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我都支持朱牧師 認為她是一位人天合一的心靈好導師 沙加燦總算尚有點良知 | |||||
紐約郵報4日報導,自1989年以來一直擔任該教堂主任司鐸的哈里斯,今年3月曾為帕特生主持就任州長的宣誓儀式。他被控在20年前性侵犯兒童之後,紐約教區當局要求他離職。 教區發言人發表聲明說,教區下令哈里斯「離開主任司鐸職務,亦不能擔任教士,直到教區顧問審查委員會調查完後為止」。聲明還說,在曼哈坦地區聯邦檢察官辦公室接到第二起哈里斯性虐待兒童的指控之後,教區向該辦公室報告了此事。 哈里斯否認任何指控,也未被檢察官控以任何罪名。但這位在州長就職儀式上被帕特生稱為「我的牧師」的人,真是一個驚天動地的大逆轉。 哈里斯於1972年授以神職,以後逐步升遷,最後成為St. Charles Borromeo教堂的牧師。他還是紐約天主教慈善會的董事和紐約市警察局的榮譽牧師。今年4月,羅馬教宗本篤16世在洋基球場舉行彌撒時,他擔任協調員。 前基督教兄弟會(Christian Brother)成員、教會性虐待受害者權益維護人士侯特森(Bob Hoatson)表示,有孌童癖的神職人員不斷曝光,他毫不驚訝。 2008-08-05 哈林區St. Charles Borromeo教堂的61歲牧師哈里斯(Wallace Harris),因被指控20年前性虐待兒童而被迫離職。【ABC新聞網站】 http://www.worldjournal.com/wj-ny-news.php?nt_seq_id=1755031 | |||||
曾 在 美 國 性 侵 犯 男 童 的 前 神 父 Dennis Sewar , 原 來 先 後 在 本 港 兩 間 小 學 任 。 除 了 在 直 資 學 校 基 督 臻 美 黃 乾 亨 小 學 暨 初 中 學 校 前 後 任 三 個 多 月 , 觀 塘 區 津 貼 小 學 迦 密 梁 省 德 學 校 證 實 Dennis Sewar 曾 在 該 校 任 七 個 月 之 久 , 校 長 羅 勵 賢 表 示 , 將 向 全 校 學 生 及 家 長 報 告 事 件 , 如 有 需 要 , 會 為 學 生 提 供 輔 導 。 育 評 議 會 副 主 席 何 漢 權 表 示 , 有 性 侵 犯 兒 童 前 科 的 師 , 對 學 童 始 終 具 潛 在 危 險 , 促 請 育 局 亡 羊 補 牢 , 盡 快 向 公 眾 交 代 事 件 , 並 且 要 訂 立 完 善 機 制 , 確 保 所 有 前 來 香 港 任 的 外 籍 師 均 無 性 犯 罪 紀 錄 。 育 局 回 應 稱 , 一 般 而 言 , 所 有 在 港 任 的 師 , 包 括 外 籍 英 語 師 , 均 需 註 冊 。 申 請 註 冊 時 , 當 局 會 向 師 查 問 過 去 曾 否 有 犯 罪 紀 錄 。 育 局 今 日 會 向 有 關 學 校 了 解 情 況 及 提 供 適 切 協 助 。 傳 媒 查 詢 學 校 始 得 悉 迦 密 梁 省 德 學 校 校 長 羅 勵 賢 書 面 回 覆 本 報 指 出 , Sewar 並 不 是 該 校 直 接 聘 任 , 是 該 校 外 購 服 務 的 駐 校 部 分 時 間 外 籍 師 。 校 方 依 照 育 局 指 引 的 採 購 程 序 , 經 代 理 機 構 聘 請 派 駐 學 校 服 務 的 駐 校 部 分 時 間 外 籍 英 語 師 。 有 關 Sewar 的 資 料 由 代 理 機 構 向 該 校 提 供 , 當 中 沒 有 提 供 犯 罪 紀 錄 。 該 校 從 不知 悉 Sewar 曾 懷 疑 涉 及 侵 犯 兒 童 行 為 , 直 至 昨 午 傳 媒 查 詢 才 得 悉 事 件 。 羅 勵 賢 表 示 , Sewar 由 去 年 十 一 月 至 今 年 六 月 派 駐 該 校 服 務 , 合 約 已 於 今 年 六 月 底屆 滿 。 派 駐 該 校 服 務 期 間 , 並 沒 有 收 到 任 何 學 生 或 家 長 對 他 的 投 訴 , 包 括 任 何 涉 及性 侵 犯 的 投 訴 或 行 為 。 校 方 將 向 聘 請 Sewar 的 代 理 機 構 負 責 人 查 詢 , 確 定 資 料 後 ,將 會 向 全 校 學 生 及 家 長 報 告 有 關 事 件 。 校 董 促 設 性 罪 犯 名 冊 臻 美 黃 乾 亨 小 學 校 監 謝 家 浩 表 示 , Sewar 於 ○ 七 年 九 月 任 職 該 校 , 但 不 足 三 個 月 便 因 私 人 理 由 辭 職 。 至 今 年 九 月 開 學 才 返 回 該 校 任 , 但 任 只 十 一 天 , 校 方 上 周 五 與 他 解 約 。 校 方 已 要 求 負 責 聘 請 外 籍 英 語 師 的 代 理 公 司 , 盡 快 提 交 其 餘 七 名 外 籍 師 的 「 無 性 犯 罪 紀 錄 證 明 」 , 避 免 學 童 受 到 影 響 。 日 後 聘 請 外 籍 師 時 , 必 須 要 求 應 徵 者 提 供 「 無 性 犯 罪 紀 錄 證 明 」 。 校 方 今 日 將 向 全 校 學 生 家 長 派 發 通 告 交 代 事 件 。 謝 家 浩 強 調 , 雖 然 至 今 未 收 到 相 關 投 訴 , 但 會 提 醒 學 校 社 工 和 家 長 , 若 發 現 有 師 曾 對 學 童 做 過 一 些 令 其 感 不 安 的 行 為 , 有 需 要 時 , 校 方 會 向 警 方 備 案 。 該 校 校 董黃 英 琦 表 示 , 對 事 件 感 震 驚 及 深 表 遺 憾 , 她 認 為 政 府 應 盡 快 成 立 性 罪 犯 名 冊 , 拒 絕讓 名 冊 上 的 人 士 從 事 同 類 工 作 。 | |||||
(加通社滿地可電)一名自稱為牧師的滿地可男子周三被判性侵犯一名10歲女童罪名成立。該被告人聲稱,他與該女孩之間的所謂婚姻關係,賦予與她發生性行為的權利。經過5年充滿法律爭拗的聆訊後,現年56歲的高米耶(Daniel Cormier)周三終被魁省法院法官杜蘭(Judge Sylvie Durand)定罪。高米耶曾是現已不復存在的滿地可市區教會(Church of Downtown Montreal)的負責人,並曾競選過滿地可市長。當年的女童現已19歲,她在審訊過程中供稱,她當時太小,根本無法明白高米耶結婚後共同生活的計劃,並拒絕與其步入任何形式的結合。杜蘭今年早時告訴高米耶,他堅稱與女事主有婚約在身的辯詞,將不被接受。高米耶矢言否定自己的所作所為構成犯罪或孌童行為,並稱他只是對這名他稱為妻子的女童情難自禁。高米耶還面臨兩項涉及另一名16歲少女的控罪,擬將在1月出庭應訊。他對這些控罪矢口否認。他在主持上述教會期間,於1993年收容了該名女童及她的姊妹和她們的母親,她當時是名正在戒毒的妓女。該家人將高米耶描述成父輩角色,他也漸漸被兩名女孩當作生活中的家長看待。正是在此時刻,教會的其他成員開始對高米耶與女童的關係愈來愈疑竇叢生。在一名社工報警後,高米耶於2003年被捕。該案隨後在司法系統中輾轉多年,部分因為法律的爭拗及控辯雙方均提出多項的動議。高米耶沒有聘請律師。高米耶將在11月接受判刑,控方表示,將設法讓他坐牢。 http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/32/1/1/908005/1.html | |||||
海地塌學校增至82人亡 # .1. 教會學校 , also `````建築品質低劣,缺乏鋼筋結構加固,"""" ??? # .2. 神 aa !!!,你 當時 在那裡 !!! ??? [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-11-9 12:13 編輯 ] | |||||
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-11-9 12:04 發表 祂哪兒都不在! | |||||
我命在我不在天! 命 在 我們 不在 神! --------- 們 and 神 ,@普通話 , in rhymin'押韻 .,;==^) --------- ````````` 當地傳媒引述海地總統普雷瓦爾說,坍塌的這座三層混凝土建築品質低劣,缺乏鋼筋結構加固,政府對此缺少監督,是造成這起悲劇的主因。 ///////// [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-11-10 05:21 編輯 ] | |||||
