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不過請問一句: 幻想中這3個字為何如此重要? 1. 有人於獨立思考/批判思考等方面天真及傻. 2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life 3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變 4. 人從起初已經在幻想中尋求"神" 5. 社會的發展, 並未能填補人心靈的需要. 基督教的神卻提供了這方面的滿足. 6. 有人利用宗教上的權力企圖得到更多其他權力. 7. 殺戮江湖﹐搶奪市場 (沒錯, 這是史實) | |||||
“尋求醫治愛滋病的方法”與“尋求神”都是在尋求, 前者是一種理想,存有成功機會的。而後者則不會成功,永遠只是幻想。 既然兩者存在着嚴重的根本性分歧,將幻想說成是“尋求”並不適當。 | |||||
原帖由 沙文 於 2008-2-18 06:40 發表 sorry , there'r just too many posts under that thread , + , i have so limitted time, .......... so , couldest thou do a little bit of summary of 'the 2條 ?? cheers ThANKye | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 218.111.36.x 於 2008-2-18 22:59 發表 百年後 , this time , 1 of 'the ways which they would : :::::::::: 基督徒 , with 西方列強's financial 協助 , 暗地裡 , via tvb or atv [[[[[[[[[ or anything such-alike ]]]]]]]]] via those non-Christian-like Christiannised tvprogrammes , 毒害中國民眾 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-20 06:22 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-18 23:00 發表 new point , unique point , Jom: [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-20 07:19 編輯 ] | |||||
My Fair Lady 小妹 , couldest thou please include this point in thy summarisationnal list as well ? cheers ThANKye , pendragon [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-20 05:32 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 小妹 於 2008-2-18 23:45 發表 >>>> btw...你在外地嗎? 若然在香港, 4點幾都唔訓....好傷身的. ThANKye , o yes , sometimes 在外地 , but , but also ......... [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-20 07:19 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 小妹 於 2008-2-18 23:45 發表 ThANKye again , >>>>>>>>> The core value of their faith is what I look at i'd like2suggestye2 .... also take a look of the core's value of other believes[[[[[beliefs]]]] , e.g. : ::::: confucian , 道教﹐佛教﹐回教﹐印度教 , jainism , e.t.c. expecially those of chinese , which , up2now , [[[[[[[[[ although there'r certainly some religious quarrels ]]]]]]]]] do not cause any inter-religion wars nor any intra-religion wars as those in 'the West , history , the best witness [[[[[[[[[ over 2000 years of history here ]]]]]]]]] v'r so lucky of them i'm so proud of them | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-19 12:31 發表 http://exchristian.hk/forum/redirect.php?tid=1476&goto=lastpost#lastpost | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 118.100.106.x 於 2008-2-19 20:58 發表 o yes , e.g. : ::::: live burning of witches , regardless of any perspective , must b 100.000.000% wrong , expecially so true construed by todays laws , too many many similar examples to quote here | |||||
原帖由 Guest from 221.125.57.x 於 2008-2-19 18:03 發表 hi high welcome2Dye ! 7. It is a by-product of evolution. A misfiring, just like people whomasterbrate when nature is really interested in reproduction. (orpeople who are on opium, when the evolution of the pleasure system isintended for something totally different - like feed yourself!) sorry not quite get it , d'u mean the Christiannity = a misfiring , just like ````` people whomasterbrate ''''' ......... ````` orpeople who are on opium '''' ???? should 'the answer b positive , then , 100.000% me agree !! | |||||
原帖由 小妹 於 2008-2-19 12:40 發表 感情 , i'd like2suggest my sincere 感情 2thee for thy kind personnal list consideration , cheers ThANK ye My Fair Lady !!!!!!!!! note the wet blanket : ::::: nothing but only junks4fun , [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-20 14:24 編輯 ] | |||||
When the children grow up, it is very difficult to change these underlying belief even if they do think about it. Again, it is evolved. We have a)Church actively controling the education system by using the government/kidnapping kids/luring with goods b)We have kids copying all these belief into their hardwired belief at an early age when they are not ready to think The result is predictable. Be it Christian or Muslim. The only question is who is better at doing it. Evolution would sugggest a few point will be very important. 1) Have variety in the pool of belief so that it can evolve. (How many sect are there in Christianity (over a hundred)? Muslim (2-3)? Bushism (under 10)? Hinduism (Millions)? 2) The fidelity of the copying process. For muslim, it is perfect as they have to memorize the whole thing and repeat it every day. For Catholic, it is similiar but weaker. ...etc ---------------- To weskest, Eliminating these by-products is unlikely. How do parents pass information to their children noise-free? Sounds impossible to me. BUT when there is a will, there is a way. | |||||
好多謝您,希望您能成為我們與基督教之間的有效溝通平台。 | |||||
http://www.channel4.com/culture/ ... tes/rootofevil.html The root of all evils - part 2 --------------- The question is, atheist has been procecuted for such a long time (probably since the beginning of history and is still discriminated today). How is it that it is growing so rapidly today (especially among the intellectual)? [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-20 11:19 編輯 ] | |||||
我認為根本唔應該用世上有幾多信徒來看基督教的成敗,而根據聖經所講,信徒亦點都唔會成為大多數。 信仰是個人的決擇,唔受地域網域限制。所以"呢度"可以有人當聖經係流,亦可以有人當聖經係堅。教會裡面亦一樣可以有人當聖經係流。 粗略來說,小弟開始信聖經已經係上一個世紀既事。 | |||||
Eliminating these by-products is unlikely. How do parents pass information to their children noise-free? Sounds impossible to me. BUT when there is a will, there is a way." Thanks a lot. By the way, I am curious that if this faculty of "learning" by accepting everything taught of human beings would be elminated by evolution? (as believing in religions could be a by-product of this faculty of learning, would elminating this faculty greatly reduce the number of believers, and thus reduce the number of wars, and thus make human beings more likely to be able to live longer?) By the way, I have a question about evolution theory. Would this suggests that all beings will be "improved" (by evolution in the sense that the more superior beings would be more and more...) to more and more "high-class" things? Or is it possible for beings to exhibit some circular trend (e.g. from A--->B---->C----->A again)? Sorry for my ignorance in this science matter... | |||||
So population will neither evolve will be better or worst. It will just evolve to be "fitter". It is a misconception Creationist brought into evolution. The fact is that there is no direction for evolution. So, if the world is in a way such that stupid people are better fitted to survive, people will evolve to be more stupid. On a sad notes, we know as a fact that poorer and less educated people tend to have more children. From UN charter of rights, these same people has a important control over the education the children is going to get. So.. um.. we already have an environment that is favorable to stupidity. (Up til the rich and educated bunch decided to 'help', like project Hope, like Oxfam...) If anyone is interested in "changing the environment" see below, the "campaign for education" http://www.campaignforeducation.org/news/news_full.html#verdict ----------- Wait wait, the same trait that makes religion, is also the trait that makes learning possible. I am not sure if we really want these "roots" eliminated (even if we are capable). Just as, removing sex altogather is a horrible way to eliminate STDs... [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-20 14:48 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-20 11:52 發表 sorry 'm confused , 'r u Christian , My Dear Sir M2 ? cheers ThANKye |
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