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屎料集 (17) 侵華日軍使用解放軍1960年的迫擊炮彈! 哇...好很勁呀, 神蹟呀!! 笑很死咗 | |||||
基督教的神蹟更勁呀, 全部只發生在本神話故事裡面,又唔見你笑很死咗嘅? 基督教徒護教膠行為層出不窮,在否定別教神蹟之前,先問下自己個邪教有什麼神蹟先啦! 解放軍1960年還是窮到燶,究竟是否繼續用1945日軍投降留下的迫擊炮彈,有乜出奇? 你又知解放軍1960自己大量出產很多迫擊炮彈? 多到要擺在老君台展覽造假來呃你? 其實老君台根本就冇人留意,道教亦冇刻意去宣傳呢件事, 如果不是梅川太郎在1983年再次來到鹿邑拜拜向老君懺悔請罪, 老君台肯定不會學基督教咁笑很死咗大事宣傳。對不? 在你很得戚以為找到別人的膠論時, 不如將基督教製造假聖經呃人的醜聞,性侵醜聞,殺人滅族醜聞等等,拎出來回味一下, 全離教會員的發表,加加埋埋都比不上你們兩件護教神棍的基督教膠論多。 反基督教的人越來越多,你們基督教的醜聞提供又與日俱增, 你們同梵蒂肛真係冇乜黙契,你們一邊死咁撐耶護教,梵蒂肛的醜聞又一邊勁爆,拼命扯你們後腿? 自 high 係冇L 用既,你們真是可憐,快啲離教吧啦! . . | |||||
你所produced 所谓证据, 都很可能是伪装! | |||||
屎料集(18) 瑪竇即係利瑪竇? 出自: https://exchristian.hk/forum/redirect.php?tid=15084&goto=lastpost#lastpost 呢條白痴友以為人地講既瑪竇福音中的瑪竇, 就是1522年出生的耶穌會來到中國的傳敎士利瑪竇 (咁既料想反基?) | |||||
屎料集(18) 只一樣性侵小孩既料夠反基未? . | |||||
屎料集(18) 耶稣說:反正都是騙子,用一個杜撰創造的神棍來騙人的神棍,有分別咩? | |||||
#約翰扑街音 6:54 吃 我 肉 、 喝 我 血 的 人 就 有 永 生 , 在 末 日 我 要 叫 他 復 活 。 | |||||
屎料集(18) 他們正吃晚餐的時候,耶穌說:「我實在告訴你們:你們中有一個人要出賣我。」他們非常憂悶,開始各自對他說:「主,難道是我嗎?」耶穌回答說:「那同我一起把手蘸在盤子裡的人,要出賣我。人子固然要按照指著他所記載的而去,但出賣人子的那人卻是有禍的!那人若沒有生,為他更好。」那要出賣他的猶達斯也開口問耶穌說:「辣彼,難道是我嗎?」耶穌對他說:「你說的是。」 於1552出生的利瑪竇是否相信以上這段文? 如果相信,1552出生的利瑪竇竟然相信傳說故事中的耶穌講了什麼,發生了什麼? 耶穌“說”:? 各自對他“說”,? 耶穌“回答說”,? 那要出賣他的猶達斯也開口問耶穌“說”:? 耶穌“對他說”:? 結論:於1552出生的利瑪竇也是膠和屎,對不? . | |||||
原祖「食禁果」就是扑野? 呢條友以為「嚐禁果」就係亞當上了厄娃, 在樂園中偷情 | |||||
係囉,亞當厄娃排排坐,食果果。 食完就冚家鏟,一路鏟到你bbchan呢一代,繼續鏟到你冇得鏟為止? 還不感謝你個主鏟你冚家? . | |||||
性的開場Show係先來一個祼體舞,跟著父子亂倫,跟著母子亂倫,又把女兒奉獻出去任姦,把小妾姦完切開一舊舊… | |||||
“圣经” === 变态经 “圣神” === 变态狂V V V *天主*基督 教 …… 道于 谢谢兄指教 | |||||
hamburger無 ham 既? 老師的教導: | |||||
低B甩毛bbchan,你的ham原創是牛? 但原創者本來用的ham是豬呀,懵柄! 而且 Hamburger 不是德國漢堡發明的食物,而是1885, in Hamburg, NY. 你的屎啱你自己食! https://www.wivb.com/news/erie-county-fair/was-the-hamburger-really-invented-in-hamburg-ny/#:~:text=The%20patty%20between%20two%20buns,pays%20tribute%20to%20that%20moment. It’s National Hamburger Day, and the beloved patty between two buns has a special connection to WNY. Although the true invention of the hamburger might always be a mystery, one of the more popular stories, regarding its birthplace, dates back to 1885, in Hamburg, NY. When you walk into Juicy Burger Bar in Hamburg, you’re greeted by a mural with photos of Charles and Frank Menches. Stories say the brothers, from Canton, OH, invented the hamburger at the Erie County Fair in 1885. “They were serving sausage patties and suddenly they had run out, and they ran to the butcher for more pork, and to their dismay they were sold out of pork, and only had ground beef,” Heather Williams said, the GM of Juicy Burger Bar. “And that’s where they say the burger was created and birthed as you will.” The patty between two buns instantly became a hit, and when the Menches considered what to call their concoction, stories say they chose ‘hamburger,’ because they were in Hamburg. Inside the Heritage and History Center, on the Fairgrounds, the fair pays tribute to that moment. “We’ve got a whole exhibit dedicated to the birth of the burger, but we also have a place where the kids can serve up their own burger to the parents,” Marty Biniasz