http://exchristian.hk/forum/redirect.php?tid=2823&goto=lastpost#lastpost 上帝的代言人? 上帝的代言人? 布殊曾經說過:“美國是一個被信仰所指引的國家。”但是,近來美國的“信仰產業”特別是天主教會,卻正捲入一場歷史上最大的醜聞而不能自拔。 3月21日,教皇保羅二世終於打破沉默,對最近美國天主教會性醜聞給予嚴厲譴責。他說,對兒童進行性侵犯是“世界上最嚴重的罪惡”。 今年1月份,從美國東海岸到西海岸,一個教區接著一個教區,一個城市跟著一個城市,教會的牧師和神父利用他們在信仰上的權威,姦污和猥褻男童的醜聞被紛紛揭出。全美國已有17個教區的55位神父因涉嫌性犯罪而被解職或停職,共有2000位神父面臨性犯罪的指控。 绊 更重要的是,這些信仰下的罪惡並非局限于個別神父的個人行為,更不是最近突發的案件,而是眾多的神職人員在教會權威的庇護下幹了幾十年的勾當。 30多年姦污和猥褻男童 2月22日,美國波士頓大主教管區的牧師佐根因為性侵犯一名10歲男孩被判10年監禁。佐根在波士頓地區擔任牧師的30多年間,共姦污和猥褻130名男童,其中最小的受害者只有4歲。 27 歲的帕特裏克·麥克索利回憶說,12歲時的一次經歷完全改變了他的生活。1986年,父母自殺,佐根作為當地牧師前來安撫。佐根主動帶麥克索利去買冰淇淋,而在駕車回來的路上,佐根便開始了對他的猥褻。佐根先是拍著麥克索利的腿說,“像你這麼大的孩子,失去父母是一個可怕的損失”。隨後,佐根的手已經伸進麥克的短褲裏。從那以後,麥克索利一直受到猥褻。他還記得佐根對他說的最後一句話,“我們要保守秘密。” 47歲的建築工人安東尼穆齊是佐根在上世紀60年代最早侵犯的孩子之一,當時,佐根[[[[[-性犯罪-牧師-]]]]很受穆齊家人的歡迎,經常與他們共進晚餐。晚上,在孩子們入睡前,佐根總會到他們床前“祝福”。他先是猥褻了穆齊,然後是穆齊的兄弟、堂兄弟……沒有一個孩子反抗。 來自牧師的性侵犯對孩子的創傷是雙重的。32歲的馬克·基恩也是佐根的受害者。他14歲時在一個少年俱樂部的更衣室被赤身裸體的佐根侵犯,當時還不知道他的身份。幾個星期後,當他見到身著教袍的佐根時,他更加痛苦不堪。他說,這不僅是對身體的侵犯,更是“對靈魂的強姦”。 佐根案的曝光在美國引起了強烈的反響,越來越多受過牧師性侵犯的人們都站出來,講述自己的遭遇。 在CNN 的電視訪談節目中,新澤西州的馬克·塞拉諾向著名華人女主播宗毓華講述了他的遭遇。馬克被一位天主教牧師詹姆斯·漢利性侵犯長達七年這久。漢利是馬克家所在社區的“精神領袖”,與馬克家人非常親近。漢利並沒有急於下手,而是花了很長時間解除了馬克所有的本能防備,他讓馬克相信,他才是最關心馬克的人。 小孩子對性一無所知,但對自己的身體充滿好奇,漢利就利用了這種好奇。他給馬克看女人體圖片,講色情笑話,教他“法國式接吻”,甚至讓他使用震蕩器。 更可怕的是,漢利還道貌岸然地告訴他,這是你這麼大的孩子應該做的。上了大學的馬克不堪精神折磨,向他心目中的“最高權威”——教區主教揭露了此事。 但主教大人僅僅是將漢利換了一個教區而已,還要求馬克與教會簽訂不向外界洩露此事的協議[[[[[-very-clever-]]]]。 對於佐根“不能自控對兒童的性侵犯”,波士頓教區 兩任 紅衣主教、二十多個 教會官員都知根知底,但一直沒有給予實質處理。據《波士頓環球報-[[[[[[[[-1-of-top-10-newspapers-in-U.S.A.-]]]]]]]]]》披露,30多年間,佐根這個有戀童癖的牧師換了五六個教區,連續作惡。 現任紅衣主教伯納德·羅1984年上任時,佐根已經有多年猥褻兒童的歷史。1984年,一位婦女向教會揭發佐根猥褻了她的外甥,羅說,“你關心的問題已經在調查之中,教方將做出恰當的決定。” 但是佐根沒有受到任何處罰,只不過又換了一個教區,繼續為禍一方。佐根的工作還得到了羅的大加褒獎。1989年,佐根被調往聖朱利亞教區任職,羅在寫給佐根 的信中說,“我相信你將會向聖朱利亞教區的信徒提供良好的宗教服務”。 1995年,佐根已有幾起訴訟在身,一家心理治療中心也建議“佐根不應再與少年進行沒有監管的個人接觸”,而羅又將佐根調往其他地方工作。 令天主教徒感到憤怒的是,教會掩蓋醜聞,私下處理,防止曝光,竟與安龍破產醜聞如出一轍。 到目前為止,絕大多數的教會性侵犯案件都是在法庭之外解決的,並且對外嚴加保密。教會想方設法地把控告材料“撈”出美國司法系統,甚至 給 那些 想仗義直言的 神職人員寫威脅信,讓他們小心自己。 對於媒體的有關批評報道,教會表現得極為憤怒,紅衣主教羅說:“我們祈求上帝的力量約束媒體,他們是教會的敵人。”[[[[[-VERY-SIMILAR-TO-為神瘋狂的基徒-]]]] 在巨大的壓力下,直到最近,羅才不得不交出他所藏的在過去50年間姦污和猥褻兒童的80位神父的名單。 作為美國最有影響力的天主教教區之一,波士頓的性醜聞迅速波及其他教區,他們開始大規模的“揭醜”行動。近些年來在美國學校、運動隊、童子軍甚至教徒家中發生的種種牧師性醜聞紛紛曝光。 曼徹斯特、波特蘭的主教表示要向當地政府交出本教區不良牧師的名單。費城大主教管區表示,他們有可信證據顯示,50年來,35名牧師涉嫌猥褻兒童。在亞利桑那州塔克森,教會隱瞞了9名助祭男童被牧師性侵犯的事實,企圖花幾百萬美元“私了[[[[[[[[[-S.O.S.-::-PLEASE-DONATE-$$$$$$$$$-TO-CHURCHES-AS-MUCH-AS-POSSIBLE-!!!-]]]]]]”。當地媒體已要求主教莫雷羅辭職。 美國的媒體在評論這一事件時指出,美國天主教會目前面臨的信譽危機只是其犯罪的冰山一角,其當前最當務之急的是對受害者的賠償,已導致其財政發生危機。因為目前每天都有新的訴訟被提出來,美國天主教會已承諾向受害者賠償10億美元。弄不好,整個美國教會在財政上可能破產。[[[[[[[[[-S.O.S.-::-PLEASE-DONATE-$$$$$$$$$-TO-CHURCHES-AS-MUCH-AS-POSSIBLE-!!!-]]]]]]”。 性醜聞已大大動搖了人們對天主教傳統的信心。比如,天主教一向堅持神父獨身的傳統,已經使美國社會議論紛紛。獨身的傳統不僅沒有使神父們在履行聖職時變得神聖,反而把一批戀童癖者招到天主教的麾下,使對男童的性侵害愈演愈烈。 如今在美國天主教中的女權主義者們,也借機挑戰神父們的男權。兩年前,由一些終身信仰天主教的母親和祖母們組成的“美國麻省婦女教會”公然主張委以婦女以聖職,結果被大主教勞查禁。羅甚至曾對一群在一個教堂外聚集的該組織的成員大聲喝斥道:“你們背叛了你們的信仰!”如今在性醜聞的圍困下,天主教的大男權主義已越來越難維持。過去天主教的神父們排斥婦女是因為他們把婦女看作是一種污染,如今若再排斥婦女,未免讓人覺得這些神父自己有些骯髒的當要守著不放了。 不過最令人關注的,還是教會與國家的關係。美國一向遵循政教分離的傳統,“上帝的事歸上帝,凱撒的事歸凱撒”。國家對教會的事務不加干預。然而,教會內部的犯罪,是否應受制于教會外部的法律呢? 前不久,波士頓的一家主要報紙用一個版的篇幅揭露,在過去二十多年中,大主教伯納德·羅利用他的權威,庇護了一批在波士頓地區姦污和猥褻了幾百個兒童的神職人員。 美國《國家》雜誌3月最新出版的一期發表文章指出,像羅這樣的人,如果是一個幼兒園或夏令營的主管的話,恐怕就要進監獄了。可 如今 讓 他 辭職 都 變得 如此之難,難道美國法律只對普通人有效嗎? 最近,美國耶魯大學的一名學院院長因猥褻男童被判重刑,終生要在鐵窗之下度過;而從事發到判決不過幾年時間。另有一位在幼兒園對兒童進行性侵害的男性工作人員,被判的刑期長達數百年,比他能活著的時間長好幾倍。相比之下,神父 犯 同樣的罪 很難 被判,而且 即使 判了 也是 刑罰甚輕。比如一位猶太教士因性犯罪被判,但聯邦檢察官突然 把 60年 的 刑期 減為 6年半,據說是由於猶太教堂方面的壓力。 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-11-22 01:46 編輯 ] | |||||
中廣新聞網 (2008-11-04 14:31) 義大利一家餐廳老闆被一個神父和兩個修女用椅子給砸傷了。 四十九歲的老闆說,他的餐廳是跟教會租的。神父跟兩個修女在餐廳裡吵了起來。他過去勸架。勸架不成反倒跟這幾個神職人員吵成一團。神父順手抄了一把椅子,往他頭上砸。他還沒回過神來,兩個修女又抬腿踹了他的肚子。雙拳難敵六掌,老闆登時倒在地上。老闆說這三個方外人士不但打人,嘴裡還不乾不淨的罵個不停。 神父的律師說,老闆胡說八道。律師表示,神父和修女都已經年過半百了,不可能把老闆打傷。 http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20081104/1032855.html | |||||
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Pastor in gay scandal: I'm back from 'wilderness' By ERIC GORSKI – 12 hours ago Speaking out two years after being embroiled in a gay sex scandal, former evangelical pastor Ted Haggard said Friday his sexual identity is complex and can't be put into "stereotypical boxes," but that his relationship with his wife is stronger than ever. In an interview with The Associated Press, Haggard did not rule out a return to public life or the pulpit. He spoke before he appeared before TV critics in Los Angeles to promote "The Trials of Ted Haggard," an HBO documentary on Haggard's exile after his confession to "sexual