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當當條jj有兩種用途, 但係就冇隻乸配合, 睇睇下:咦隈乜好似爭咁啲嘢咁嘅......... 哦,原來那人獨居不好喎,等我整條女陪佢……屌我真係天才! | |||||||
deal...你都唔熟識個生產流程 梗係造咗亞當先哩......要係佢到攞「啪屎」造女人架嘛 | |||||||
所以天主做嘢就真係多甩漏.我公司office boy都醒過佢 咁同志基佬就會話佢甩漏既地方係造厄娃時漏咗個JJ啪屎 | |||||||
原來猜好泥公仔之後唔係即刻有骿骨, 要等一排, 等到獨居不好先至生出嚟嘅, 唔知狗公係咪又係咁嘅呢 | |||||||
唔通你沙仔一出世, 你就餵佢食牛扒, 懟紅酒? | |||||||
https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle ... e/story?id=45224262 | |||||||
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原來佢性格都好introvert下喎 | |||||||
所以我們不免有些followup questions. 天主係咪揾隻乳件行埋去餵大佢呢?再由chimpanzee belches(我有經驗,我老婆教過我)。到歲零就交由chimpanzee煮糊仔餵mommom. 但唔知係了哥定鸚鵡教講嘢比較勝任? 各位默想下,諗到之後對聖經領受又進一步 | |||||||
你是孩童時, 你以為你的小雞巴只是用來尿尿....還不知有奇妙用處囉 地球是平的? 約伯記38:6 地的根基安置在何處.地的角石(corner stones)是誰安放的。 以賽亞書11:12 他必向列國豎立大旗、招回以色列被趕散的人、又從地的四方(four corners)聚集分散的猶大人。 啟示錄7:1 此後我看見四位天使站在地的四角(corners)、執掌地上四方的風、叫風不吹在地上、海上、和樹上。 從前支持地平說的人說角/方(corner)暗示了地球有角落,所以就認為地球有盡頭,是平的。 Job38:6 On what were its pillars based, or who put down its angle-stone, Isa11:12 And he will put up a flag as a sign to the nations, and he will get together those of Israel who had been sent away, and the wandering ones of Judah, from the four ends of the earth. Rev7:1 After this I saw four angels in their places at the four points of the earth, keeping back the four winds in their hands, so that there might be no moving of the wind on the earth, or on the sea, or on any tree. 書10:12 當耶和華將亞摩利人交付以色列人的日子,約書亞就禱告耶和華,在以色列人眼前說:日頭啊,你要停在基遍;月亮啊,你要止在亞雅崙谷。 書10:13 於是日頭停留,月亮止住,直等國民向敵人報仇。這事豈不是寫在雅煞珥書上嗎﹖日頭在天當中停住,不急速下落,約有一日之久。 書10:27 日頭要落的時候,約書亞一吩咐,人就把屍首從樹上取下來,丟在他們藏過的洞裡,把幾塊大石頭放在洞口,直存到今日。 Joshua chapter 10 10:12.Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. 10:13.And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. 10:27.And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had been hid, and laid great stones in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day. 伯9:5 他發怒,把山翻倒挪移,山並不知覺。 伯9:6 他使地震動,離其本位,地的柱子就搖撼。 伯9:7 他吩咐日頭不出來,就不出來,又封閉眾星。 Job chapter 9 9:5.Which removeth the mountains, and they know not: which overturneth them in his anger. 9:6.Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble. 9:7.Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars. 詩104:5 將地立在根基上,使地永不動搖。 詩104:9 你定了界限,使水不能過去,不再轉回遮蓋地面。 詩104:19 你安置月亮為定節令;日頭自知沉落。 Psalms chapter 104 104:5.Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. 104:9.Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth. 104:19.He made the moon for a sign of the divisions of the year; teaching the sun the time of its going down. 我說BBC呀,看來你比天主還要更蠢! 蠢到掀鍋子了! 可是你BBC就愈成長愈蠢, 返老還鈍,正好是說你自己。 | |||||||
地球是平的? 聖經中偶然透露出現的科學: 走在人類的科學發現的前前端 “神將大地懸在虛空。”(約伯記26:7) 當人說地平, 地方, 有腳支撐時, 公元1500年時,聖經講到了地球是自由漂浮在太空中的。科學發現地球是懸空的時候,是主後1650年,已經是3000年之後了。 詩篇8:9:天空的飛鳥和海裏的魚類,及種種游泳於海道的水族。 寫於2800年前的比科學家更早知道海洋中有暖流和寒流 船舶尺寸(創世記6:15:你要這樣建造:方舟要有三百肘長,五十肘寬,三十肘高。) 方舟的長為寬的6倍,是高的10倍。許多當代船隻,是按照相似比例建造的。 約伯傳 天主何其偉大,我們不能理解!他的歲數,無法考究。 27他汲收水滴,使水氣化為雨露, 28雨即從雲中傾盆而降,沛然落在眾人身上。 1580年才有科學家提出水循環。 民智未開的約伯傳作者怎樣會知道? (天主教他這樣寫的?) 地球是圓的 路加福音 17:35-36
被提去的人, 有睡著的人(晚)與在推磨(日)的....一個自轉中的球體才有(日)(夜) | |||||||
在未有厄娃前, 當又點知咁係好過癮既呢? 睇落狗亞當個姿勢都幾辛苦吓架 | |||||||
聖經的預言準確係咁的 聖經話地是平的 約伯記 38:6 地的根基安置在何處.地的角石(corner stones)是誰安放的。 聖經話地是圓的 “神將大地懸在虛空。”(約伯記26:7) 神坐在地球大圈之上 ( 以賽亞書 40:22) 解經 中世紀教會:聖經話地是平的,因為約伯記38:6 現代教會:聖經話地是圓的,因為以賽亞書 40:22 CONSIDER 今日有一宗教 某章話有外星人的 某章話沒有外星人的 結果,人類係幾千年後搵到有外星人 哪,幾千前的教主早就話有外星人啦 所以聖經預言永遠正確 | |||||||
回覆]111#beebeechan 呢到唔係淨係講「有」或「冇」 咁有一章能準確描述出幾千年搵到既外星人係乜容貌既又如何? (係三頭六臂, 人臉獸心, 狼心狗肺...) 依家係幾千前前既作者能描述出水是如何循環啵 能描述出由球體自轉而成的「日」與「夜」啵 與當時說地平, 有腳的說法好唔同架喎 (當時的人讀起來, 係應該唔好明佢講乜) 問題亦點解作者能寫出當時既人唔會知,唔會明既野, 但又是如此的) | |||||||
BB仔咪未出牙食到禁果架喎 | |||||||
亞當嘅興趣同佢一L樣 http://politics.people.com.cn/BI ... c1001-32679282.html | |||||||
痛苦中隱藏大爽大樂.....(好基下喎) | |||||||
地球是平的? “九死邪经”(所谓的圣经)功力,果然 深 不 可 测 ! | |||||||
食生果唔駛牙 Food you can eat without teeth | |||||||
無牙食禁果.......又安全又爽, 唔怕肉緊失控 |
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