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台北市某基督教會前黃姓董事長被控侵吞公款2148萬元,被依公益侵占罪起訴;法官問他錢在哪裡?黃辯稱都捐給窮困的人,但是「做善事聖經上說不能讓別人知道」,還說錢仍然是上帝的,拒絕說明,台北地院審結,今天判決黃有期徒刑3年。可上訴。 檢方指控,黃代表教會領回法院發還的民事執行款項2341萬多元,存進教會專戶,但他自2013年1月19日至2014年5月26日共15次將錢領出,最多領500萬元,最少領1萬1800元,扣掉教會捐贈給百加列福音傳播基金會的200多萬元,有2148萬元下落不明。 法官問款項下落,黃辯稱,領款後與常務董事報告將錢用於做上帝的工作,並絕對遵守聖經教導,都拿去給外面窮困的人,用於大陸捐款應該可能有50萬元、100萬元,其餘則用於台灣捐款,只要上網或打聽到有窮困的人,就會捐輸。 黃告訴法官,有些教會生活很困苦,他用各種方式接觸,大部分都用現金捐款,黃強調「我們所有的一切都是上帝賜給的,做善事不能讓人知道」,而且,「做善事聖經上說不能讓別人知道」,始終無法交代捐款的對象及金額。 判決書指出,黃無視教會是公益法人,教會的財產應是為達成傳揚基督教義、辦理教育及慈善事業的宗旨所需,黃不但未盡心落實宗旨,反而監守自盜,因此依法判刑。 http://udn.com/news/story/2/1952610 | |||||
咁點解會有此Thread嘅呢? | |||||
不讓別人知道不等如無人會知道。 例如你以為一個人無人睇到,你就拎條賓周出黎玩。 點鬼知俾天眼影到,仲俾人放哂上網。 | |||||
牧師自辯嘅聖經根据係: 6:3 你玩賓周的時候、不要叫左手知道右手所作的. 6:4 要叫你玩賓周的事行在暗中、你父在暗中察看、必然報答你。〔有古卷作必在明處報答你〕 右手玩賓周,唔好畀左手知。顯然, 佢地嘅秘密玩賓周行動失敗 | |||||
而家係基督教收集佢自拍玩賓周而又自己放哂上網。 你睇野要全面d呀 耶穌有次同人驅魔, 把魔鬼趕入群豬到, 事成後: 脫離魔鬼的那人祈求耶穌:要同耶穌在一起;但耶穌打發他回去,說: 「你回家去吧!傳述天主為你做了何等大事。」他就去了,滿城傳揚耶穌為他作了何等大事。 耶穌叫那人把事揚開去。 | |||||
你睇野要深入d呀 "你玩施捨的時候、不要叫左手知道右手所作的" 由於驅魔並非施捨, 所以可以賣告白 | |||||
俗語都話贈醫施藥 贈醫唔係做緊善事咩? 排位都排先過施藥哩 | |||||
您試下去伊利沙伯医院急症室叫佢地幫您緊急驅魔 拉鍊夾住賓周頭,您就去揾神父吖 | |||||
驅魔的係驅魔人,喃嘸佬,捉鬼茅山師父,… 旁门左道,神?乞嚏! | |||||
曾获法鼓山2014国际关怀生命奖的牧师陈公亮与其妻吴秀玲,创立「共生家庭」希伯崙全人关怀协会并向社会募资,却涉将捐款挪为私用,拿来买土地、车、房、保险,甚至买专利大赚私人财,不法所得超过千万,桃园地检署依业务侵占罪起诉陈公亮夫妇,并请法院从重量刑。 协会人员昨表示陈公亮出门演讲,无法代他发言;检举人叶福州说,尊重司法不便评论,但奉劝陈公亮夫妇「健全协会财务」,让协会正常运作。 位于桃园市杨梅区的希伯崙全人关怀协会,长期收容穷困者、失亲与父母在监幼童等,并由牧师陈公亮(61岁)与师母吴秀玲(53岁)轮流担任理事长。起诉书指出,陈公亮夫妇涉假公济私,中饱私囊,早从2008年起,即提领希伯崙180万公款购买建物房地,再回租希伯崙按月收租。 吴秀玲的叔叔吴进福接任财务长前夕,陈公亮夫妇担心东窗事发,私下先将200万转存到吴秀玲个人帐户;另两夫妇为避免未来无法自由运用财务,由希伯崙协会出资成立「方舟领袖开发公司」后,把方舟公司当做自己的小金库随意提领取用。 检调查出,陈公亮以方舟公司名义,耗用200万元购买其他公司专利,并佯称协议获利后将与希伯崙协会朋分,实际却中饱私囊;另陈也以「上缴师母」名义,将方舟的282万元匯至吴秀玲帐户后,再以「业主往来」理由,把424万匯至陈公亮的个人帐户,检调清算,在陈公亮夫妇长期挪用下,方舟公司名下资產仅剩108元。 除买地、投资外,吴秀玲每月超过5万元的个人信贷和担保贷款、2个孩子的储蓄型保单和寿险,也全由希伯崙埋单,其中2名子女均投保4家寿险、每年保费逾50万元;远在大陆浙江的陈母也疑成人头,名下虽有买房纪录,但购入不久陈母又以年事已高将房「赠与」陈公亮。 检调接获希伯崙事业部主任叶福州检举并查扣协会帐册,发现吴秀玲光在SOGO百货月花27万的个人消费,也全由希伯崙帐户支付,子女的国外生活费也是靠眾多捐助人100、200元的小额捐款来埋单。 检调发现,两夫妻把公库当私人金库,乾坤大挪移,东窗事发后矫饰其词,毫无悔意,昨以公务公益侵占、业务侵占罪等罪嫌起诉,并建请法官从重量刑。 (中国时报) | |||||
A SERIAL paedophile priest’s decades long reign of terror couldn’t be stopped, even after he was bashed with a cricket bat. Robert Claffey had been molesting kids for years when a teenager who discovered his crimes bashed him. The teen picked up a cricket bat and swung at the smirking Claffey, missing him, but struck him on a second attempt. But Claffey’s abuse didn’t stop there. The evil crimes of former Ballarat priest Robert Claffey are being detailed for the first time today at a plea hearing at the County Court sitting at Geelong. Claffey has admitted abusing 12 victims, most of whom have attended court today, including a girl as young as four. Claffey, 73, abused students at their schools, home, and church. One