immorality" and fall as a top evangelical leader. "I am guilty. I am responsible," Haggard, 52, said Friday in a phone interview. "I got off track, and I am deeply sorry and I repent ... I'm moving along in a positive direction." Haggard resigned as president of the 30 million-member National Association of Evangelicals and was fired from the 14,000-member New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., in November 2006 amid allegations that he paid a male prostitute for sex and used methamphetamine. In a written apology at the time, Haggard confessed to a long battle against feelings contrary to his beliefs and admitted buying the drugs but said he never used them. During a guest sermon last November at a friend's church in Illinois, Haggard said a co-worker of his father molested him when he was 7, an experience that "started to produce fruit" later. Clarifying that Friday, Haggard said: "I'm certainly not saying that because of that, I did this. I did what I did by my choice, and I'm responsible for it." Haggard said he isn't qualified to judge what factors into one's sexuality, but still believes it's "God's perfect plan" for marriage to be between a man and woman. "I think sexuality is confusing and complex," Haggard said. "I am totally completely satisfied with the relationship with my wife now, but I went through a wandering in the wilderness time, and I just thank God I'm on the other side of that." Asked whether he could define his sexual identity, Haggard said: "The stereotypical boxes don't work for me. My story's got some gray areas in it. And, of course, I'm sad about that but it's the reality." Later Friday, in a Q&A session with reporters at a Television Critics Association meeting in Universal City, Calif., Haggard said he should have been more open with his family and his congregation earlier, calling his actions "hypocrisy." Asked to expand on his attitude toward homosexuality, Haggard said, "I believe all human beings fall short of the standards they believe in." He added, "I would say the biggest change is I now know about hatred than I ever dreamed, and I know it doesn't help. And I know more about judgment and I know it doesn't help. Since my experience, I know more about the power of love and forgiveness. I know a lot more about the necessity of people not judging one another." At the time the film was shot in 2007, Haggard described still occasionally struggling with same-sex attraction. Asked Friday whether those attractions remain, Haggard did not say definitively but said he was "not anywhere near" where he was at that time. In the documentary premiering Jan. 29, Haggard is shown shuffling from motel to motel, driving a moving truck, enrolling in a college psychology course, struggling as a door-to-door salesman and pondering his fate while laying in a motel bed in a white undershirt. "At this stage in my life, I'm a loser — a first-class loser," he says. Now back living in Colorado Springs, Haggard said Friday he hopes to build his business selling insurance and debt-reduction software and is considering marketing himself through a speakers bureau to share his story — "if the terms were right. I have to earn a living." "If what I have is helpful to other people, then I want to make that available to them," he said. "If it's not, then I'm perfectly happy building my business." Haggard also plans to launch a nonprofit group to help the poor and needy, his Web site says. As for a return to pastoring a church, Haggard said: "I have learned enough to know a lot can happen to anybody. And when Jesus is our Lord, we can't plan our path." The nature of Haggard's return — and his harsh words in the film for his former church — is drawing criticism. Haggard is also is to tape an "Oprah Winfrey Show" appearance next week for an episode scheduled to air this month, a spokesman for the show confirmed Friday. "If you're going to come out and begin a new life, why would you choose an HBO documentary, then meet with the liberal Hollywood press?" said H.B. London, a