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Authorities said they arrested Tyrone Forbes, 49, of 84 Chatham St., in Worcester, after a police officer on routine patrol spotted a pickup truck parked in the closed Bennett Field parking lot on Main Street about 1:30 a.m. Thursday. The officer followed the truck and observed an older man with a teenage boy and stopped to question why they were at the field in the early-morning hours. During the interview, it was determined that the boy was 15 years old and had allegedly been involved in a sexual relationship with Forbes since late last year. Forbes is an elementary school music teacher at the 7 Hills Charter School in Worcester, officials said. He is also a pastor at the Mount Sinia Church of God in Christ in Worcester, police said. The teenager is not a student at the school, police said, but Forbes is a friend of the child's family. Forbes was charged with seven counts of child rape and was scheduled for arraignment Thursday in Worcester Central District Court. He was held on $5,000 bail and officials said if he is released he will be required to wear a GPS tracker to ensure he does not contact the victim. http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/15783374/detail.html | |||||
PASSAIC, N.J. (CBS) ― The federal marshals walked up to the Mount Carmel Catholic Church rectory on Wednesday with a warrant and the most unbelievable news. Father Robert Yurgel, a well-liked bear of a man, was arrested on out-of-state charges of sexual contact with a minor. "No! He's such a nice genuine, very loving, lovable and funny too. Oh ... Father Bob?" parishioner Hera Cresencio said. Father Bob, though, has a past. He was the No. 2 priest at a church in Charlotte, N.C. in the late 1990s. A juvenile he apparently met during that time recently came forward with the accusations. It's unclear why Yurgel left North Carolina, but the 43-year-old Franciscan moved to New Jersey where he took a position at chaplain at St. Mary's Hospital. He worked at the hospital, but lived at Mount Carmel's rectory. His only official duties were to do an occasional mass at the church and the pastor stressed that he had no contact with the Catholic school children across the street. Still, the sight of seeing him lead off in handcuffs was a profound shock to everyone who works and worships here. "It gives you a feeling of doubt. You're in a state of shock," parish spokesman Joe Liptak said. "Disbelief at first. You hope it's not true and if it is true you that all the truth will come out." Yurgel is being held at the Passaic County Jail pending an extradition hearing. http://wcbstv.com/topstories/priest.child.sex.2.690894.html | |||||
教宗:對有神職人員性侵兒童醜聞感慚愧 2008/04/16, 週三 天主教教宗本篤十六世15日抵達美國,展開其就任教宗3年後首次訪美行程。他在專機接受傳媒訪問,就近年多次傳出美國教會神職人員性侵兒童醜聞,他表示,對這些醜聞事件深感慚愧,會盡所能讓未來不再發生這樣的情形。 本篤十六世說,發生這樣的事讓美國的教會、全世界教堂、還有他本人,都是很大的苦痛。他又指,當他看到這些受害者的故事,他實在很難了解,身為一個神職人員,怎麼可能背叛自己替上帝傳達愛與靈療給兒童的使命。 本篤十六世乘坐的專機15日抵達華盛頓,獲美國總統布什親自到空軍基地迎接,這是美國總統首度在這裡迎賓。 白宮預定在16日上午於南草坪舉行盛大歡迎儀式,隨後布什將邀請教宗到橢圓形辦公室晤談。 教宗訪美6天期間,將主持兩場公開的彌撒聖祭,預估將有超過10萬人參加,他也將訪問紐約在聯合國演說,並前往911恐怖襲擊事件遺址為犧牲者禱告。教宗預定於20日晚間離開紐約,飛返羅馬。 http://www.atchinese.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=48821&Itemid=37 | |||||
