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I see you have problem in 'counting'. When I finger point at you, two are pointing to you, three are point at myself. You fail even in a simple counting job. 小事辦不好, 大事也辦不來。 粗心大意, 「一分鐘幾十萬上落」的事交給你辦, 真是有點擔心。 | |||||
Well, seeing ignorant Catholic Kong Girl losing her temper swearing like a random homeless on the street? Whether it is the Kong Girl's intention or not, it's absolutely a form of entertainment. OOPS.... carry on with your cry take your time... | |||||
I see you have problem in 'counting'. Oh really, apparently not only do you lack ability in reading English, you also can't quite understand idioms common among Chinese speaking people! Ah, the drama queen who cries about Chinese not writing in the Chinese language ... And yeah, finger pointing really fits you - like the usual Kong Girl in the shape of a teapot. It's ok, keep me entertained. It's nearly like an Evangelical crying talk show. | |||||
[attach]232[/attach][attach]232[/attach] No wonder over-age singles is a problem in a lot of churches. If I am living in Hong Kong most of the year, I'd rather go mainland to find a spouse too. | |||||
Indeed. My wife is from mainland. | |||||
That's why I HATE you. XD. But yea, can't help congratulating you. Keep your marriage happy man. | |||||
And honestly, it's really a nice thing on the internet that people don't really have to see the face ... 大叔...我都頂你唔很順 | |||||
果然是港女呀....(笑 | |||||
回復 168# HTBROKE1 See? Looking at this, I bet that's pretty obvious why people go north to marry right? With all that drama making these women will probably have nothing left for their physiological assets - that's why by the time they get 27-29 they start to fear for not ever marrying because they have nothing left to attract people, from inside out. But then look, without all these drama-making and Kong Girl attitude, a mainlander with college education looks... [attach]233[/attach][attach]233[/attach] ... at 29. Still such an adorable girl right? | |||||
兩個不同的記敘文體,差點被他併在一起整個摸掉了 | |||||
我是搞混印加帝國和阿茲特克,西印度群島的史料很清楚. 是你混淆墨西哥帝國(阿茲特克)和墨西哥內境的記敘體, 阿茲提克毀滅後15年內墨西哥內境中有500萬人強迫臨洗也很正常,現在的墨西哥也有31個州呀,先生~! | |||||
人為太陽神設宗教是自發自願﹐以示自己虔誠 說的好 | |||||
這五百萬人是阿茲提克皇朝毀滅後, 人口給「清洗屠殺」後的死剩種, 那未有「屠殺」前, 阿茲提克皇朝的人口頗驚人囉? | |||||
有神, 無神可以胡扯 去到歷史, 史實, 卻是扯不起的. | |||||
謝謝 太陽神施展神能日日都出現 照得 只能從歷史中虛構、胡扯出所謂史實的 主宰 無地自容 主宰在哪裡﹖從人的口水里﹐被射出......現 | |||||
「有神, 無神可以胡扯」 好說 歷史, 史實驗證 好歹這也是當時阿茲特克的大小,畢竟那是一個記敘,兩篇不同時期 阿茲特克帝國14世紀–1521年 | |||||
好圖丫...(果然肯爬下網先囉, 真乖) 那我又好奇問你日問: 帝國的人口也因為各式傳染病從1500萬迅速下降到300萬,這是單指阿之特克的數據,不過就是1519至1525年.就以墨西哥被征服的頭十五年中,就有四百萬多印第安人被迫洗禮那是指帝國瓦解的時候,敢問你印加和中美洲其他地區不存在嗎? 那墨西哥是指甚麼地方, 是現在墨西哥的全境嗎? 「墨西哥」一詞是幾時才出現的? 阿之特克皇朝倒下時, 尚未有一個地方叫「墨西哥」。 難道「墨西哥」不是阿之特克帝國的管治地區嗎? | |||||
>「墨西哥」一詞是幾時才出現的? Oh, that name in fact is copied from the native language from 14th century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_of_Mexico >難道「墨西哥」不是阿之特克帝國的管治地區嗎? Wrong. As much as the word Mexico in fact originally refers only to the Mexico City, particularly a non-contemporary author can refer "Mexico" to the Spanish Colony in America (New Spain), particularly the part which will become the Mexico Empire, which, in turn, can be MUCH bigger than even modern day Mexico. But then of course, with a population of 15million, and still a half way through it's rapid decline, 5 million in 1521 in (former) Aztec Empire is quite reasonable (consider the fact that Catholics tends to shoot people who refuse to convert before it's forbidden by local and international laws) | |||||
那墨西哥是指甚麼地方, 是現在墨西哥的全境嗎? 你還是少平嘴巴,阿茲特克是1512年倒下的,帝國人口從1500萬降降至300萬也是當時帝國領土6年間的事情. 話說其15年間的墨西哥只有指舊帝國領地的墨西哥嗎? 我想這兩筆鉅敘文體各有期間地界表示的歸納, 是不會錯的. | |||||
那你慢慢去想罷。 信仰可以想, 歷史不是靠「想」的。 |
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