former counselor to Haggard and an executive at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs. "The fact that he's attacking the church or New Life Church, when they did so much to help him and his family, is below the belt." Haggard lashes out at "the church" in the documentary, which was produced by Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He said "the church has said go to hell" and "the church chose not to forgive me." Over a 14-month period ending Dec. 31, 2007, New Life Church paid the Haggard family $309,020 in salary and benefits, according to a church document obtained by The Associated Press. The payout included $152,360 in salary for Ted Haggard, $62,177 in salary for his wife, Gayle, $26,426 for counseling, $11,168 for legal fees and $26,000 to help care for the couple's special-needs son, who is in his early 20s. Haggard on Friday said his family is grateful for the severance, but he was angry for being forced to leave Colorado Springs as one condition. He also challenged the church's statement that he halted a process meant to restore him, saying he still receives counseling. The church has since released Haggard from all restrictions, including a prohibition on speaking publicly, and both Haggard and church leadership say relations are positive. Haggard's successor at New Life, Brady Boyd, wrote in a blog post Friday that "the motives behind every decision" involving the Haggards were pure, and the church was generous in its severance and support. He would not respond to Haggard's specific complaints. In the AP interview, Haggard credited his therapists, whom he described as Christian believers who used secular therapy methods. "I just thought a spiritual solution would be the solution to everything that's internal," Haggard said. "That turned out not to be the case." Of Mike Jones, his accuser, Haggard said: "I know he's gone through a lot. When he said he had to say something, I believe it. And I think that was God encouraging him to do that." Jones said Friday he considers Haggard a salesman seeking attention for his business. "I know he's apologized to his church and family, blah, blah," Jones said. "But the people he hurt is the gay community, and he's never apologized to the gay community. He owes that." Haggard has said his childhood experiences, including same-sex "sex play" with friends when he was in the seventh grade, started to manifest themselves when he turned 50, a few months before the scandal. That conflicts with Jones' statement that Haggard paid him for sex for three years. Haggard on Friday declined to discuss the discrepancy. Associated Press Television Writer Lynn Elber in Universal City, Calif., contributed to this report. http://www.mercurynews.com/religion/ci_11417621 | |||||
VERACRUZ, MEXICO -- Police in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz arrested a Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing boys at a church-run residential facility. The Rev. Jose de Jesus Sandoval Gonzalez was detained in Veracruz city, the state Attorney General's Office said. Authorities said police were still looking for a nun accused of acting as Sandoval's accomplice. The priest's arrest came hours after the mayor of the town where the alleged crimes took place held a press conference to complain that prosecutors had failed to act on the criminal complaint the Boca del Rio municipal government filed in mid-December. Late Monday, state Judge Beatriz Rivera acceded to a request from prosecutors to issue warrants for the arrest of Sandoval and Sister Maria Guadalupe Zaragoza Barajas. Mayor Miguel Angel Yunes Marquez told reporters earlier Monday that the municipal government had received complaints from boys who said they were mistreated and subjected to sexual abuse by the priest with the connivance of Sister Maria Guadalupe. According to Yunes, the mothers of two alleged victims said the nun accepted payments of 500 pesos ($36.20) to take boys to the house of the priest, where he then abused them. Any boys who dared to mention