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點解你要用到「倖免於難」呢個詞呢? 神父獨身, 無兒女, 無家庭負擔.... 想去秘魯, 肯亞, 黃刀, 山旮旯傳教事奉都唔使睇老婆臉色, 唔使佢up頭, 拎個篋就行得。 呢啲唔係人人都有既福份嚟。 更不會好似釋迦牟尼咁要拋妻棄子嚟開悟....佢成世尊時, 卻是一個好唔負責任的老公老荳 耶穌會就有唔少傳教士就係咁嚟到中國, 幾十年都唔使卦住返屋企, 甚至老死在中國。 | |||||
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Priest Serving at the Ecumenical Patriarchate Arrested for Stealing April 21, 2023 A Greek Orthodox priest serving at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul (Constantinople) was recently arrested by the Turkish police for stealing a valuable pocket watch from an antique shop. Agathangelos Sisko was arrested on Monday but was released soon after following the intervention of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The moment when Sisko is apparently stealing the watch was caught by a security camera. Turkish TV stations have been extensively reporting on the case: Ecumenical Patriarchate places priest on indefinite leave According to a report by National Herald which first broke the news, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew placed the priest on indefinite leave. Sources told the Greek American newspaper that Bartholomew is terribly troubled and saddened by the incident. The owner of the antique store in Istanbul told the media that “it is a shame because the perpetrator is a member of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and he should have thought about the institution he represents and be more careful.” Siskos has acknowledged he is the person appearing in the video but refused to make any further comment. The priest is reportedly the Arch-Guardian of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. He arrived at the Ecumenical Patriarchate from the city of Kastoria in Greece as a layman and later was ordained. Importance of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Because of its historical location as the capital of the former Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and its role as the mother church of most modern Orthodox churches, Constantinople holds a special place of honor within Orthodoxy. It serves as the seat for the Ecumenical Patriarch, who enjoys the status of primus inter pares (first among equals) among the world’s Eastern Orthodox prelates and is regarded as the representative and spiritual leader