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基督教徒唔係有一定既行為道德操守既咩? 乜原來唔係架!原來信左耶穌把口都可以咁賤架?呢樣野係咪耶穌教你地呢? 咦!咁咪即係同果D新X安、勝X既社團一樣,咁都幾好玩喎呢個社團,唔係,係教會先岩! | |||||
你也默認了基督徒是有「一定既行為道德操守」, 難道你不想做基督徒就是因為不肯遵重「一定既行為道德操守」 你不願改變你那無道德操守而已? 不是耶穌不真, 不是基基反智, 不是.... 不做基徒等如拿了一個犯罪牌照? 犯了罪也不用內疚? 做有「一定既行為道德操守」既人只是基督徒徒的責任嗎? | |||||
因為有樣辦比我睇囉! | |||||
當有好樣辦的督徒時你又不會照樣去學 (仲嘲笑人係反智, 迷信, 願為基奴.....) 那請不要亂說壞樣辦對你有任何影響。 | |||||
He isnt doing anything is because he doesnt fucking care at all about us.... I am sicked of it the claim of a loving god, a father, a all mighty god...... I am a father a son myself, indeed I will let my son try and learn from mistake but I will never let him make any mistake that will kill him or not revertible..... Just to share my experience that I become a fan of anit-christ when I looked at the pic of victim (school kid buried under collapsed school's structure)of Sichuan's earthquake....... it was just split of an second I feel that I am betrayed by one that I trusted wholeheartedly... He just doesnt care at all, he may be mighty, but not a loving a being at all... | |||||
你的意見大致跟伊壁鳩魯悖論中的一樣吧。(神有能力阻止苦難而不去阻止,那麼神就是邪惡的。) 不過我覺得樓主原本是希望得到作為基督徒立場的回答。 「屬靈爭戰」算是一個基教角度的答案,這是我在以前中學時的教會所聽到的。 PS.想了解一下其他答案,可以碌返上第二頁睇一睇抽水兄貼的連結 | |||||
So, anyone has an answer to the original question? seems like a bunch of kids here, your contributio ... Hey , Mr Father and A Son, I have no idea whom you have talked to. Several others have posted here. Many of them know to include the "quote" or at least the post number so that people know where your finger points to. In this regard, you are worse than those kids in the Golden Forum. Since your post has a strong anti-christ tone and I am the only christian around here, I suppose you were addressing to me. | |||||
He isnt doing anything is because he doesnt fucking care at all about us... God has been doing a lot of things. He sent prophets to ask people to repent. He sent his own son to pay for the sin of mankind. He set up church in our living world to preach the way to salvation. God does care about mankind and the mistake made by Adam and Eve is revertible, only you doesnt fucking care to take the step of your own! I will never let him make any mistake that will kill him Onan wasted his semen on the ground and God took his life immediately. Arron's sons Nadab and Abihu played with the fire and offered strange fire before the LORD. God killed them. These are punishments. God did not punish Adam and Eve by killing them. They are driven out of God's place and face the consequence of their own sin. Even before that, God clothed them properly with leather garments to replace the makeshift clothings from fig leaves. Did God kill Adam and Eve because of their mistake? No. They were driven out of the Garden of Eden to live in a world of sins and repent. God did not have to create sins in our living world, man has invited sins into their world already. Mr Father of a son, did you ever put your son to his corner when he throws a temper tantrum? If no, you are not a good parent. It is your fcuking stupid to take bible verse literally. | |||||
Just to share my experience that I become a fan of anit-christ when I looked at the pic of victim (school kid buried under collapsed school's structure)of Sichuan's earthquake....... it was just split of an second I feel that I am betrayed by one that I trusted wholeheartedly... Why you turn yourself anti-christ when seeing the pic of victims in disasters? Are you telling me that you agree with the fact that YHWH is the only true God in the universe who had controlled all such stuffs? Why would you not turning anti-allah, anti-budda, anti-Shiva, anti-Krishna , anti-Vishnu, anti-觀音, anti-二八公, anti-太上老君? In saying why should you believe in YHWH, is he the only God? If you believe in a God, it would not be YHWH! Then , how come when coming to blame, YHWH is the only one you can recall and held accounted for? Before you have declared YHWH is the only God, I have no point of discussing with you. | |||||
佢真係好 only咖 | |||||
咁就咪把死人塌樓打乞嚏也來算到YHWH頭上 好野就關人的功勞, 人的智慧 不好的就關耶和華事? 同盲反基一個模樣 | |||||
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你都知你孭唔起哩 | |||||
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算吧,你這樣一說,些「基奴」還以為自己正在做好榜樣。 唉。 | |||||
一時有點迷失, 那我是「樣辦」(因為有樣辦比我睇囉), 還是「不是樣辦」 (「基奴」還以為自己正在做好榜樣)? 兩位好像不咬弦 |
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