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first ThANKs 4////for thy////your comment i do 100.000% understand thy////ur/////your underpinning idea ---------------------------------------------------------------- i do not know how2express it @ mandarin , in cantonnese , it's : ::::: : : 我 [人系]=[being] 非常 玩得 gae, thou canst say me anything thou canst say me as anything thou canst say to me anything thou canst say to me any language , thou canst say to me any language , even foul language .,;==^) | |||||
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fluently : ::::: cantonnese , mandarin , english , german , french , dutch , e.t.c. ,;==^) [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-6-9 12:19 編輯 ] | |||||
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.,;==^) of Chinese course cheers ThANK ye | |||||
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me review detailedly later thee , right now busy sorry .,;==^) m[o-|-o]m = | |||||
http://www.51wma.com/sort/3_2083_228827.html http://www.ting789.com/Song/gequ57961.htm 一首快樂的歌,口琴王完美的演譯,謝謝! | |||||
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i can listen out that thou hast strived////striven out all thy best to perform this song + thou hast strived////striven thyself hard to perform this song , i'm impressed ThANKs | |||||
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me 2////to re-review thee morning to-morning .,;==^) anew re-ThANK-ye | |||||
最後一個音,用了slide (?),但收得略為短急,給人「咦?完了嗎?」的突然完結感覺,和一般樂器 solo 時延長一兩個bar才完結不太像。 又或者,由於演奏實在太好,我有點捨不得這首歌的完結。 | |||||
我用了slide。 我又重听了一遍, 也觉得用slide在结尾那里不大合适。 我试着改进 | |||||
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' the prussian 版 , i.e. 正經版,i.e. 悶蛋極版 .,;==^)(^==: :::::::::: : : .0. fantastic classic .1. as milky as the unbroken silk , .2. even better than thy previous performance with ' the o'suzanna.etc , .3. mmmmmmmmm , still a little bit o' [[in-audible]] grist , but , n'ever////never mind , cause : ::::: n'ever////never affecting thy gist cheers ThANK ye | |||||
evenning////evening tomorning////tomorrow : ::::: ' the review o' [虫虫虫血] [或心] 版 | |||||
我怕吹错音, 一直是很专心的吹, 那是我妹妹 |
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