what happened at the house were punished by making them eat hot peppers or spoiled food, or they were forced to kneel in the yard for four hours in the sun or on top of metal bottle caps and sleep with dogs all night or out in the open air. During his meeting with reporters, the mayor presented videotapes of the testimony of several boys who were rescued from the church-run institution and who are now being taken care of by the municipal family services agency. Yunes said that the city hall presented the criminal complaint on Dec. 15 but decided to go public with the matter because prosecutors have dragged their feet. A spokesman for the Diocese of Veracruz said on television Tuesday that "if there was a crime," the law should be applied against whoever turns out to be responsible. http://www.laht.com/article.asp? ... mp;CategoryId=14091 | |||||
Daniel Cormier, the self-proclaimed pastor who was found guilty in October of the sexual assault of a minor from the time she was 8 or 9 until she was 13, was sentenced to five years in prison this morning at the provincial courthouse in Montreal. Cormier, 57, was arrested in 2003 and charged with sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching, sexual assault and sexual exploitation of two girls. Acting in his own defence, he delayed the trial for years. He argued his sexual relations with one of the underage girls were legal because he married her in the church that he invented when she was 10. http://www.montrealgazette.com/n ... /1219036/story.html | |||||
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 By DAN MURTAUGH Staff Reporter A pastor who once worked in both Mobile and Biloxi pleaded guilty or no contest last week to five felony charges in a child molestation case in Florida, according to news reports. Marshall Seymour faces as many as 65 years in prison at his March 12 sentencing hearing. Seymour worked as a youth pastor at the Parkway Assembly of God church in Mobile from 1995 to 1999. He was arrested and charged with sexual abuse in Mobile in 1999, but that was plea-bargained to a lesser assault charge, and he moved to Florida. Three years later, Parkway's insurance company settled a lawsuit with the boy's family. Police in Lakeland, Fla., arrested Seymour in 2007. A jury trial was supposed to start in Florida's 10th Circuit Court on Wednesday, but Seymour instead entered his pleas. According to Lakeland's newspaper, The Ledger, Seymour pleaded guilty to two counts of promoting the sexual performance of a child and one count of tampering with a witness. Seymour also pleaded no contest to one charge of unlawful sexual activity with a minor and to a third charge of promoting the sexual performance of a child, according to the report. Phone calls to the number listed for Parkway Assembly of God on Dauphin Island Parkway were not answered Monday afternoon. While the amount of the 2002 settlement was undisclosed, papers filed in Mobile County Circuit Court revealed claims that Seymour molested a B.C. Rain High School student nine times. http://www.al.com/news/press-reg ... 6080.xml&coll=3 | |||||
2009-02-15 03:14:00 (星報專訊)一名育有4名子女、情緒抑鬱的42歲女子加入多倫多Manor Road聯合教會時,滿心期望牧師給予心靈慰藉與咨詢。但不久便與牧師梅卓(Rev. William Major)陷入長達9年的性關係,而牧師堅稱這一關係是兩相情願,充滿「關懷與愛護。」然而,安省高等法院法官史超域(Elizabeth Stewart)周五裁定,65歲的退休牧師性侵犯罪名成立,牧師利用自己的權力、信任與權威。法官指出:「被告當時便知道這是錯誤的,他了解教會的政策與禁止這類行為的規定。」育有兩名成年子女的牧師對在1996年至2005年期間性侵犯女子的指控不認罪。受害者的姓名不可公佈。法庭聆訊顯示,受害者成長於虔誠的羅馬天主教教會環境,她以為神職人員「接近上帝。」由於在童年期受到父親與兄弟的性虐待,女子缺乏自信,並有自殺念頭。當她加入該教會時,每周接受心靈輔導。法官史超域表示,女子相信「牧師回答了其所有的祈禱。」法官說,女子每周接受心靈輔導,隨著而來的便是各種性活動,從愛撫至性交。法官指出,在這種情況之下,並無真正的同意,因而女子是性侵犯的受害者。 http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/32/1/1/1036802/1.html | |||||