2008/04/15 23:17 溫哥華華人牧師因犯淫亂罪卸任 溫哥華城市復興靈糧堂於2月初網上發出公告,指其主任牧師劉榮神因犯淫亂罪已卸任教會主任牧師一職,其「五餅二魚多元媒體事工」亦暫時結束。 公告指劉榮神承認在擔任牧師期間曾對數名年輕姊妹進行性騷擾,更利用職權編造謊言取教會弟兄姊妹信任,歸罪受害人使之蒙羞。他已於去年12月辭去主任牧師一職。 據悉,劉與妻子二人一同建立五餅二魚多元媒體事工,主要以音樂事奉牧養及帶領青年人,並在教會分享家庭見證。事發後,教會對收錄其見證的影音產品作下架銷毁安排。 公告: http://www.blcrc.org/ch/notice.html#5 http://www.blcrc.org/ch/notice_eng.html#5 http://www.5b2f.ca/ch/index_notice.html#5 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/newlifechruch-taipeitaiwan/article?mid=5769&sc=1 | |||||
A London Baptist church that saw four of its leaders face sex charges two years ago, has closed its doors. The Ambassador Baptist church on Adelaide street told its congregation on Sunday that after twenty-five years, it was disbanding. In the fall of 2005, charges were brought against two Pastors, a Deacon and a member of the congregation. Since then, the Deacon has been acquitted and one of the Pastors had the charges against him withdrawn. Church member Russel Martin was found guilty of sexual assault and interference. Pastor Roy Wood is set to represent himself in court on Decemeber 10. He faces a number of sexual assault charges. The church opened in 1982 and regularly drew 200 people to its Sunday services. http://www.achannel.ca/london/news_50155.aspx | |||||
絕招:五嶽劍派,同氣連枝。 教宗本篤16世20日莊嚴肅穆的造訪紐約世貿廢墟,為九一一恐怖攻擊罹難者及家屬祈禱,並祈求不同教派終結仇恨。 http://news.chinatimes.com/2007Cti/2007Cti-News/2007Cti-News-Content/0,4521,130504+132008042100913,00.html | |||||
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本篤16世 = 岳不群 + 左冷禪 = more thumbs-up cheers ThANK ye | |||||
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確是。自馬丁路德破壞了統一大業的好事後,現時大公教會戰鬥力未夠,教宗唯有暫時屈就一下,祈祈禱拜拜神吧。 | |||||
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Father David Taylor, who was attached to the Sisters of Mercy Mission in Seaham Harbour from 1981 to 1989, was arrested by Durham Police on 3 May. He was removed from his post at St Peter's Church, in Low Fell, Gateshead, in March by the Catholic diocese. Police said the allegation was "historic." Father Taylor has been bailed pending further inquiries. A spokesman for Durham Police said: "We can confirm that a 59-year-old Roman Catholic priest was arrested by Seaham Police in connection with an historic allegation of child abuse dating back to the 1980s. "He has been bailed pending further inquiries and suspended from his diocese." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/7389846.stm | |||||
人地有天父照...打下都得掛.... | |||||
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: May 24, 2008 WHITE PLAINS (AP) — A parish priest was arrested and charged on Friday with stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from church accounts, including a fund for victims of Hurricane Katrina. The priest, the Rev. Patrick Dunne, 63, was arraigned on a grand larceny charge, Janet DiFiore, the Westchester district attorney, said. If convicted, he could be sentenced to 5 to 15 years in prison. The New York Archdiocese said in March that Father Dunne, who was pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Roman