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你當我沒說好了(因為最近讀法律,固有感而發) 三權分立,檢察官和法官是兩個不同的組織。檢察官其實是政府的法律顧問。法官則司法獨立。兩種法也一樣。 ------- 打個比如,家中兩個孩子有爭執 大陸法之下,爸媽一面聽兩個孩子提出理據,一面會自己動手去查事實的真相。像包青天一樣。(實踐是了解事情的好辦法,版主加入可更了解事情) 普通法之下,爸媽靜心地聽兩個孩子提出所有理據,然後就聽到的下一個結論。像PRC法官到香港學法得出的感慨,「就像叫老百姓出來評評理一樣」(旁觀者清,版主不加入便更公正,更少徧袒) -------- 我多咀了,不說了。 | |||||||||||||
回復 79# dye 港英美是有陪審團.同普通法或非普通法無關.港英美的施法系統不同,但都控辯雙方可以各自傳招專家證人.法官的主要角色不是評判,而是保障審訊程序公平. 由一個專家法官評是最不公平的做法.當法官對某事越深入,觀點越窄狹,越有偏見.如果真的有絶對客觀標準,根本不需要法官,也不需要陪審團.用部電腦可以判案.這個觀點會得罪看多讀科學的人,先說聲對不起. 公平?法律只講公平?整體利益不重要? 讀環球法律系統似乎拉得太遠.如果網主是仲裁角色首先要癈除管委. | |||||||||||||
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中國也有陪審團 http://chinabusinesslaw.blogspot ... as-jury-system.html (法國也有,日本也有) 陪審團的功能也因普通法和大陸法而不同。 --------- 至於電腦判案有絶對客觀標準,我絕對無法同意。因為法庭也要合理也要合情。 普通法的弱點是,非專家法官(陪審團)可以輕易被專家愚弄。(局外人不懂)無$請專家的人,也就是窮人,很不利。商品法,Extemption Clause Ordinance are laws written as if it is a civil law system, but in a common law jurisdiction to avoid these kind of injustice. 因法官不參與,無$搜證的人也很不利。像包官的至女便有$請心理醫生。Misrepresentation Ordinance is written with this kind of justice in mind. -------- 公平主要正是要保護少數人應得利益。以整體利益去侵害少數人應得利益便不再是法治了。 | |||||||||||||
回復 83# 抽刀斷水 抽刀斷水, you are the king in the system. (And your son the prince) Dragon knows it is not a democratic organization. You owned the whole forum, all poster are just "subjects". In simpler words, you wield all 3 powers. Just like UK in the old days, you appoint judges with your preference, everyone else are only advisors at best. | |||||||||||||
Or perhaps this is it. We have an undisclosed judgement behind closed door. | |||||||||||||
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Goeth: You know, I look at you. I watch you. You're not a drunk. That's, that's real control. Control is power. That's power. Schindler: Is that why they fear us? Goeth: We have the f**king power to kill, that's why they fear us. Schindler: They fear us because we have the power to kill arbitrarily. A man commits a crime, he should know better. We have him killed and we feel pretty good about it. Or we kill him ourselves and we feel even better. That's not power, though, that's justice. That's different than power. Power is when we have every justification to kill – and we don't. Goeth: You think that's power. Schindler: That's what the emperors had. A man stole something, he's brought in before the emperor, he throws himself down on the ground, he begs for mercy, he knows he's going to die. And the emperor pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go. Goeth: I think you are drunk. Schindler: That's power, Amon. That is power. [gestures toward Goeth as a merciful emperor] Amon the Good. Goeth: [he smiles and laughs] I pardon you. -- Schindler's List | |||||||||||||
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10:26 drsherlock:
10:29 Jennifer:探長...是嗎?解決了就好 10:32 drsherlock:謝謝花姨的關心ㄚ... 10:33 抽刀斷水: 探, 花> 根本都無解決過. 10:33 Jennifer: 我點知?
10:36 drsherlock:對我來說已經解決啦.... 10:37 抽刀斷水: 很囂張....別再麻煩我了. 10:38 drsherlock:我很低調了...
10:42 Jennifer: 哈哈...人性有時會莫名的執著,這狀態誰都會有的...
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施主:一切隨綠。 | |||||||||||||
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好聽. | |||||||||||||
明星唱心經 ,係妹姐最好 | |||||||||||||
菲的演譯如何? | |||||||||||||
回復 95# weiyan 收音問題 ,定係唱到一舊舊的問題呀?? | |||||||||||||
超凡脫俗的景界。背景聲音是憎侶的誦經聲. | |||||||||||||
但真係唔知唱乜喎 | |||||||||||||
最多你只能知其字面,對好多野你都吾知講乜. | |||||||||||||
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