Pastor, man cited for shooting arrow in church SHEBOYGAN FALLS, Wis. (AP) — A pastor and parishioner have been cited by police for shooting an arrow during a church service. The pastor asked to have the arrow shot across the front of the church during a recent service at Pentecostals of Sheboygan County as a 'teaching tool.' As the parishioner prepared to shoot the arrow with his bow, one man stood up and objected, telling the pastor it was unsafe and illegal. Parishioners said the pastor told the man to be quiet and sit down. When the man objected a second time, the pastor asked him to leave. He did and called police. The parishioner was cited for using a missile indoors and the pastor was cited for aiding and abetting. Both were fined $109. http://www.google.com/hostednews ... usQUElJ49AD973U8500 | |||||
親愛的佛教界朋友: 1. 欣逢佛誕慶節,我以此信函向世界各地的佛教團體表達個人以及宗座宗教交談委員的 祝福之意。 2. 天主教徒與佛教徒的關係一向良好,我們在許多工作項目上的接觸、合作、貫徹,都 加深了彼此的了解。交談是不同宗教間建立豐碩關係的穩妥道路。它會增進彼此的尊重, 也滋長彼此和諧相處的渴望。 3. 梵蒂岡第二次大公會議教導我們,全人類都有共同的起源和天命:天主──我們的造 物主和我們塵世之旅的目標。同樣,教宗本篤十六世在 2007 年世界和平日文告中也說: 「 既然人是按天主肖像所造,每一個個人都有其人性的尊嚴;人並不是某件物品,而是 一個人,有自知之明、能保持自制、願捨己為人,並能與他人交流溝通或共融 」 (2 號 ) 。 4. 建立一個團體,需要有尊重他人的具體表現。此外,身為有宗教信仰的人,我們深信 「道德邏輯已深入人類生命之中,並使人與人之間和民族與民族之間的對話成為可能」 ( 同上, 3 號 ) 。然而,今天還是有些人必須去了解他人及他人的信仰,才能克服偏 見及誤解。若要克服此一可悲的現實,政治及宗教領袖都得投下許多心力。即使是在每天 遭到戰爭蹂躝的地區、在充滿仇恨與報復的地區,仍舊可以恢復人與人之間的信任。我們 可以一起合作,來創造空間及機會,使人們彼此交談、聆聽、道歉、為過去的過錯而彼此 可以一起合作,來創造空間及機會,使人們彼此交談、聆聽、道歉、為過去的過錯而彼此 寬恕。 5. 教育人們追求和平,是社會上每一階層的責任。當然,這要從一般家庭開始。家庭是 社會的基本支柱,父母可以盡力培養孩子的良知,把良好的傳統價值觀傳遞給子女。年輕 一代應該接受以價值觀為根本的教導,來加強對人的尊重、接納、同情、一視同仁,因而 成長茁壯。因此不論是公立學校或是教會學校,都應盡可能在教養子女這樣棘手卻又能給 人滿足感的任務上,幫助父母教導孩子重視一切的真與善。 6. 媒體對人們思想的影響,尤其是對年輕人的影響,也不容小?。雖然我們越來越看到媒 體中諸多沒有負責感的成分,但是透過高品質的產品和教育性節目,也能產生非常好的影 響。如果從事媒體工作者都能發揮道德良知,就有可能驅逐無知、傳遞知識、保存社會價 值觀、描繪生命中發自人類天性的超性面。宗教信友若為了公共利益而在這些事上合作, 必能對社會大有貢獻。 7. 最後要說的是,真正教育的目標是帶領個人遇見生命的終極目的。這會激勵人們為破 碎的人性服務。我們能共同為社會及世界的平安和諧繼續效力。在各位慶祝此慶節時,我 們天主教徒給以衷心的祝福,我再次祝各位佛誕日快樂。 宗座宗教交談委員會 主席: Paul Poupard 樞機 主教 秘書: Pier Luigi Celata 總主教 | |||||
By Peter Wensierski The German Catholic Church has been sheltering a priest convicted of child abuse for years. Now the pedophile, who refuses to undergo therapy, has hired private detectives to try to get his former victims to retract their testimony. It was raining heavily in Sonnefeld in the southern German region of Franconia when two men rang Joyce Kaitesi's doorbell one day in March. She quickly opened the door to let them in out of the rain. One of the men asked her whether they could speak with her son about the matter with the parish priest -- a case of sexual abuse that had happened 10 years earlier. The mother of the abused boy asked the men who they were. "We're neutral parties," the strangers replied. Then the two men became more direct. The priest, they said, could be innocent. The boy had been very young and easily influenced at the time, and perhaps his view of the alleged incident had changed in the interim, the men said. Kaitesi soon realized what was going on. "Did the priest send you? That child molester hasn't apologized to this day! For two years, I had to look after my child and calm him down, and now you show up here, trying to stir things up again? You should be ashamed of yourselves!" It wasn't the only visit that these men in dark suits have recently paid to former victims of child abuse. The detectives, who were traveling through rural Bavaria on behalf of Wolfdieter Weiss, a Catholic priest, were on a mission to find other young people whose testimony had led to the priest's conviction for sexual abuse of children. Weiss hopes to get his case reopened with the help of new statements in which the alleged victims retract their earlier testimony. This is not just a surprisingly audacious course of action for a servant of God, whose sentence was most recently upheld by Germany's Federal Court of Justice in 2001, but it also highlights a culture of looking the other way that still prevents the Catholic Church from effectively addressing the problem of child abuse within its ranks -- and apparently even encourages a number of pedophiles to act out their proclivities under the protective cloak of the church. Until recently, Father Weiss could depend on the support of his fellow priests. Even though the Archdiocese of Würzburg had to assure the court that Weiss would never be allowed to come into contact with children again, he recently delivered sermons and celebrated mass with other Franconian