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原帖由 沙文 於 2007-11-21 22:21 發表 釋些重點出黎好播。 | |||||
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個人認為世上最偉大的政冶家乃華盛頓先生莫屬,他讓人民獲得擁有武器的權利,是澈底扭轉了人類數千年來群居管冶上的漏洞,使管冶者與被管冶者之間,得到了前所未有的較為平衡狀態。 現在修訂如下: 個人認為世上最偉大的政冶見解,乃佐冶華盛頓先生,於美國立國時所提出的武器管理方法。他立法讓人民獲得擁有武器的權利,是澈底扭轉了人類數千年來群居管冶上的漏洞,使管冶者與被管冶者之間,得到了前所未有的較為平衡狀態。 | |||||
Christians Under Fire in Colorado Even before two of its teenage congregants were shot near their car on Sunday, New Life Church in Colorado Springs had been dealing with a legacy of trauma. At the end of 2006, the megachurch had suffered through a sex scandal after its founder Ted Haggard admitted to a relationship with a male escort. Church membership plummeted from 14,000 to 10,000. Now, with a new pastor on board only since August, the church is once again in the national spotlight, this time as part of a shocking two-episode multiple murder. At a press conference today, the church's new leader, Brady Boyd, called for prayer for the family of the victims, Stephanie and Rachael Works, sisters who were 18 and 16. But Boyd also asked for prayers for the family of their killer: "He has a mom and dad somewhere... and ... we know that there is a grieving process for them as well." Today, police announced that there were positive forensics matches between the crime scene at the church and the evidence left behind 12 hours earlier when Tiffany Johnson, 26, and Philip Crouse, 24, were shot and killed at a missionary training center for the group Youth With a Mission (YWAM), 65 miles away in Arvada. The shooter had reportedly been trying to ask for a place to stay, but when Johnson tried to refer him elsewhere, he shot her. Police are now focusing on 24-year old Matthew Murray — the gunman in the New Life Church shooting, who was shot and killed by an armed New Life security volunteer — as the likely gunman in the earlier shooting as well. Murray, whose last known address was with his parents in Colorado's Arapahoe County, had apparently brought several smoke bombs with him to New Life. The police bomb squad was reportedly called into his parents' home during a search. Indeed, the police had searched the home of Murray's parents before the New Life incident occurred. | |||||
http://news.google.com.hk/news?tab=wn&hl=zh-TW&ned=hk&q=%E6%96%AC+%E8%A1%80 為何憤怒會令人失去理性? | |||||
太21:12 耶穌進了神的殿、趕出殿裡一切作買賣的人、推倒兌換銀錢之人的桌子、和賣鴿子之人的凳子. 個槍手又係叫做馬太 -- 或者係因為佢讀呢碌教學校,對此段經文倍感親切之故。 | |||||
研究歷史,評論歷史人物,咱們中國人的思維向來喜歡非黑即白。孫中山作為當年國共兩黨共同尊崇的人物,實際上對他的研究遠遠沒有達到客觀的地步。孫的性情,諸如對權力的極度渴望以及某些事件的黑幕也沒有完全揭開,這都是囿於意識形態。人性本身就是複雜的,捧一個人不需要把他捧得完美無瑕,批一個人也不能一竿子打死;我特別喜歡台灣大宇製作的一款PC遊戲《軒轅劍-----蒼之濤》里的一句話,大意是人只是隨歷史大潮中的一片葉兒。人其實很難決定歷史的走向,(佛家的“共業”)今日說華盛頓如何偉大,美國民主之父云云,其實只要了解當時美國建國的背景便可了然華的作為絲毫沒有奇怪之處。 如果全面客觀地看待歷史,我想諸如李鴻章,汪精衛,孫中山這些人都需要人們做出新的評價。 | |||||
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比舊約《傳道書》的意境不知超過多少倍。 | |||||
原帖由 秀雲 於 2008-4-15 15:57 發表 秀雲小姐對於汪精衛,孫中山等人物,在歷史上等等作為有咩高見呢? | |||||
對歷史政治人物無法做出客觀的評價。我們所能做的只是站在大歷史觀的角度對過往的歷史理出清晰的脈路和前因後果。尤其是孫,汪等人所處的大時代中,更無法用道德去衡量其所作所為。 我這么說,其實表明了我沒有任何高見~~~ | |||||
(大致幾點,因為都記不清了) 1。革命的不徹底性 2。個人的性格問題 3。資產階級的革命的局限性(這點不太清楚,反正是說資產階級的不好) 4.也是最重要的一點,忽略了廣大無產階級人民的力量 就是這幾個,當然,此書有他的政治導向性 但是還是希望對大家有幫助。 | |||||
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-4-18 01:03 發表 hi , Tag ! = Guten Tag ! = german德文 ,,,,,Good Day '''' ! 你好 ,;--^) first ThANKs , me seems , thou have[[subjunctive-tense]] not outspoken for a while , couldest thou share with me : :::::::::: what is the problem with thee////u/////you ? what is wrong with thee////u/////you ? what's wrong with thee////u/////you ? [[[[[[[[[ 你有什麼問題aa ? :o ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ that would b////be the native-english-speaker's un-affected////unAffected/////unaffected style ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ rather than ,,,,, do you have any problem ? '''' or ,,,,, what kind of problem do you have ? '''' e.t.c. ]]]]]]]]] any thing [[which]] i could help ? :o ,;--^) cheers ThANK ye , [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-18 06:39 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-4-18 01:03 發表 by the way , i////me would like2suggest thee////u/////you to converse w/ me////thyHumbleServant/////yourHumbleServant in english////English as much as possible , so that : ::::: i could observe thy progress in thy english learning ,;--^)D cheers ThANK ye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-18 02:01 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-4-18 01:03 發表 ,,,,,Tag'''' 的 標準德語 的 大約發音 : : ````` 他 'k '''' p.s. : ::::: 有 標準德語 的 發音 .... i.e. = 有 非標準 德語 的 發音 | |||||
原帖由 秀雲 於 2008-4-15 15:57 發表 冒死 請問 小姐 感謝敢謝 | |||||
是方言嗎? | |||||
p仔不太懂中文輸入,目前他已進步很多,仍遇到不懂輸入的字,會用拆字形式表達。 你指的方言,他意指「忠」、「奸」。 | |||||
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