boy was molested as Claffey dressed for mass, while a little girl was abused while Claffey was dressed in his vestments. Claffey was due to stand trial but pleaded guilty to 19 charges at the last minute instead. Prosecutors withdrew two charges with Claffey pleading guilty to counts of buggery, indecent assault and sexual penetration of a child. He admitted offending across three decades, between the 1970s and 1990s. All of the offending happened under the watch of former Ballarat bishop Ronald Mulkearns. Claffey abused children in Ballarat, Warrnambool, Apollo Bay and Portland. Former Ballarat bishop Ronald Mulkearns admitted mishandling cases of sexual abuse while he was a bishop. Picture: Mike Dugdale At the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Bishop Mulkearns admitted mishandling cases of sexual abuse while bishop between 1971 and 1997. In that time hundreds of children were molested by notorious paedophiles including Father Gerald Ridsdale and Brother Robert Best. Bishop Mulkearns, who died in April, told the royal commission he had failed as a bishop. “I’m terribly sorry that I didn’t do things differently,” he said. “I didn’t really know what to do, or how to do it.’’ Bishop Mulkearns repeatedly apologised for his handling of the sexual abuse crisis but stopped short of admitting that he actively covered up abuse. “I certainly regret that I didn’t do it differently with ... paedophilia,” he said. “We had no idea, or I had no idea, of the effects of the indecent (assaults) that took place. “I certainly wanted to protect the reputation of the church.” Bishop Mulkearns said he tried his best to stop abuse but he admitted shuffling offending priests around parishes, despite knowing of their evil crimes. In 1998 Claffey admitted indecently assaulting two boys after a family member died. He was placed on a good behaviour bond. Many of Claffey’s victims will today read victim impact statements ahead of his sentencing. The hearing continues. | |||||
The woman who was convicted of second degree murder in the death of her stepdaughter has been sentenced to life in prison today. Elaine Biddersingh will have no chance to apply for parole for 16 years. Melonie Biddersingh was 17 when she died. Her body was found in a burning suitcase in a parking lot, north of Toronto, back in 1994. Her remains were not identified until 2011. Elaine Biddersingh was found guilty in June. Her husband, and Melonie’s father, Everton, was found guilty earlier this year of first degree murder, which carries an automatic life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years. Earlier in the sentencing hearing Elaine Biddersingh yelled out for “Jesus” and called the judge and jury “evil” and “wicked.” She also yelled out that she “didn’t