Catholic Church in White Plains, took church money because of a “very powerful” gambling addiction. Ms. DiFiore said he used the money for recreation and personal expenses, writing checks to himself and to “cash.” Father Dunne’s lawyer, Richard Ferrante, said the priest “was not doing anything for personal gain.” He said people should withhold judgment “until they hear or see all the evidence.” Father Dunne is undergoing treatment and counseling, the archdiocese said. The theft occurred between 2002 and 2007 and involved the church building fund, the regular Sunday collection and the Katrina relief fund, the district attorney said. The archdiocese’s chancellor, Msgr. William Belford, said in March that new regulations had been implemented to safeguard parish funds. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/24/ny...l?ref=nyregion | |||||
位在西班牙卡納利群島之一田尼利夫島上的羅馬天主教區今天表示,他們已經接受因猥褻一名婦女,結果被錄下來在當地電視台播放的神父辭職請求。 教區在網站中的聲明指出,田尼利夫島的阿爾瓦雷茲主教在調查期間,也暫停這名神職人員的工作。 聲明中指出:「這名被新聞報導的神父向主教表示想辭退牧靈工作中的神職。主教立即同意。」 聲明中強調:「主教對所發生的事深表遺憾,並向所有人致歉。」 這名神父猥褻婦女的行為被隱藏式攝影機拍下來,並於二十三日晚上在卡納利電視台播放。 http://news.chinatimes.com/2007Cti/2007Cti-News/2007Cti-News-Content/0,4521,130504+132008062501270,00.html | |||||
(新加坡)虧空天主教堂510萬元而在4年前判監的江福才,預料下週四(17日)出獄。此外,他已獲准出獄後,到律師事務所當訴訟秘書。 週四(10)早上,黃德森律師事務所在法律公會和總檢察署不反對的情況下,獲高庭法官朱迪柏拉卡斯的批准,聘請江福才神父(譯音,59歲)為該事務所的訴訟秘書。但是,江神父必須遵守一些條件,包括不准經手客戶的錢財。 根據律師事務所提呈給高庭的文件,江神父預定在7月17日出獄,但這取決於他是否獲准受聘為黃德森律師事務所的訴訟秘書。隨著事務所週四獲得法庭批准,相信江神父即將重獲自由。 黃德森律師事務所合夥人之一郭禮飛律師說,聘請江神父的原因是,他們支持監獄和新加坡復員技訓企業管理局的計劃,並相信囚犯需要第二次機會。 對於江神父為何出獄後不繼續從事教會工作,郭禮飛律師說他也不清楚。 根據律師專業法令,律師事務所如果要僱用破產者或因不誠實觸犯法律的前囚犯,都必須得到法庭的同意。 江神父在2004年承認失信聖德肋撒天主教堂510萬元,被判監禁7年半。 同年,他也被女教友起訴,追討約150萬元的錢財和股票。江神父如今已把款項歸還教堂和教友。 星洲日報/國際‧2008.07.11 http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/73775?tid=2 抽按:等錢使咪出聲囉,連女教友的血汗錢都唔放過。不過一出黎就有工做,究竟內裡有何玄機呢? | |||||
違背教義 行事作風備受爭議的神之子基督教會朱虹恩牧師,在他撰寫啟示信息《如何保守使你聖潔》冊子中聲稱,如何避免婚前失去貞操犯上姦淫罪,在「以口交或自慰來幫助丈夫」章節中,更教導女信徒「用手握住妳未婚夫的小鳥,上下抽動或用嘴去吸妳未婚夫命根子,在龜頭處上下滑動,大約不出兩三分鐘,妳未婚夫就會射精,射精時還要繼續動作。」內容宛如煽情露骨的色情小說。 「小鳥起飛要射精」 基督教新店行道會牧師指出,女性幫未婚夫口交根本是怪力亂神、灌輸淫邪思想,不是正派基督教會會做的事。靈糧堂牧師直斥幫未婚夫口交手淫等性愛指導,不僅違背基督教婚前守貞教義,連社會倫理道德觀念都沒有,實在很荒謬。 朱虹恩在冊子中對男性性器官依年紀取了不同名詞,小雞雞指未成年小男孩性器官,小鳥則指已成年男子性器官,「男生之小鳥一旦起飛,一定要射精才會終止,否則小鳥就會一直地飛。」朱虹恩解釋「當男生精液一漲滿,就非得藉射精排出體外不可,像女生卵子一成熟就會排卵,每月來月經一樣。就是說射精和月經是正常生理狀況,不是任何人用任何力量可以攔阻和禁止的。」 朱虹恩不忘提醒信徒不可對外傳閱冊子,理由是「本信息詳細教導男、女性性功能,若讓其他教會閱讀恐生誤解,甚至判定牧師是污穢之徒,甚至是淫亂之首。」專案組 朱虹恩撰寫《如何保守使你聖潔》冊子,教女教友幫未婚夫口交手淫。 http://1-apple.com.tw/latest_news/index.cfm?Fuseaction=RnewsArticle&RArtID=24420&ShowDate=20080811 | |||||
踢爆 淫邪牧師觀落陰斂財 一萬元救一亡魂 被斥荒唐 【專案組╱台北報導】讀者L小姐向《蘋果》投訴,神之子基督教會朱虹恩牧師妖言惑眾歛財,自稱奉上帝旨意,只要信徒奉獻金錢就可帶他們「觀落陰」,搶救陰間受難親人靈魂;記者調查還發現,朱虹恩寫書教女信徒幫未婚夫口手淫解決性慾。對此中華福音神學院教授康來昌牧師表示,「觀落陰」既荒唐又違反《聖經》,若收費更是道德錯誤;財團法人基督教基金會社長黃清一牧師痛斥,教未婚女性幫男性手淫、口交,不但淫亂也扭曲婚姻價值。 記者昨向朱虹恩詢問如何搶救陰間靈魂,朱虹恩表示:「這都是主耶穌賜予恩典,才能開靈眼觀異象,看見天使在陰間搶救靈魂經過。」他可到陰間救亡靈,包括古今中外名人,他自稱在大陸成立50個分會,信徒數千人,二度被大陸公安逮捕驅逐出境。而台灣神之子基督教會在台灣也有北、中、南三個分會,信徒130人,大部分是知識份子。 記者並向朱虹恩求證他撰寫冊子教女信徒替未婚夫口交、手淫目的;他解釋,「是為了讓兄弟姊妹不犯下姦淫罪」,才著書教導未婚男女如何避免性行為。 http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=2&ShowDate=20080811&IssueID=20080811&art_id=30843098&NewsType=1&SubSec=6 | |||||
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