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崇拜就個個星期都有嘅啫 | |||||
咁paul 少咪可以老懷安慰lor | |||||
边有咁啱鍋鍋都兩個桔一齊信假,咪杞人憂天啦 | |||||
櫻花朋友:sorry...攞左你開嘅post黎講左咁多無聊野,希望你唔好介意 or 嚇走啦 | |||||
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原帖由 Jennifer 於 2008-7-18 13:21 發表 >>>>>>>>> 無聊野 [o五o] 系 aa , 好有聊 , 好有料 tim , [人國] 段段精彩繽紛,我好享受 aa .,;==^) | |||||
原帖由 Jennifer 於 2008-7-18 13:21 發表 希望你唔好介意 or 嚇走啦 [ooo弟] 你 個相 , 真系 [ooo弟] 你 [o五o] 出 你 [o甘] 有大將軍g風 worr 大 [人老] | |||||
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樓主係問「決志後先發現自己比決志前軟弱左,咁決志黎做咩?」 而我地就係為了發掘「除了令人堅挺外决志的其他用途」作工嘛 | |||||
你介唔介意recap 多次決志有乜其他用途?乜我地嘅討論有講過咩? | |||||
由於教會不理會外邦人的查詢,所以要决志成為教徙才可以問嘛 樓主見到我問妳而妳又阿之阿左,就會自告奮勇幫我,妳估個個都好似妳咁衰咩? | |||||
沙文叔你自己對基教都好多問題個wor...有冇諗過自己決下志黎問過飽呢?唔好下下靠人吖嘛,你知啦,呢個世界真係好多衰人架... | |||||
咁離題係味唔得先? | |||||
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(全球60億人口,咁地獄豈不是會爆晒棚?) this q is perfectly logically, as you're a human being. but before my official ans, to be 'logical, 'you should think about is earth 爆晒棚 now even it's the home to 6billion people? absolutely not, and as a matter of fact, most of the land on earth is now empty, without anyone living on. so when earth can hold 6billion people, by cant hell? and, to be 'logical', in ur knowledge, we christians won't be going to hell and thus there'll be fewer than 6 billion people living in hell. is this 'logical' enough for you? then, my real reply is, '撒 都 該 人 常 說 沒 有 復 活 的 事.......這 樣 、 當 復 活 的 時 候 、 他 是 七 個 人 中 、 那 一 個 的 妻 子 呢 . 因 為 他 們 都 娶 過 他 ' matthew22:23-28. Jesus's reply is '耶 穌 回 答 說 、 你 們 錯 了 . 因 為 不 明 白 聖 經 、 也 不 曉 得 神 的 大 能 。當 復 活 的 時 候 、 人 也 不 娶 也 不 嫁 、 乃 像 天 上 的 使 者 一 樣 。' 當 復 活 的 時 候 、 人 也 不 娶 也 不 嫁...你 們 錯 了 . 因 為 不 明 白 聖 經 櫻花樹下, u'r making the same mistake as those 撒都該人. you 也 不 曉 得 神 的 大 能 and 不 明 白 聖 經. life in heaven is NOT an ideal life on Earth. They're absolutely different. You'r still using mortal man's vision to anticipate the world after physical death. When the time of the Last Judgement comes, everything will become high spiritual. Time and space will no time be a limit. You ever heard that a needle's head can hold thousands of angels? that's the concept of spirit. dont mean to challenge you, and qs related to spiritual things are high encouraged, as we christians are NOT dummies who just receive messages and dont think. but, you should think about the right qs, and, dont challenge the Lord. i think a q that's worth the most thinking is, 'is jesus and all events related to him real?'. if that's real, it implies Jesus IS God's son and by faith, we believe everything in the bible is real(as Jesus fully support bible himself) |
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