do anything” and “this is foolishness” before the judge ordered her to remain quiet. The judge said Elaine has not displayed any remorse for what she did to Melonie. The judge also said Everton and Elaine crushed Melonie’s dreams with cruel, callous, and relentless abuse. The judge found that while Elaine was also abused by Everton from time to time, she was not under his control or passive in the abuse of the kids A second degree murder conviction carries an automatic life sentence, however the court has some say on parole eligibility. Prosecutors have argued Elaine spend 18-22 years in prison before having a shot at parole; her defense team had asked for 10 years. | |||||
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 神父感染HIV却强奸30名幼女 承认后被教会宽恕 墨西哥一神父在明知自己感染艾滋病的情况下,强奸30名5到10岁的女童。 英国《每日邮报》20日引述西语网站Urgente24.com报道,该神父名为Jose Garcia Ataulfo,目前已被墨西哥教区宣告无罪。 Ataulfo此前已承认自己的罪行,即性侵瓦哈卡州(位于墨西哥南部,近1/3为印第安人,土著文明保存完好)的土著女孩。 但他目前还未面临任何刑事指控,最可能的原因是天主教会在当地的权威,特别是对土著人口密集的地区。 根据Urgente24.com,30名受害者中只有两名对教会赦免Ataulfo表示抗议。 墨西哥网站anonymousmx.com,称其中一名受害者的母亲要求在罗马与天主教宗方济各会面,但遭到梵蒂冈方面的回绝。他们声明将私下商议此事。 2013年登上罗马教皇宝座的时候,方济各曾称教会将对掩盖性侵罪行的主教严惩不贷。 据今日俄罗斯6月5日报道,新的教会法允许剥夺犯罪教士的职位。 方济各本人也表示赞同,但希望对剥夺职位的原因进行更准确的定义。 神职人员涉嫌性侵已经是公开的秘密。包括美国在内的许多国家都普遍存在对未成年人的性侵现象。由于教会势力,神职人员的性侵行为往往被掩盖。 直到2002年,这一问题才真正被曝光在媒体和公众之下。 《波士顿环球报》的“聚焦”报道小组搜集证据,调查了美国波士顿地区神父性侵儿童案件。从最初的冰山一角到牵出数十年近250名涉案神父名单,期间也遭教会等方面的重重阻力。 报道一出,舆论哗然,教会为掩盖罪行,将神职人员进行大洗牌,从一个教区派遣至另一个教区。 2003年,“聚焦”报道小组获得普利策新闻奖。颁奖辞写道:“为了肯定无畏的精神,令人震撼的无畏……这份努力戳破了丑闻,引发波士顿、美国国内以及国际关注,促使罗马天主教会发生改变。” 的确,该报道不仅影响了美国,也使得天主教会不得不面对其他国家的情况,包括墨西哥。 2004年,梵蒂冈重新对神父Marcial Maciel进行调查,他曾被指控性侵未成年人,并致3名女性生下6个孩子。 这个势力最大的神父之一的犯罪指控已有数十年,却迟迟未落地。2006年,梵蒂冈最终强制Maciel退休。 (观察者网 赵可心/编译自每日邮报) http://news.sohu.com/20160922/n468944809.shtml ============================================ | |||||
Does the Mexican priest who allegedly abused minors even exist? Mexico City, Mexico, Sep 21, 2016 / 04:38 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After the Mexican branch of the “hacktivist” group Anonymous reported that the Archdiocese of Mexico had let off an alleged priest who confessed to having molested 30 girls, the Church in Mexico has denied that the priest even exists, calling the Anonymous report “irresponsible and malicious.” On Sept. 8 Anonymous Mexico claimed that the Archdiocese of Mexico “decided to let off from any crime and punishment José Ataulfo García, the priest who allegedly confessed to raping more than 30 indigenous girls in the state of Oaxaca.” The report by the hackers group was picked up this weekend by several Spanish-language newspapers, and this week by some English media. Religión Digital posted an article with the headline “Priest with HIV who confessed to molesting 30 girls let off”, but it has since been deleted. SIAME, the