said, the marketing manager of the fair. Biniasz said the descendants of the Menches brothers are still in the hamburger business today, in Ohio, which is part of the reason why he believes the story out of Hamburg has pretty good legs. “It’s the oldest birth of the burger story that is out there, and there are about four or five other stories; it’s the only story that can claim why it’s called the hamburger, because we’re here in Hamburg, NY, and the fact that the descendants of the Menches brothers still are in the hamburger business.” Just down the street from the Erie County Fair, there are plans to turn a water tower into a hamburger, in Hamburg. And whether the hamburger was invented in WNY or not, Juicy Burger Bar staff say they’re still proud to be in a town that is potentially a part of history. Last year, Christopher Carosa wrote a book called ‘Hamburger Dreams,’ which dives into the history of the hamburger. Carosa said he’s been interested in the topic for about 40 years, and intensely researched the history of the hamburger for the last seven years. He believes the Hamburg story is the most legitimate. He looked for the earliest mention of hamburgers in newspapers, and actually crossed off a couple of stories from doing that. He’s interviewed so many people regarding the topic. One interesting point he found was, there was a swine epidemic in 1885, which could lead to why the butcher wouldn’t give the Menches brothers any more pig that year, and gave them ground beef instead. . | |||||
屎料集(21) 印弟安人被一百年前的軍人屠殺 【出處】 論題: 人生規劃vs生命規劃 之#7 https://amp.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=15135&page=1&extra=#pid163884 發膠者: leefeng 有啲人就成日衰在「畫蛇添足」,, 你貼幅圖就係露醜! 所說的「沙溪大屠殺」是生在1864年....那是美國南北戰爭時。 那時美國軍人, 騎兵隊的服式, 是這樣的: 怎麼你屎到亂貼一幅是17世紀殖民地時的, 就當是美軍? | |||||
屎料集(21) 你的屎料集真是夠曬無恥下流,盡顯基督教徒的不知羞恥的本性與心態! hamburger輸了就扮龜縮,扮盲,證明你的所謂屎料集只是在指向你自己的屎腦思維! 你們基督教徒一隻二隻都在暴露你們的小丒真面目,娛樂大眾,難得之極! 教徒的種族暴行會因為軍隊服式而改變事實嗎?荒謬! 美國沙溪大屠殺 - 白人教徒的種族暴行 https://www.gushiciku.cn/dc_hk/110012379 約翰·奇温頓,拿起屠刀的神職人員 在科羅拉多領地,白人與夏延人的衝突升級了,因為一些礦工進入了印第安人的狩獵區域。約翰·奇温頓(John Chivington)是衞理會的一位巡迴牧師,負責很大的一片教區,他把一生都奉獻給“自由土地黨”的事業,他曾經在密蘇里對抗過支持奴隸制度的人,結果被趕下教壇,跑到了丹佛。在衝突爆發之前,奇温頓自願參加了由科羅拉多領地總督組織的北軍軍隊。總督先生準備讓他當牧師,但奇温頓據説是這樣迴應的:“我個人覺得有必要為摧毀把人當奴隸的制度出一份力,我要幫助我們國家在某種程度上成為一個真正自由的國度。”他被委任為少校,訓練新招募的科羅拉多第一志願軍團,把他們改頭換面成一支正規軍的樣子。而當在新墨西哥寡不敵眾的北軍軍隊向科羅拉多總督求救時,他派遣了奇温頓。奇温頓與另一支北軍部隊合兵一處,並行軍300英里,他看到了一支為南軍補給的馬車隊,共有85輛貨廂馬車,裝載着彈藥和補給品,是為了給入侵加利福尼亞的行動提供支援的。 隨着美國內戰的爆發,南方邦聯宣示了其對於印第安領地擁有主權——這片區域,大部分屬於今天的俄克拉荷馬州,五大開化的印第安民族被趕到那裏還沒有過去很多年。 接下來,北軍和南軍的軍事行動都進入了印第安領地,這場讓人茫然的戰鬥,以及針對投靠北方和南方印第安人的報復行為,其牽扯之複雜,無法在這裏一一追溯。總之我們已經反覆説過,無論他們依靠哪一方(有些人還根據戰事的前景改換門庭),事件發展到最後,永遠對印第安人不利。 https://www.gushiciku.cn/dc_hk/110012379 . | |||||
亂拋書包 有巢氏是石器時代之後冒現的文明....在公元前5500年左右。 300萬年前?!!! 笑很死 | |||||
屎料集(23) 白痴低能leefeng 又嚟出醜, 用網上被人搞作的相來當真。 雕像是 Arias Virgino 1887年作品, 現存智利聖地牙哥博物館 原作是無露卵,露疍喎 | |||||
係移殖自呢個像..... 截咗出嚟再做個水平倒轉 | |||||
一定要露先至引起澎湃性慾,否則神父牧師點起慾火去性侵幾十萬兒童呢?對不? 你所謂的屎料只不過在為神父牧師性侵兒童揾遮醜布, 你一定十分欣賞和支持神父牧師性侵兒童的戲碼,否則點會不知羞愧呢? . |
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