Hubby: "When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears." Wife: "You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you?" Hubby: "Yes! I see your picture and ask myself, what other problem can there be greater than this one?" | |||||
以後遇到持有股票股價下跌時,就望一望牆上的舊傷痕, 心裡就跟自已說,就算情况再差,咪當夠時侯換新牆紙, 改善一下環境囉。 | |||||
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2007-9-8 00:46 發表 想不到b股仙都有落泊時。 「人生可比是海上的波浪 有時起有時落」-- 愛拼才會贏 加油啊! | |||||
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It's very kind of you, sweetie, but I don't have any worries or troubles. That's because we aren't married yet. | |||||
袋多個銀包law 死蠢 | |||||
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你都係想袋相之嘛...袋幾多錢 你自己就住啦 1蚊都係錢掛 | |||||
佢唔駛搜查令架 | |||||
香港d 閃卡有一種特野卡 可以將閃卡之內再臧一張閃卡 是為"閃中閃" 你可以參考下呢種技術 你老婆再醒都唔會撕開自己張相離搜掛 | |||||
Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting? NO, because you make me sick. |