communications office of the Archdiocese of Mexico, has stated that the supposed priest José Ataulfo is not listed in their jurisdiction's records, nor in those of the Archdiocese of Antequera, Oaxaca. “This supposed priest does not belong to the Archdiocese of Mexico – as Anonymous Mexico asserts – much less has he been let off, as the post irresponsibly and maliciously states,” stated Fr. Hugo Valdemar Romero, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mexico. SIAME stated the accusations probably originated in “Hablemos de Mexico”, a publication which “several weeks ago, in wake of the opposition of the Catholic Church to the presidential initiatives to legalize so-called 'marriage equality' throughout the country, threatened to publish a supposed list of homosexual priests and bishops which included this personage.” “However, the existence of such a priest is increasingly doubtful, since according to the information gathered by SIAME, in the dioceses that makes up the Province of Oaxaca, there is no record of such a minister,” the publication of the Archdiocese of Mexico City explained. Archbishop José Luis Chávez Botello of Antequera, Oaxaca, stated, “I don't know him [Ataulfo], he's not from the archdiocese.” Archbishop Chávez cautioned that the accusations are reactions “from some quarter” which wants to silence the voices calling for peace and recalled that “the Pope has also been attacked by some groups.” “I invite them, as I've already told them, when there's something like that, seriously investigate it, don't just repeat what's being said,” he urged, while assuring that “lies unravel all by themselves.” | |||||
Catholic Church ACQUITS Mexican priest who admitted raping 30 young girls even though he knew he was infected with HIV The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of wrongdoing even though he admitted to assaulting the girls The victims, whose ages range from five to 10 years old, live in the predominantly indigenous state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico The mother of one of the victims reportedly sought a meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, but was rebuffed Since assuming the papacy, Pope Francis has said the church would remove bishops who cover up sex crimes by priests against children The Catholic Church has acquitted an HIV-infected priest who has admitted to raping close to 30 young girls between the ages of five and 10 years old. According to a bombshell report, which appeared in the Spanish-language news site Urgente24.com, the priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was absolved of any wrongdoing by the Archdiocese of Mexico. Ataulfo has admitted to sexually assaulting indigenous young girls from Oaxaca, a state in southern