of Eastern Orthodox Christians. The status of the Ecumenical Patriarchate is not officially recognized by the Republic of Turkey; Turkey only recognizes the authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate over the Greek minority in Istanbul, and the islands of Imvros and Tenedos. Since 1586 the Ecumenical Patriarchate has had its headquarters in the relatively modest Church of St George in the Fener (Phanar) district of Istanbul. The current territory of the Patriarchate is significantly reduced from what it was at its height. Its canonical territory currently includes most of modern Turkey, northern Greece and Mount Athos, the Dodecanese and Crete. Bartholomew I is the 270th archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch, since 2 November 1991. Born as Dimitrios Arhondonis, in the village of Agios Theodoros on the island of Imbros his tenure has been characterized by intra-Orthodox cooperation, intra-Christian and inter-religious dialogue, and formal visits to Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim leaders seldom previously visited by an ecumenical patriarch. His efforts to promote religious freedom and human rights, his initiatives to advance religious tolerance among the world’s religions, as well as his efforts to promote ecology and the protection of the environment, have been widely noted, and these endeavors have earned him the title “The Green Patriarch”. | |||||
對全心事奉天主既人, 無老婆係福 對你呢啲世俗人..老婆係爽爽....亦係福嚟 | |||||
呢啲唔係人人都有既福份嚟 偷野係惡事, 都係人定既唶, 係啲在道德高地既人指指點點, 要人跟佢過套.. 正所謂聖人不死, 大盜不止嘛 你依家又係到扮緊聖人, 在高地哩喎 | |||||
對全心事奉天主既人, 無老婆係福,因為可以偷人地既老婆,姦埋人地既仔女! 對全心事奉天主既人, 係爽爽,唔使養老婆一樣有得卜, 仔女又唔使養,使唔供書教學勞心勞力,一卜二卜三卜,卜卜脆咧! . | |||||
你既然咁在道德低地,可以建議改過另一套: 全心事奉天主既人, 可以卜女人,卜小孩,卜男人,3p5p有卜的自由。 對全心事奉天主既人, 可以進入任何國家,任何屋企,任取任淫,不信天主的人可以隨便殺隨便姦。 君不見,煩弟肛內很多聖/性人,有死有不死, 所以事奉天主既人可以聖盜同身,神鬼同魂= 廣東話叫做【神又係我,鬼又係我】 . | |||||
神父獨身, 無兒女, 無家庭負擔.... 神父獨身可以呢度去果度去,方便趙完鬆吖馬! 去秘魯, 肯亞, 黃刀, 山旮旯一邊扮傳教,一邊性侵殺小童,玩滅族,誣衊小童係巫童大開殺戒! 又可以玩挑釁當地不肯信教的矛盾,讓他們自相殘殺到血流成河,死剩果啲咪要臣服信教囉! 耶穌會傳教士嚟到中國係要【根據聖經的教導和福音的使命,讓基督教在中國設立掌權者。因為廢王、立王,都在於上帝。為此,基督教徒順服上帝對中國歷史和製度的安排】作間諜,讓基督教可以控制中國,對中國人民洗腦,設立【神的國度】在中國。成功之後論功行賞,天帝契弟的位置一定跑不了! . | |||||
如果話耶穌扮死呢場垃圾戲值得崇拜? 釋迦牟尼更值得人崇拜和尊敬,人地出身高貴是「王子」,而耶穌只不過是一個「騙子」! 釋迦牟尼為了世人可以放棄一切,甚至本来可以做王! 至於耶穌呢?樣樣都想要,不惜偷呃拐騙的地踎流氓黑暴一名! (耶穌四處宣傳佢自己係王,恨做王,恨到癲癲廢廢,反羅馬係為人民咩?錯啦,係為佢自己發埋啲可以做王既春秋大夢) 釋迦牟尼有老婆後宮三千都可以放棄,呢種可以做王都唔做既犠牲幾咁偉大! 耶穌恨到流口水啦!哎喲,我是你們的王?乞嚏! 不過耶穌比釋迦牟尼利害,why? 因為耶穌無老婆,所以全心事奉佢既人, 個個發老婆寒,又冇后宮佳麗三千人,只能天天去淫人妻,淫人子女補充耶穌既性的遺憾囉! . | |||||
