為何不能婚前性行為???????? 何謂犯姦淫???????
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哈....159個, 又是否只是個形容詞呀? | |||||
我說你對佛教無知,還真的哩,早說過佛經的500只是比喻,不是真的有500 人 ...嗯....500是形容詞耶? 那是形容多, 還是少呢? | |||||
其實當初這些人本是看在這邪穌會搞些巫術把戲,也可學會不入流密醫騙人的技倆,所以才跟隨 呵..呵 要我跟你一堆廢幻想來辯論? 你省回哩. 不如你說耶穌無復活, 是一隻外星人太空船接回了耶穌, 回到銀河系X245Wsj99星去了. | |||||
你不是不信鬼話, 只是不信基督教的事, 佛教中的鬼話你卻信到足哩. 我日日在批你的, 正是這個. 女人用肋旁生仔....你都可以信咯......仲有乜你係可以不會信呢? 只是不想信而已. | |||||
159 Catholic Priests From Boston on Sex Abuse List 乜未審便給先定罪耶? 文革時期咩? 當然許多已死的淫鬼沒算在內 當然是指控死人好哩, 死人不會說話嘛. | |||||
你怎証明這些女子是非自已意願下與以色列男子成婚先? 你都幾一廂情願地來作故仔. 是否將這400個俘虜也一起殺掉, 便合你心意了? | |||||
我睇到的, 是你淫性畢現. 所有處女落到你手上, 可任由你處置時, 你只是想到「姦淫」之....呵呵 (食色...性也耶?) 處女, 不姦之仲有無其它用途呢? (不姦, 咪好浪費囉....是嗎??? ) | |||||
>>>是喔!專找些無辜的替死鬼處罰,也算是施行報應的公義的神? 這些替死鬼是要怎來感受你們神的豐盛的恩慈??又為何該要忍耐悔改??? 你搞外遇,結果你女兒得愛茲病死了,這叫公義,這叫誰得報應?誰得恩慈?? 是不是耶和華的電腦中病毒跳機了 羅2:16 就在神藉耶穌基督審判人隱秘事的日子,照著我的福音所言。 神早言明報的時間,你卻硬要執著即時、生時,你自己去找神理論吧。你要在沒有其他資料下從聖經解得神殺人,又不肯認同聖經說神報應的時間,就是曲解、偏讀聖經了。 原來有人犯罪,被除罪後,他的兒女太太被規畫要受罪~~神讓他的兒女間~~~~搞亂倫姦污、兒子間自殘、被自己兒子追殺、 妻子光天化日下被淫、喪掉兩個兒子~~~又還會刑罰孫子輩耶穌再加始祖亞當的罪, 而當事人卻活的好好的,這叫嚴嚴的加倍報在大衛身上???這種邏輯真是只有基督教才生的出 這叫牽連,不叫神使。老爸爛賭,阿仔讀書不成被虐童年陰影被人追債全家拮据;阿媽偷漢,家庭破碎阿女冇安全感四出尋慰藉珠胎暗結,此等時事新聞閣下都未見過?牽連有何奇? ================ 奇怪的是那些號稱基督教的國家,怎不立法學聖經真理,不可罰當事人,而罰他的家人呢? 你兒女間搞亂倫姦污、兒子間自殘、被自己兒子追殺、妻子光天化日下被淫、喪掉兩個兒子,你毫不心痛,這就正正叫神經病。 >>>>你不信聖經所載神的審判,不信聖經所載神把罪報在耶穌身上,信什麼聖經所載大衛卻活的好好的?你無視大審判,等於不認同聖經最基本的事,和人討論什麼聖經? ============= 我說的是姦夫淫婦所生的所羅門竟反而作王 你早說大衛兒子是無辜,為何又把大衛及拔示巴之辜怪他頭上? 至於大衛兒子在城裡姦污妹子,又不肯娶為妻,這不是耶和華一手安排的懲罰嗎? 這不是超變態的神嗎? 還是什麼人的罪都怪神頭上,早已指出你的態度。 大衛不是沒罪然後有替死鬼,這不是擺明支持大衛姦淫的行為嗎 叫牽連,大衛沒有死嗎?現在千多歲嗎? =========== 不管他幹錯什麼,大衛自身都沒事 沒事沒事沒事沒事沒事沒事,只要你自身沒事就好,對不?我搶你老婆仔女屋契銀行存款,賣你去非洲做黃奴,你自身沒事就好了,對吧? ============ 看來基督徒認為幹壞事都不用得報應,罰的都是別人最好 我沒有說過,是香港法律說你不用受對等報應,你不必迴避,我現在問你,你覺得香港法律這樣公平嗎?請答。 ======== 老爸外遇要處罰全家子女、太太讓他們家不像家嗎? 然後外面偷生的孩子,反當家作主嗎 是喔,是杏林子這些人的老爸還是老媽或祖父幹過什壞事,受報應成殘障?還值得這麼宣傳要作秀? 約九:2 耶穌回答說:「也不是這人犯了罪,也不是他父母犯了罪,是要在他身上顯出神的作為來。 是跟你說明,基督徒藉神的恩典,在極度的苦難和看似不公中仍可比別人更有生命力地渡過,不以神少給他為不公平,勝過閣下等樣樣只懂喊叫不公,無力平心靜氣過活的人 =============== 這個杏林子是家中很有錢,所以還可受照顧過的好, 要是家中已窮的要死,神還讓人生個這種殘障的,那所謂顯神的作為來, 豈不是折磨人的變態,專門虐待窮人要人討乞為生。 。 我現在就是在檢控這書是聖經還是有問題的神經聖書呀! 這麼怕人檢驗與討論嗎?建議你去非洲住好了 真是十分低級的護基邏輯 那麼我們現在運用法律原則吧,疑犯被判前假定無罪,閣下狀告耶神強姦猶太家的馬利亞,相煩援引刑事條例12x~13X或其他法律,提供時間地點證據construct case吧。 刑事條例條文 你construct不了,代表你告不入,低級反基邏輯。 ============= :@ 我告訴你,現今天主教強姦信徒,有的已過時效, 有的神父已死,當然控告不了,不過這件事會被歷史記戴 讓大家討論,探討為何神聖的宗教會出這麼多的問題, 是否拜錯神,把邪神當正神來拜 告不成並不代表低級,反而一再企圖掩飾罪惡的才是超低級 | |||||
你看不懂英文標題嗎 | |||||
那是形容多, 還是少呢? ====== 多少怎會有標準 七與四十代表多那 三千煩惱絲是多是少? 能比嗎,國情不同,誰知呢! | |||||
要我跟你一堆廢幻想來辯論? 你省回哩. 不如你說耶穌無復活, 是一隻外星人太空船接回了耶穌, 回到銀河系X245Wsj99星去了 ========== 是嗎!要是 出生在中國被砍頭,就什復活的鬼話都沒了 | |||||
>>>你不是不信鬼話, 只是不信基督教的事, 佛教中的鬼話你卻信到足哩. 我日日在批你的, 正是這個. 女人用肋旁生仔....你都可以信咯......仲有乜你係可以不會信呢? 只是不想信而已. ============ 說你無知就是無知 在古印度, 婆羅門種叫「頂上生」, 剎帝利種是「右脅生」 | |||||
所以我也說你對基督教無知. 基教說的是貞女生子...不是行姦淫. 貞女生子代表甚麼? 你這階段不會悟到. 級數未夠. | |||||
我知... 我知你在九翕 | |||||
噢....原來佛經中趙長和復活的故事也是鬼話來的..... 甚麼鬼道眾生.....原來鬼話眾生才是. | |||||
