha said.

“It is alleged that the suspect took an 18-year-old woman to wash her under the bridge on Wednesday 7 December… as she was ill. The suspect was with the victim only and after washing her with traditional medicine, he allegedly touched her private parts.

“It is alleged that the pastor drove with the victim back to her home. On the same date at about 4.30pm he fetched the victim and drove with her to a certain shack at Ibika township, Butterworth, where she was told to take off her clothes. The pastor also took off his clothes. The victim was instructed to lie on the bed. She was then allegedly raped by the suspect.”

The pastor later drove the victim to her home, where she told her sister about the rape. A case of rape was registered at Msobomvu police station and the pastor was charged. He would appear in the Butterworth Magistrate’s Court on Monday, Manatha said.

http://citizen.co.za/news/news-n ... tors-arrested-rape/