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唔緊要 我特別喜歡同啲淫邪佬說教 | |||||
宗教大事錄說五旬節當日, 宗徒能對各地來的群眾說方言, 說他們都聽懂的母語, 現在你來自淫邪世界, 我就跟你說些淫話, 用番你既母語,使你能明白卦 | |||||
乜唔係老鼠就是果件耶稣,果件耶稣就是老鼠咩? bbchan原来拜老鼠喎! | |||||
一來你唔識畫公仔 下次你畫公仔就畫埋腸 唔係唔知你畫乜春夏秋冬 | |||||
冇乜成效。小英又夠talk得中文,doesn't mean習近平會聽佢支笛,識講都冇L用 | |||||
最新研究報告, 佢地拜老鼠, 我地拜貓 ‘Godlike’ Cats Are the Preferred Pets for Atheists, Study Finds 06 January 2020 The study says that since cats play hard to get, they are more likely to be worshipped and thus replaced as a religious symbol for atheists. Not only are cats worshipped at the altar of memes, but even historically they have been believed to possess divine qualities and worshipped by communities across the world. So, a new study published in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion that says atheists are more likely to keep cats as pets because of their ‘godlike’ image kinda makes a lot of sense. Research conducted at the University of Oklahoma found that religious churchgoers who worship more than once a week own 1.4 cats on average, while non-religious folk have an average of two. The study conducted by researcher Samuel Perry that surveyed 2,000 people concluded that the average person often tried to substitute the same thing they seek from religion with pets. “We own pets because we love their company and the special interaction they provide for us. In some ways, pets are actually substitutes for human interaction,” Perry told The Times. He pointed out that people who dutifully follow a religion end up getting adequate social interaction and are less likely to want a feline pet. He also stressed upon the fact that cats could inspire servitude due to their tendency to be loved on their own terms, which often makes the pet owner desperately try to chase this hard-to-get affection. He compared this attitude to that of dogs, who conversely believe their owner is a godlike creature, while cats continue to view themselves as the ones on top. Therefore, the study concludes that due to the lack of any religious symbol to look up to, atheists subconsciously devote their time to caring for cats. | |||||
講咗, 你唔聽笛, 就算忍數㗎哩 天主教唔會死纏爛打既。 「拍拍身上塵土」便會離開㗎哩。 | |||||
笑忍死。。。atheist 要個 religious symbol 托咩 一個出嚟媛交既淑女 | |||||
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KbzJKc2xdww/hqdefault.jpg | |||||
您講得水皮, 鍋鍋都係得個拍字。 拍多兩次, 拍乾净晒做埋無塵道人。 | |||||
攞黎玩下都得啫,唔駛局限religious symbol嘅用途。 | |||||
就係人地攞嚟玩下, 你就貼出嚟當真, 呢下先死。 好比個女同事你跟玩完唔肯鬆, 話同你當真喎。。。。都幾煩下。 | |||||
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Mat 17:27 但恐怕觸犯他們、〔觸犯原文作絆倒〕、你且往海邊去釣魚、把先釣上來的魚拿起來、開了他的口、必得一塊錢、可以拿去給他們、作你我的稅銀。 這古仔很明顯係inspired by魚腸劍,只係搞錯咗部位。條魚口內有一蚊雞,周身唔聚財,點會有心情take the bait? 咬到都呑唔到啦。 唔信您喺屋企魚缸,每條魚個口塞一蚊然後餵佢地,睇下肯唔肯食嘢? 100%係釣上黎之後砌生豬肉砌入去嘅! | |||||
呢個帖就係典型既「聽三隻小豬故事時, 只係去追問: 點解豬會起屋, 豬同狼用乜語言交談」過種蠢貨。 | |||||
魚都有掟口錢則為殯儀業廣告 先生仲讚我又叻仔又乖 | |||||
不如講埋係太陽眼鏡既廣告丫 | |||||
回覆 leefeng 貓克老鼠!正 | |||||
全本性經的所謂神蹟次次被人拎出來當笑話同踢爆造假,基督教快d揾窿捐啦! 信徒冇面唔在講,重衰過過街老鼠,人人喊打! | |||||
如只係靠幾句賤格粗口就話踢爆咗, 林鄭都一早下咗台哩。 |
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