文革時期咩? 當然許多已死的淫鬼沒算在內 當然是指控死人好哩, 死人不會說話嘛 =========== 梵蒂岡繼美國後再坦承有23個國家的修女被神父性侵強姦! 2011/03/23 17:34:47 瀏覽456|回應0|推薦1 梵蒂岡證實神父強姦,性侵修女 Posted on: March 1st, 2011 by Hannah Westfield 過逝的教宗保錄12曾坦承美國修女有1/4被神父姦淫現今 羅馬天主教會,昨天再度承認,他們查覺至少有23個國家的神父們性侵和強姦修女 據梵蒂岡,大部分性侵和強姦發生在非洲國家中,獨身牧師,因怕染上艾滋病,不願與妓女性交易而另擇姦淫修女替代。 上週美國天主教周刊記者洩露這機密報告,教會當局不敢否認。 比較一些較近期的眾多報告中的五份,已流通超過六年,教牧要求與修女性交以交換修女能獲取好處; 在極端例子,甚至有修女懷孕後再被迫墮胎。 第三世界非洲國家的文化狀況使婦女得屈從於男性,因此天主教神職人員很容易運用他們神授權力和財政上特權,獲取性交好處。 這些文件指出在非洲國家情況特別嚴重,年青少女和修女被視為安全性交的目標。 教會當局,顯然,沒有採取任何行動來解決這個問題,儘管這些報告列舉眾多神職人員犯了無數強姦和性侵案件。 案例之一,一名懷孕修女死於墮胎,另一間教會眾多教牧曾讓同教會29名修女全體懷孕。 梵蒂岡被迫承認這醜聞,正試圖淡化這事。 其發言人昨天以『地域限制』歸結問題,並提醒記者多數修女和神父工作良好。 天主教海外發展署(CAFOD)艾滋病協調員修女MauraO'Doniohue充分意識到這個問題嚴重性,確認修女成'安全性侵目標'。 她講述一群教牧受當地妓女艾滋病威脅的風險,如果當地神院長拒絕教牧性侵修女。 虔誠天主教徒希望教皇立即勇敢處理這醜聞,如同他處理戀童癖神父的問題。 2011年3月23日星期三 Vatican confirms rape, sexual abuse of nuns by priests The Catholic Church in Rome yesterday admitted its awareness of incidents in at least 23 countries of sexual abuse and rape of nuns by priests. According to the Vatican, most of the sexual abuse and rape has taken place in African countries, with so-called celibate priests abandoning prostitutes in fear of contracting Aids and raping nuns instead. Confidential reports were leaked last week to the US Catholic weekly National Catholic Reporter, and are not being denied by Church authorities. Several of the five reports are said to have been in circulation for more than six years, while others are comparatively recent, but all state priests had demanded sex in exchange for favors. In extreme cases, nuns had been made pregnant and forced to have abortions. Third world African states culturally condition women to subservience to men, making it easy for Catholic clergy to use their spiritual and financial authority to gain sex. The documents state a particularly serious situation in Africa, where early adolescent girls and nuns are regarded as safe sexual targets. Church authorities, apparently, have done little to address the issue, even though the reports cite countless cases of rape and sexual abuse by members of the clergy. In one case, a pregnant nun died during an abortion; in another 29 nuns in one congregation all became pregnant by priests in the same church. Forced to acknowledge the disgrace, the Vatican is trying to play it down. its spokesman yesterday attributed the issue to a ‘restricted geographical area’ and reminded reporters of the good work being done by an overwhelming number of nuns and priests. CAFOD Aids coordinator Sister Maura O’Doniohue is well aware of the problem, confirming nuns are ‘safe targets’ for sexual abuse. She tells of a group of priests threatened to risk Aids with local prostitutes if a local abbess refused sexual access to her nuns. Committed Catholics are now hoping the Pope will be as courageous in his tackling of the scandal as he was over paedophile priests. | |||||
