美玩蛇牧師被響尾蛇咬死 2012/06/01 【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】美國西維珍尼亞州一名多年來以玩蛇去證明對上帝信念的牧師,被一條粗鱗響尾蛇咬死。 一名攝影師和一名親屬表示,沃爾福德在周日主持一個涉及蛇的戶外儀式期間被蛇咬,翌日在醫院不治。 美玩蛇牧師被響尾蛇咬死 http://news.on.cc/cnt/world/20120601/bkn-20120601043700364-0601_00902_001.html | |||||
只能說這位牧師不小心踩中條文漏洞 移鼠大聖說信他的人手能拿蛇,喝了毒物不會受害,但沒有說被蛇咬了不會中毒啊 | |||||
琳達朗( Linda F. Long)參加「東倫敦至善論派會」( East London Holiness Church)。該教會相信聖經說信耶穌的人能拿蛇而不受害,便進行儀式讓教徒用手拿毒蛇。結果一個女教徒被咬傷,中毒身亡。 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2006 Woman fatally bitten by snake in church A woman who was bitten by a snake at a church that neighbors say practices serpent handling died of her wounds hours later, a newspaper reported. Linda Long, 48, was bitten Sunday at East London Holiness Church, where neighbors said the reptiles are handled as part of religious services, The Lexington Herald-Leader reported Tuesday. Long died at University of Kentucky Medical Center about four hours after being bitten, authorities told the newspaper. "She said she was bitten by a snake at her church," said Lt. Ed Sizemore of the Laurel County Sheriff's Office. Handling reptiles as part of religious services is illegal in Kentucky. Snake handling is a misdemeanor and punishable by a $50 to $100 fine. Police said they had not received any reports of snake handling at the church. Snake handling is based on a passage in the Bible that says a sign of a true believer is the power to "take up serpents" without being harmed. Church officials could not be reached for comment. Copyright © 2006 The Associated Press. Woman fatally bitten by snake in church http://newsnotwanted.blogspot.com/2006_11_08_archive.html | |||||
又有人採中條文漏洞.........害人匪淺 | |||||
那又未必實死。一旦被咬中毒, 就是病人。 根據經文:"手按病人,病人就必好了。" 只要自己按自己,應可化險為夷 | |||||
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但我想其他宗教也有很神職人員死於非命吧。 沒甚麼特別的。 |