priests who are friends of his -- in services that included altar boys. Despite reports to the police, parents' complaints and more convictions, Weiss was merely quietly transferred from one place to another. This support on the part of the church, which went on for years, only reinforced Weiss's belief in his own innocence. Only now, after Weiss had hired detectives to obtain new testimony, did something happen that the victims and their families expected long ago: Weiss, who is retired, was suspended as a priest, and his benefits were reduced by 20 percent. But for Kaitesi, the mother of one of his victims, this remains a half-hearted reaction. "Why doesn't the church finally make up its mind to defrock him?" she asks. Weiss first came to the attention of the courts in the Archdiocese of Würzburg in 1985, after he had kissed and placed his hand inside the trousers of several children in Miltenberg, a town near Würzburg. He received his first conviction and was ordered to pay a fine of 8,000 German marks (€4,090). In return, the case was closed. Despite the conviction, Weiss, with the help of Raban Tilmann, the then-vicar general in the city of Limburg in the state of Hesse, was simply transferred to another parish 170 kilometers (106 miles) away. A few years later, Father Weiss had to leave his new parish in Ransbach-Baumbach, a town in the Archdiocese of Limburg, after altar boys reported new instances of sexual abuse. Weiss admitted to the church that in his new rectorate, he had also "stroked children because he likes them." Tilmann chose not to take disciplinary action and sent him to work as a pastor in a Frankfurt hospital, ignoring claims that he had touched children inappropriately during hospital visits. In 1992, Limburg transferred the pastor to the Archdiocese of Bamberg in Bavaria, apparently with good references. Today, Alois Albrecht, who was the vicar general responsible for Bamberg at the time, is sharply critical of that decision. Albrecht says that he felt "quite taken in" by his fellow priests in Limburg, because he had not been "fully informed," even though the personnel department in Limburg was aware of the "scope of the crimes." In 1998, Weiss, while serving as a pastor in Ebersdorf near the Bavarian town of Coburg, and at St. Mary's Church in nearby Sonnefeld, was back to molesting children. At the beginning of a Christmas mass, one father went up to the altar and shouted out to the congregation: "This man has sexually abused my son several times." The rest of his words were drowned out by organ music. There was another court case. In its verdict, the Coburg Regional Court wrote that Weiss had "stroked the bare buttocks" of two children and had touched another child "on the behind and the genitalia through clothing." In each case, the verdict read, he had done these things "for sexual gratification." According to the court, the consequences of Weiss's actions in the case of Joyce Kaitesi's son, who was one of the victims, amounted to "serious emotional damage following the crime … with anxiety states." Weiss was sentenced to two years probation. Weiss claims that he is merely giving the children "fatherly affection, when I stroke them," and he refuses to call it abuse or molestation. He admits having offered children money to sit on his lap. "I always knew where the boundary lies between sexual activity and tenderness," he insists. "It may be that I touched someone on the buttocks once, but I don't consider the buttocks a sexual part of the body." Weiss has fashioned his own little world in his Würzburg apartment, which is filled with stacks of documents and files with which he intends to prove his innocence. He is very happy to present a pile of letters from his supporters. Apparently Father Weiss is not the only one who, after years of the church downplaying and even supporting the abuser, has yielded to the delusion that he is innocent. "Even within the church, there remains to this day a broad group of supporters consisting of priests and members of religious