Why God can't be found?
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但係教會都一定會搵一d favour 佢地既譯本. 可能正如另一個 thread 講聖經內根本無 church. 所以你都可以創教的. ... 而事實上都有很多人咁做.. 你今日收錄一套香港粵語流行歌集, 你一定要收錄許冠傑的半斤八兩, 鐵塔凌雲, 雙星情歌...等等. 因為他們早已在民間流傳已久. 教會在397年迦太基會議相討聖經成典, 也會收錄各路加福音, 瑪竇福音, 若望福音, 馬爾谷福音, 保祿 書信....等等 因為它們也是早在民間流傳了三百多年。 | |||||
Bible's reporters (which they CLAIM to have many without proof) are known to be biased, have a vest interest (and they admit it), and they are uneducated in today's standard. 這涉及經文研究, 要繼章繼段討論 請出招! | |||||
No it does not. It is NOT the contend itself. It is the reliability of the report itself in question. I think others will agree the point except you, who has no interest in knowing. | |||||
No it does not. OK...then try me. How is the bible not reliable? In what ways? I have the GREATEST interest in knowing. 放馬過來!!! 你少一點搖旗吶喊, 多點實實在在的比試辯論哩. | |||||
No it does not. Don't think! If they agree with you , they will post and support you. Show me your arguments.....right now!! | |||||
I , 沙文, hereby post and support Dye. | |||||
Let see what Dye will give us. | |||||
Your attitude is telling me you are not interested. | |||||
I am under no obligation to show you. Then 沙文 will have NOTHING to support. | |||||
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I wonder why are you here? 唔緊要, 你放屁也有人十卜 | |||||
Let's | |||||
why you are | |||||
回復 66# dye 對知道的東西,用不著不可知論。 不可知論簡單、直接、科學:對不知道的東西,說「不知道」。 不可知論是科學的態度。宇宙間有沒有黑物質?在未找到之前,科學的態度不是信有或無,是說「不知道」,然後繼續找尋。 | |||||
猶太-基督-伊斯蘭宗教群的神論最大的問題不在有神論,而是在於相信神有人格。有神論還可defence,例如像田立克說神是「存有的基礎」(ground of being)。「存有的基礎」很難證明不存在。相信有神是一回事,相信那個神有人格,是完全另一回事。人格(personhood),即是像人一樣,有意識,有性格,有情緒,與人說話,會後悔等等。這樣一個神,在宇宙中的確觀察不到,極可能不存在。或說,即使有神,也不見得祂有人格。到目前為止,尚未觀察到宇宙(cosmic)意識、性格、情緒、與人說話,或後悔,或有任何像人格的東西(人格神論者,你說宇宙現在高興或憂愁?)。人要誠實,見到宇宙整體沒有人格,便不能毫無根據地跳到說有人格神,或神有人格。 | |||||
到目前你還會形容自己為基督徒麼? | |||||
--> 我認為沒有什麼分別, 你說有神既話你就一定會問,什麼是神. 但如果神不是有人格,那會有什麼格 ? A教信a神.b教信b神. a神/神都係人'造'出黎的. 如果佢地唔相遇,佢地會一直信. 我認為信神係一種需要黎. 你信基督教既神因為佢唔多唔少都滿足左你既需要. 但信哂你又會有問題(係問題,唔係難題, you will have question but not problem, 要分清楚) 例如..如何神造萬物.. 為什麼又造到我本身唔信呢.又造到咁多人唔開心呢.. 其實所有問題都係黎自你既需要. 無論咩教. 你都要跟神互動.. 那你真的解決了你的難題? 還是只是回答問題? 係唔係100%??? 我相信就係 a,b,c,d 教都唔可能100% 回答. 定其實只係你想要一個伴.一個想像的伴. 如果係, 無問題的. 認了便是. 不要講咩有神但係神應該唔一定有人格. 神係人造的. 因為你自己無力.無肋,孤獨,你就想像一個神. 加埋一地俾你既想像. 不過你唔可以認. 因為你認係想像, 就唔會再信. 會好矛盾. 呢個係你自己醒唔醒既問題. 最後你會知, a,b,c,d,e.. 神.. (eason D 歌幾好聽的.) 都只係幫到你少少.. 所以你認為沒有神了. God is simply not a solution. God is simply doesn't not exist, although you can create one yourself. Its ok. 人要誠實,信神係一種需要. 經上既文字只係文字吧了. | |||||
嘻嘻!我在自由版的簽名這樣寫:我的一生是一個追尋真理的旅程。追尋,便不限於有神論世界觀。我樂意被稱為「基督徒」;我樂意被稱為「非基督徒」。 | |||||
Your topic is "why God can't be found?", I guess the christians have been expecting too much from the God which is far beyond he is willing to do. That's why he does not want to be found, there are so many requests from the Christians, how can he satisfy you all??? In essence, there is no god, you are on your own. Have you seen the series "SUPERNATURAL"? It is about the battle between angels (bad and good) and devils and they are trying to destroy the world/earth. It is very interesting that the the angels are quite evil and kill people to achieve the goals. These shows do not ask you to believe the God, but not to believe that the God will help. I suggest the CHRISTIANS to watch these shows, may inspire them that the God is not helping at all no matter what. | |||||
--> 正.. 咁先叫自由. our topic is "why God can't be found?", I guess the christians have been expecting too much from the God which is far beyond he is willing to do. That's why he does not want to be found, there are so many requests from the Christians, how can he satisfy you all??? In essence, there is no god, you are on your own. --> 對呀.. they thought that it is the solution to all their problems. but i guess this is only 心理上的手淫. 跟了解真愛,了解真正既愛 還有很大的距離... |
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