我羨慕佢好福氣啫,冇論斷佢喎。 我感懷身世,若果我喺舖頭撻嘢,實畀老婆鬧到隻積。 但神父就冇咁嘅顧慮,真係恨唔到 | |||||
會唔會好似呢條友咁,係畀老婆趕佢出家?8'30" 啊,我醒起啦! 全真七子之中,有馬鈺同孫不二,兩人本來係夫妻,雙雙投重陽真人門下。 https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/9/9/8/n2650547.htm
但貴教有神父冇神母,唔通老公做神父,老婆做修女? | |||||
撻野嗰個神父係東正教架喎...可能有老婆架 | |||||
貴教都有特事特辦。 https://www.ncronline.org/news/f ... iest-celibate-world 日本和尚娶老婆又得 教規,又係聖人不死。咁認真做乜L嘢,自己欏黎煩 http://www.pacilution.com/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=10332 | |||||
無老婆管住,仲可以好方便咁淫人妻女笑呵呵,福氣滿溢。 | |||||
「淫人妻女笑呵呵」呢樣野, 唔少有老婆既男人都做架喎 | |||||
所謂已所不欲,勿施於人,自己畀綠帽人地戴時,都會諗起家中老婆,自己又會唔會同時戴綠帽呢? 咁比起無老婆既神父,有老婆既男人就會有所警惕,出犯既機會相對比較低。 | |||||
你返回現實,講野 唔好咁離地 社會上係咪無「有老婆既男人」出嚟「「淫人妻女笑呵呵」先? 只係無老婆嗰啲先唔識「已所不欲,勿施於人」?? 沙文夠有老婆哩..佢思念上就成日想搞susanna...沙文有冇去雞欄搵走地雞就唔肯定勒 | |||||
我每次淫完人妻女返屋企都提心吊膽驚畀佢發現珠絲馬跡(身上有同佢香水唔同的香水味、恤衫領上同佢唔同色水唇膏痕……等等),或多或少都有一些心理負擔。 點解roman collar凈係中間白?因為下巴中間最不會揩到lipstick stain。 | |||||
沙文淫完人妻女都唔能夠盡情笑呵呵,只能笑咪咪有所顧忌,同埋無老婆阿女的確缺乏咗「已所不欲,勿施於人」心態,都無老婆阿女又如何己所不欲地不淫人妻女? | |||||
美國156神職人員性侵性虐兒童 層層包庇+徇私縱容逾6百人遭狼爪 撰文:張顥庭 許懿安 出版:2023-04-06 19:05更新:2023-04-07 09:47 美國馬里蘭州總檢察長布朗(Anthony Brown)4月5日發表報告,指天主教巴爾的摩總教區(Archdiocese of Baltimore)156名教會人員在過往60多年間曾性侵至少600名兒童,並指責總教區對事件視而不見,多次否認指控。 報告指出自1940年代至2002年間,有156名教會人員反覆地向兒童進行性侵行為,性侵者包括神父、執事、修士、教師及教區其他員工。他們向受害兒童提供酒精和毒品,以及強迫對方進行性行為。 內文不乏令人氣憤髮指的情節,包括2002年一名曾小時擔任輔祭的男子就他1960年代遭性侵犯一事與「色魔神父」對質,豈料對方竟要求受害人過多3年才舉報,好讓他能好好退休。這名勇敢的受害人不予理會,最終「色魔神父」被革職。但他仍獲准住在教會物業,直至找到治療機構的宿位為止。 巴爾的摩總教區大主教洛里(William E. Lori)在回應報告時說,身為牧者與天主教徒,他深感哀傷,覺得羞恥,對於報告提及的個案感到噁心,以及他不得不問自己,這種事怎麼會發生在教會生活中,又怎麼會持續這麼久?(巴爾的摩總教區網站) 另有一個個案顯示,總教區包庇以及縱容戀童的神職人員繼續接觸兒童。1995年,一名神父承認侵犯過數名受害人後,總教區將他送往另一處,入院接受精神治療,目的是助他免遭刑事起訴,但他最終被控以及被定罪。這名神父2019年對檢察官辦公室作供時說,他曾向一名教會職員訴說,為自己的戀童癖感到困擾,對方卻對他說: 你是一位好神父,不要擔心這個。 神父向教會職員訴說自己有戀童癖的困擾,對方卻「耍走他」 馬里蘭州總檢察長布朗指出,這些受害者經歷揭示着虐待兒童並隱瞞事實的人們的共通行徑,即這些施虐者一律對受害者本人、他們的家庭及社區擁有絕對權威及權力。 他表示,受害者現時才能討回公道可能為時已晚,因部份人已經去世,但希望揭露教區多年來的違法行為,可促進建立問責制,並鼓勵其他人挺身而出。報告還建議馬里蘭州修改涉及兒童性虐待的民事訴訟時效,但不會構成刑事起訴。 巴爾的摩總教區大主教洛里(William E. Lori)在回應報告時說,他希望天主教中心會有一個新的文化,將繼續鼓勵受害人站出來。(巴爾的摩總教區網站) 總教區致歉 巴爾的摩總教區大主教洛里(William E. Lori)之後發聲明向受害者致歉,指報告詳述教區在歷史上一段應受譴責的時期,「不會被掩蓋、忽視或遺忘」,又指教區已在1990年代起徹底改變,性侵事件逐年減少,強調教區組織已同過往不同。 原文網址: 美國156神職人員性侵性虐兒童 層層包庇+徇私縱容逾6百人遭狼爪 | 香港01 https://www.hk01.com/article/885339 |
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