About Michael John Scott Michael Scott's greatest passion is his web magazine. He loves the company of the many talented writers and is grateful for the new friendships that have blossomed as a result of this next great adventure. View all posts by Michael John Scott → Transgression against chastity vows by priests run the gamut from harassment, and outright rape, all the way to fathering children.. According to Newsweek, a memo titled “The Problem of the Sexual Abuse of African Religious in Africa and in Rome,” written in 1998 by a Roman Catholic nun named Marie McDonald, was concise. “Sexual harassment and even rape of sisters by priests and bishops is allegedly common,” it said. Sisters, financially dependent on priests, occasionally have to perform sexual favors in exchange for money. McDonald analyzed the causes of this widespread violation of chastity vows and then made this plea: “The time has come for some concerted action.” According to the National Catholic Reporter, which made McDonald’s memo public in 2001, Vatican officials did take steps to rectify the problem, but publicly their stance was chillingly familiar. “The problem is known and is restricted to a limited geographical area,” said Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the Vatican spokesman at the time. This is an isolated incident; in other words, we’ve got it under control. Even as new cases of child sexual abuse by clergy emerge each day in Europe and the United States, abuse in the regions where Catholicism is growing fastest—Latin America, Asia, and, especially, Africa—are still largely ignored. In the West, the focus has been on the violation of minors, and on the role of celibacy in engendering this problem. In Africa, the problem is somewhat more complex. Though many good priests do adhere to their chastity vows, says the Rev. Peter Schineller, a Jesuit priest who has spent 20 years in Africa, sex between consenting or semi-consenting adults is commonplace. Transgression against chastity vows by priests run the gamut from harassment all the way to fathering children; it’s not criminal necessarily, but it’s certainly against doctrine. “The violations are huge,” says Schineller. As the Roman Catholic hierarchy continues to crow over its success and vitality in the global south—the growth rate in Africa and Asia has been about three percent per year, twice the rate worldwide—the African church may put mandatory clerical celibacy to its harshest test yet. Sexual coercion is just part of the story. The 2001 investigation by the National Catholic Reporter uncovered three separate reports of sexual abuse of religious sisters by priests. The story described priests raping religious sisters and then paying for their abortions; sisters fearing to travel in cars with priests for fear of rape; sisters appealing to bishops for help only to be told to go away. “Even when they are listened to sympathetically,” wrote McDonald, “nothing seems to be done.” Much less well documented is a broader problem: priests with unofficial “wives.” In Africa, “there’s a tremendous problem with the vow of chastity in regard to women,” says Schineller. “Statistics are hard to get, but it’s a reality. Bishops are sometimes involved with it, but mostly they simply have not faced it. It’s kind of a hidden thing. Laypeople want priests, so they put up with