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容許我公開有關錄音,因為這與本網及近來投訴聖經有關。 請再容許我斷章取義,因為要聽完整篇講道,對於很多人來說實在很困難。 我會遵守諾言,及努力向本網其他版友呼籲,不攻擊該教會。 http://www.zbc.org.hk/files/2007-05-20.mp3 10:00 - 11:44:談及本網網友反傳教之經歷,提及本網全名 15:47 - 16:27:談及本網另一網友有邪靈及魔鬼作工等 | |||||||||||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-5-23 23:14 發表 車!短宣班人仲係好人咩!又老土又虛偽,他們先被鬼怪附體! | |||||||||||||
你指的攻擊是什麼活動? 1)發動聖戰? 2)火燒教堂圖書室? 3)用政治影響力去監禁教徒,甚至火橈教徒? 4)HACK/破壞 教會網站? 5)在生活和工作上歧視教徒? 還只是 6) 在這裏文誅筆代 | |||||||||||||
離教者之家, 顧名思義是給曾經經歷基督教信仰而離開的人, 有一個被關懷及互相勉勵的地方... 其旨我會意會為關故離教者, 對基督教是一個被動的關係, 而和抽兄交談之間也確認過離家的這個作用~ 但如果是在街上阻礙基督徒傳福音, <<離家>>的意義就不是上述所定義的, 名字叫反/敵基督教團會比較適合... 而敵基督者, 由創世至今每一個年代都有, 所以本人不以為希奇, 只是不想見到旗幟與內在不附的東西 | |||||||||||||
原帖由 Paul 於 2007-5-24 10:04 發表 paul 少 阻擋傳福音同攻擊教會係兩回事 就正如我地阻止賊人行劫同攻擊賊人都係兩回事 | |||||||||||||
你指的<阻礙基督徒傳福音>是什麼活動? 1)發動聖戰? 2)火燒教堂圖書室? 3)用政治影響力去監禁教徒,甚至火橈教徒? 4)HACK/破壞 教會網站? 5)在生活和工作上歧視教徒? 還只是 6) 在這裏文誅筆伐 ------- 為什麼<<阻礙基督徒傳福音>>便要改名《反/敵基督教團》? 那基督教改了名為《反/敵佛教、道教、無神論……團》未? 還是基督教改名為《反科學、反理性、反人性團》來得明白? ————— 阻礙 阻擋﹑妨礙。宋史˙卷九十四˙河渠志四: 攻擊 1)以武力、語言或文字對人施加傷害。如: 2主動進攻,襲擊敵人。三國演義˙第一○八回: [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-5-24 11:47 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||
請你在我回覆裡, 試下找不找到我用"攻擊"二字? To Dye : 上述行為算不算阻礙或者反對, 等其他人及你自己的人判斷吧... 分享一些經文...
[ 本帖最後由 Paul 於 2007-5-24 12:37 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||
"Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." Steven Weinberg 「宗教是對人類尊嚴的侮辱。沒有宗教,你有好人做好事,壞人做壞事。但如果要好人做壞事就需要宗教。」 --------------------------- "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the bible is filled, it would seem more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind. " Thomas Paine ------------------------ "It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it's the parts that I do understand" Mark Twain 「困擾我的並不是聖經中我不理解的部份,而是我理解的部份。」 [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-5-24 14:08 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||
原帖由 dye 於 2007-5-24 09:22 發表 當然係係本討論區以外的任何抗議該教會行動..您地不滿該講道內容係正常.. P.S. 申報利益..MP3果間教會網址我會和他們無仇無怨,我也唔想公開該教會有關網址攪到對方不開心. | |||||||||||||
原帖由 Passby 發表 原帖由 Paul 發表 原帖由 Passby 發表 [ 本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2007-5-24 19:01 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||
What if the same is done by, say Taliban while they condemned the equally innocent women in their respective "church"? Christian or not, it is something that deserve some deep thought. -------------- Do you see the difference in meaning? When non-believer speak of "attack", they meant anything from 1-6. Historically, Christian did those things in the name of Christianity. But when believer speak of attack, they only mean something like 5 or 6. Historical, atheists do not do anything in the name of Atheism. When you roll a 6 consecutive 6 in a roll, it is only reasonable to suspect the next roll will be a 6. (Barring the mathematician who live in an ivory tower.) ----------- Why a neccessity of hatred? Can a complain be made on behalf of someone else? Who is most harm in the end? People in this forum? NO! But the people listening to the dude! For the love of the fellow Christian, YOU may want to be the first to do something. [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-5-24 19:30 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||
我容許您地係呢度討論不滿果段講道的原因,因為我理解離教者之家俾人定性為邪靈及魔鬼作工是十分不滿.(我覺得係沒有證據之下,定一個不信者列為邪靈及魔鬼作工是有點危險性) 但我也不想指出呢段講道網址之後,係現在的風頭火勢(拿聖經送檢)下.因您地對該教會不滿而發生其他我不願見到的事上來. 當然,大家也不能避免第三者(非會員)會將呢段野去攻擊該教會.但抽兄也同意盡力避免呢d事發生.我想,我會接受您們的誠信 | |||||||||||||
原帖由 Cottbus 於 2007-5-24 21:13 發表 點解佢地係呢度討論不滿果段講道的原因,要經您容許呢?大家還不謝恩,就太冇禮貌了 | |||||||||||||
What exactly do you think people on this board will do anyway? You don't believe HK as a civil society? <<看今日生果報指奧賣葛因為人身安全問題而不接受報章訪問,我未免感到他唔知道做此事的後果.如果發起人認為此事係正確..應該出來面對公眾去陳述您所做的是正確>> 同理 <<看今日COTTBUS指教會因為不想被攻(口誅筆伐?)而不公開身份,我未免感到教會唔知道做此事的後果.如果教會認為此事係正確..應該出來面對公眾去陳述教會所做的是正確>>>> 只是奧賣葛的害怕有大量前科為理據,教會就沒有。 ========== The Equal Opportunities Commission in their newsletter "The Bill of Rights Ordinance only binds the Government and public authorities in respect of discriminatory acts on the grounds or race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Discriminatory acts which do not fall under the ordinances on sex, disabilities and family status occurring in the private sector or between individuals cannot be redressed legally. " Message from the Chairman ------------------- In fact, I note that there are nearly 2 times unhandle case that EOC find them out of their scope to handle (Possibly religious?). Also, as I read SDO on the exception, I figure that you are allowed to ban women from entering certain places for religious reason. Also allow is banning woman to compete for certain position for religious reason. Interesting, isn't it? I am unaware of latest work from the governemnt about the issue (other than that they are working on the 'racial' on the blue section). Feel free to inform me about it. [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-5-24 23:56 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||
原帖由 Paul 於 2007-5-24 10:04 發表 我並沒說過離教者之家不可以接納反/敵基督者,而離教者這群人中,本身都有反/敵基督者。 | |||||||||||||
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原帖由 Guest from 123.5.144.x 於 2008-4-1 21:01 發表 what////which is 宋尚结 ? | |||||||||||||
中世紀基督徒最常用於處理信條紛爭對手的酷刑之一 - 車輪刑的曬鹹魚部份,有包括飛鳥吃人肉的情節。 |
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