orders," Karl Hillenbrand, the current vicar general of Würzburg, admits. "These people encourage him and even support him financially." A number of gullible Catholic women paid Weiss's first fine of 8,000 German marks. As for the 12,000 German marks in compensation that Kaitesi's son received, Weiss did not have to pay that either -- it was covered by statutory accident insurance, because the incident occurred in a school. Given that the perpetrator did not have to suffer much as a consequence of his actions, he may not have realized that what he was doing was wrong. While Catholic priests who publicly admit to being in a relationship with a woman are quickly shown the door, the pedophile Weiss was allowed to retain his status as a priest, despite the repeated incidents. In addition, the Würzburg archdiocese even provided him with a large, church-owned apartment. Today, he lives comfortably and inexpensively in a building occupied by deserving clergy from the archdiocese. "If someone is given that much respect, how can he feel guilty?" asks Matthias Wimmer, one of his former victims in Miltenberg. "I can still see the image of his parish office. He used to invite us in, took me and other children on his lap, caress our ears and then stroke our naked buttocks. He offered us money. We were nine or 10 years old, and we didn't know what was happening, but it was unpleasant." Court documents reveal the extent to which church officials provided for their fallen brother. For example, shortly after Weiss was convicted in 2000, the Würzburg head of personnel, Heinz Geist, saw to it that the perpetrator's moving costs would be reimbursed, and he encouraged Weiss to do some archiving work at home, because he was still being paid his old salary. As Geist himself wrote: "The vicar general is concerned that some hack will figure out that you are refusing to work in the archives, and will turn that into an article. Then the whole thing will start all over again." Father Josef Grotz, who was in charge of training priests in Würzburg for many years, probably also put the idea into Weiss's head that he was innocent. Grotz wrote sympathetic letters to "Dear Wolfdieter" which were intended to ease the priest's conscience. In 1993, for example, after Weiss's activities had already been noticed in two places, Grotz defended the priest's work with young people: "You don't think any malicious thoughts, but others immediately construe your actions as malicious. The tiniest things are used against you all too quickly. And you know what stupid things children can say when they are interrogated by suspicious people." In a letter to Weiss in 1999, Grotz bragged about how he had protected "dear Wolfdieter" from the press. "The caller also knew about the ruling by the Obernburg Regional Court. I claimed that you were acquitted at the time … I can imagine that some journalist is putting together yet another program about sexual offences committed by Catholic priests and is tracking down every lead he happens to come across, regardless of how he came up with those leads in the first place." The tacit collusion within the church has provided food for thought for the vicar general Karl Hillenbrand. "The Weiss case has made it clear to me that perpetrators of abuse always need a protective environment -- sympathizers and people in their surroundings who tolerate them," he says. Hillenbrand recently made his own policy of zero tolerance clear to the pedophile, who refuses to undergo any therapy. According to Hillenbrand, he saw Weiss on the main square in Würzburg as he was watching a children's festival sponsored by Bavarian Public Radio and the city. Weiss made excuses for his presence there, telling Hillenbrand that he was just waiting for someone who was attending mass. The vicar general, however, did not believe his subordinate and ordered him to leave the area. After all, mass had ended hours earlier. Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,620925,00.html |
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