the priest having a friend.” About four years ago, Schineller worked with the bishops of Nigeria to produce a pamphlet warning parish priests about the dangers of violating their chastity vows. “There are consequences for all of this,” he said. Schineller believes that priests all over the world fail to maintain their celibacy—more, he says, than anyone wants to admit—but that Africa presents priests with a unique set of problems. In Africa, parents have a higher social status than childless adults. “To be a man in Africa—it varies from culture to culture—it is expected that you will have children and a family. To be a celibate male is not a high value.” Also, he adds, priests are often very isolated: they get lonely. “Priests are separated, living out in the bush. Family expectations are high, temptations are strong.” And women, as Marie McDonald put it in her top-secret document, hold an “inferior position.” “It seems,” she wrote, “that a sister finds it impossible to refuse a priest who asks for sexual favors.” (It’s easy to imagine that holds true as well for women who are not nuns.) Nuns hold a unique place in this sexual landscape. In a universe where AIDS is widespread, sex with nuns is thought to be safe; some imagine it might even have positive, healing powers. Priests who might have visited prostitutes see religious sisters as a healthy alternative. “One of the most dangerous myths in history,” adds Philip Jenkins, professor of history and religious studies at Penn State, “was this: if you were suffering from a serious sexual disease, sex with a virgin would cure it. That had awful consequences.” The Vatican has known about these sins and crimes for some time. When Benedict XVI traveled to Africa in 2005, for example, he addressed the question of celibacy explicitly. He urged the bishops there to “open themselves fully to serving others as Christ did by embracing the gift of celibacy.” Indeed, Benedict holds celibacy so high that last year he excommunicated a Zambian priest, the Rev. Luciano Anzanga Mbewe, for being married. Mbewe now heads a breakaway sect of married Catholic priests in Uganda called the Catholic Apostolic National Church, according to The New York Times. “The creation of the splinter church underscored the increasingly vexing problem of enforcing celibacy for Roman Catholic priests in Africa, which has the world’s fastest-growing Catholic population but where there have been several cases of priests living openly with women and fathering children,” the Times wrote. One wonders at the priorities of a man who failed to defrock a priest in Wisconsin who molested hundreds of children but acted so decisively in the case of one who married a consenting adult. | |||||
用貼文來掩飾你詞窮, 無言以對耶? 下次貼篇十萬字既論文囉.....長長的, 便會看似有理一點架咩? | |||||
我告訴你吧,天主教強姦案多的很,幾乎天天有新聞,我現在根本賴的翻譯, 也沒什時間翻,要的話也很多 有興趣自已上網找就有,李天命科學與宗教就有近四百篇 http://leetm.mingpao.com/cfm/For ... esc&TopicPage=1 | |||||
一篇一篇輪流貼出來嘛, 咁咪不用擔心無話可回應囉.. 無話可說時, 貼文便成囉.......呵呵 |
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