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原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-9 18:58 發表 我不清楚你這聲稱的理據是甚麼,(通常你都會引文輔證的)但是我隱隱覺得這理據有些問題。如你所說,學習到了20歲後會減慢,但為何有些人幾十歲仍會很容易地被洗腦?(想像奧姆真理教吸納的會員,很多都是成熟甚至專業的一群)這明顯地推出「學習」與「被洗腦」的分別。 「被洗腦」後,往往對其他相反的理論排斥,有先入為主的意味,當然這在學習期間也發生,這就是我想說的「未進化好」了。 | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 116.226.49.x 於 2008-3-8 16:02 發表 >>>>>>>>> (poor english, hope u understand what i said) oNo , your////thy english writing is really good indeed , --------------------------------------------------------------- indeed , i would like to encourage u to communicate us in english in your convenience ------------------ reason .1. : :::::::::: we have some super english user , e.g. : : My Dear Sir Dye + My Dear Sir Weakest , their english output would be 100.000% correct , ---- u may be better to take every opportunity to read their english works , that must brush up your english comprehension ------------------ reason .2. : :::::::::: an english proverb : : practice makes perfect , the more practice , the better --------------------------------------------------------------- by 'the way , on an other hand , i would also like to suggest : :::::::::: should u write us in english , then , u may be better to cast away any spell-checker , to cast away any spell-checker = to cast away your tendency to depend on a machine rather than your own --------------------------------------------------------------- understand my english so-called english ?? any query please do not hesitate to let us know , cheers , best regards , ThANKs , yours truly , --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-10 01:16 編輯 ] | |||||
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原帖由 weakest 於 2008-3-9 23:47 發表 wow 好狗不见 好狗悬念 disclaiming : : that 好狗 stands4me , wou wou --------- >>>> In fact, I have taken "religious studies" course for HKCEE, what's result ? which grade ? [[青见]] [[人子]] 您 边 x 渡 gaa ?? [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-10 02:19 編輯 ] | |||||
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香港之尸[[C]], 基督之恥, 食史laa, 食多几页中华血泪史 laa [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-24 17:42 編輯 ] | |||||
我突然觉得 她被基督弄的好黑暗。。。 她说她喜欢看出埃及记。。。 我说死这么多人你也喜欢看? 她说:神是圣洁的。。。 我。。。没想法哦, 然后讨论到后来她说 神是慈爱怜悯的,也是圣洁公义的。。。 她还叫我注意,说死的只是长子。。。不是全家。。。 为显公义。。要杀人,为显怜悯。。。只杀长子。。。 我当时真想去抽这个神。。。 | |||||
For the grown up being brainwashed, you have to realize that thereis a diversity in any population. Also, there is more than one way to wash the brain. Typically it is very difficult to brainwash a grown up with a decent "OS". Look at this thread starting poster. When he read bible for the first time, he immediately sees the nonsense. At the same time, think about his girlfriend who started this early in her life. She apparently has her "OS" twisted. Or my cousin who started going to church early and now ended up a Christian. But my aunt who appear to believe in Christianity in her later life, she is much shakier in her belief. They are both recent converts in my family. Numerous statistics I post before show that the more religious a person is, the less educated a person is. (It does not seperate different religion. ANY religion is find.) ----------------- Funny enough, I do not have the means to type Chinese whenever I am in Mainland (am in Mainland at the moment) | |||||
樓主當然沒被洗腦,因為他是自己看聖經,期間並無教會提供的洗腦程序。現在假如再去教會,因為已預先有了這裡的資訊,洗腦亦難成功。 大陸電腦的輸入法可用拼音,但一般香港人都不懂。 | |||||
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原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-3-10 22:11 發表 >>>>>>>>> 有了這裡的資訊,洗腦亦難成功。 too hard to say so early , to Christiannity , everything is possible , no matter how un-imaginable >>>>>>>>> 大陸電腦的輸入法可用拼音,但一般香港人都不懂。 how to call up this function from an ordinary pc [[[[[xp-windows]]]] cheers ThANKye | |||||
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原帖由 Guest from 116.226.57.x 於 2008-3-10 17:59 發表 the Christiannity re-openned their shop up there not too long ago , but , in such a short time , they can have such an astonnishing accomplishment , the Christiannity , really ......... | |||||
---------------------- Christianity has quite a number of schools in China. For example, the famous Fu Dan University in Shanghai is Christian. The school system in HK is also filled with Christian influence. When they get to Australia, they forced the local to study in their school. In Europe, Catholic is known to kidnapped children to Catholic school. In Canada, Anglican church (aka church of England) has a history of forcing Natives into their school. | |||||
原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-11 08:31 發表 ThANKye 4 thy sharing , i didnt know it just until now now, i do have an other set of eyes to realise the Fu Dan University's real truth hidden behind , cheers ThANKye | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-3-11 01:35 發表 http://www.coop-edu.com.hk/Shengben/SB-Input.htm 原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-11 08:31 發表 試試這個網上廣東話輸入法: http://www.cantoneseinput.com/ | |||||
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我来说下吧 在解放以前,大陆所开办的学校几乎全部都是教会学校 不管是外国人还是回国的有识之士 如我的高中“光明中学”在解放前名叫“中法学堂” 有名的教会学校,现在已经有120年历史了 我的大学,曾经改名多次。最开始的时候也是教会学校,是德国人创办的 后来改名叫”沪江大学“是著名诗人徐志摩曾经求学的地方 复旦也是同样的历史 但是在解放后,这些学校已经全部脱离的教会的控制,完全没有任何关系的 要知道,中国政府连你们传道都不允许了,还允许你们染指学校么? 你们说的这些,已经是只存在在历史中的东西了。 要知道,在这些重要地方任职的审查是很严厉的。 信仰,党派,是否爱国,都是必须衡量的东西 | |||||
大陆的情况真的很相反,基督徒中高学历的真的占了很大的比例部分 可见,他们的精神力量真的很薄弱很空虚 只注意知识的积累,却忽略的心灵的锻炼 |
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