Fate of white doves unclear after being released by children standing alongside pontiff in front of crowd in St Peter's Square
Two white doves that were released as a peace gesture by children standing alongside Pope Francis were attacked by other birds. As tens of thousands of people watched in St Peter's Square on Sunday, a seagull and a large black crow swept down on the doves after they were set free from an open window of the Apostolic Palace. One dove lost some feathers as it broke free from the gull. But the crow pecked repeatedly at the other dove. It was not clear what happened to the doves as they flew off. Speaking at the window beforehand, Francis appealed for peace in Ukraine, where anti-government protesters have died. | |||||
http://balloonsblow.org/ 避免「和平鴿」浴血 教宗祈禱會上改放汽球 梵蒂岡和平鴿終於得享和平。教宗方濟各昨日在聖伯多祿廣場的和平祈禱會上改放彩色汽球,取代白鴿傳遞世界和平的訊息。 該傳統儀式當年由若望保祿二世發起,每年一月最後一個星期日在廣場祈禱,然後由小朋友在宗座宮(Apostolic Palace)窗邊放生一對白鴿,祝願世界和平。 不過,去年鴿子一放生就被海鷗攻擊,全球直播見證和平鴿「見血」,惹來愛護動物團體批評,他們指出教宗聖名來自愛護動物著稱的聖人方濟各(Francis of Assisi),促他停止這項「虐畜」的儀式。教宗今年從善如流,以放汽球代替放鴿。 鴿子在天主教義中是和平象徵,聖經故事「挪亞方舟」中,挪亞在大洪水後放鴿找尋陸地,最後鴿子含着橄欖枝回到方舟上,代表浩劫結束。 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/re ... l/20150126/53372435 |