Mexico known for its large indigenous population. The priest has yet to face any criminal charges, most likely due to the significant influence that the Catholic Church wields in Mexico, particularly in areas populated by indigenous ethnic groups. According to Urgente24.com, only two of the over two dozen rape victims have come forward to denounce the acquittal. The website Anonymous Mexico reported that the mother of one of the victims asked to meet with Pope Francis in Rome, but she was rebuffed by the Vatican which wrote a letter stating that it considered the matter closed. | |||||
两位天主教司铎在墨西哥遇害,教宗方济各深切哀痛 (梵蒂冈电台讯)教宗方济各对阿莱霍·纳沃里(Alejo Naborì)神父和若瑟·阿尔弗雷多·希门尼斯(José Alfredo Jimenez)神父的遇害表示深切哀痛。这两位神父数日前在墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州东部波萨里卡遭绑架并被杀害。教宗在一封由圣座国务卿帕罗林枢机署名的唁电中,强烈谴责杀害生命和人性尊严的所有行为,同时勉励度献身生活者,尽管有诸多阻碍,仍要效法耶稣善牧的榜样,继续他们的使徒工作。 纳沃里神父和希门尼斯神父遇害的地区恶名昭彰,那里是贩毒集团势力所在地。教会在那里努力与恶势力作抗争,帮助青年与穷人。 http://zh.radiovaticana.va/news/ ... 80%E7%97%9B/1260099 | |||||
美國俄亥俄州一名自稱虔誠基督教的前市長,承認強姦一名4歲女童,但卻辯稱是對方做主動、而且樂意與他做愛。他面臨多項強姦及企圖強姦兒童罪名,一旦罪成可判終身監禁。 65歲的基南(Richard Keenan)曾當過哈伯德市(Hubbard)市長,案情指他2013年9月至2016年6月,淫辱一名女童近3年,當局無公開二人關係,而消息震驚哈伯德市。 檢察當局周一提交的文件顯示,基南首先向一名牧師承認非禮當時僅4歲的女童,稱女童走入浴室問可否碰他的陽具,他親吻、愛撫及為女童口交,更讓她親吻自己的生殖器官。基南又致電兄嫂承認犯案,說自己做得「太太太過火」,面對太太對質,基南如實答:「我做了。」 基南與太太育有3名女兒並有3名孫兒,曾兩次入住精神病院,並對社工表示「因過去約兩年淫辱受害人,而感到有自殺傾向」。法官會決定基南的招供是否可採納,來年4月再開審,目前他獲准保釋外出。 美國《紐約每日新聞》/英國《每日鏡報》 善行教徒Richard Keenan | |||||
【记者廖铭瑞屏东报导】长期关心屏东市地方弱势的爱心嬷林英美,前阵子为了准备爱心水饺与粽子义卖,因过度疲劳在供餐给街友时昏倒,又救护车送至医院休养3天,也感动不少民众,出院后仍不辞辛劳持续为弱势学童及街友筹措经费。 今年中秋节,爱心嬷林英美延续过去作法,提供中秋月饼给弱势团体、街友、独居老人、边缘人及弱势学童,希望让弱势者能感受到中秋节的气氛。连续二天前往屏北、屏中及屏南地区弱势团体发放中秋月饼,包括有屏东县向阳关怀协会、基督教信望爱育幼院、天主教扬爱服务中心、屏东县私立少年城、屏东家扶中心、屏东励馨、屏东启智教养院、基督教伯大尼之家、中华民国生命丰盛协会、海青青弘会及屏东县爱心慈善会。 林英美说,虽然前一阵子因身体状况倒了下去,但他强忍对街友、独居老人、边缘人及弱势学童,每天需要 他供餐及课辅的不捨,在住院三天出院后休息一周,提起精神持续做他10几年来觉得对的事。今年中秋节为了让他们有年节的氛围,仍然提供中秋月饼给其享用,自己也用卖水饺的钱贴了一些。 屏东县爱心慈善会周俊利理事长表示,自己今年也义务载林英美送中秋月饼至部分弱势单位,屏东县爱心慈善会今年也接受林英美爱心嬷赠与40盒中秋月饼,爱心协助转赠至定期救助白米的弱势家庭,也是从屏北送至屏南地区,这些对象都是爱心干部过去执行相当严谨的审核过程后,方列为长期白米等物资救助对象。周理事长说,近期他也持续协助林英美行销水饺工作,水饺的收入林英美均清楚记录,并将所有盈余纳入街友、独居老人、边缘人及弱势学童的餐费,以及弱势儿童课课辅费。每颗水饺盈余约1.5元左右,水饺的肉馅采用「荣获十大神农奖苏鹏 中央畜牧场」优质肉品,除了提升水饺品质以外,也要让大家吃出健康,因此水饺成本较一般高出许多。希望社会大众也能共襄盛举,一起「买水饺献爱心您我都可以」,另外也提供肉粽与花生粽 | |||||
基督徒的善行实在不多,要出到爱心嬷林英美? 爱心嬷林英美不是基督徒, 15年前林英美的先生1年内陆续发现胰臟癌、肝癌、大肠癌、脑瘤,一整年都在开刀,让一家人身心俱疲。那时她遇到1名师父告诉她要行善,她开始关心街友为他们供餐,结果先生竟然痊癒,她也发愿继续行善。 基督徒知道什么是【师父】嗎?什么是【发愿】嗎? 【师父】是和尚,爱心嬷林英美因为一位和尚教她做善事,叫做積福,所以她【发愿】起誓去做善事,果然她的丈夫的胰臟癌、肝癌、大肠癌、脑瘤通通痊癒! 看哪!佛教的神跡真珠都冇咁真! 比起基督教見证完冇一两年就瓜得的有力得多多声! 這个奇迹是佛教的功劳,同基督教無关,基督徒咪叨人地佛教既光就當係自己基督徒做的【善行】? 其他宗教的真正【善行】常常惠及你们基督教,别人為善係無分彼此,這才是真正的所谓【爱】! 耶稣教的愛只是愛自己友,善行只是救自己友,外邦人外邦教基督教是不爱不救的,还要滅绝下地狱呢,对吧?!!! 喂,基督徒! 这里不是有一个神跡嗎? 佛教師父叫爱心嬷林英美做善事,她的丈夫咁多癌病都可以好番晒,证明佛教有料到! 比基督教更加有神,你们不妨考虑轉信佛教更加可以得到庇护呢! | |||||
四歲女童懂得樂意做愛?基督徒認真無恥! |
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